Senate’s Role in University Governance
According to the University Charter, Mount Saint Vincent University is governed by a bi-cameral structure consisting of the Board of Governors and the Senate. The Board of Governors is charged with the fiduciary responsibility for governance, conduct, management and control of the University’s assets, and the Senate is the academic governing body of the Mount and is responsible for the academic policy of the University. It determines, in its own Senate-ByLaws, its composition, members’ terms of office, and internal procedures.
Senate Responsibilities
The Senate is responsible for the academic policy of the University and has statutory authority to regulate academic programs; set courses of study and standards for admission and continued enrolment; establish procedures for the evaluation of student performance; approve recipients of certificates, diplomas and degrees (including Honorary degrees); provide for the convening and conduct of convocations; determine fellowships, scholarships, bursaries, medals, prizes and other awards; be responsible for library policy; determine the academic qualifications for appointment and promotion of faculty; determine (subject to ratification by the University’s Board of Governors) the academic terms on which any faculty, school, institute, department, chair or course of instruction may be established or discontinued and on which any agreement for academic co-operation may be made with individuals or groups outside the University; regulate the conduct, activities and discipline of students, appoint committees (including executive) and delegate any powers it deems advisable, and exercise other functions, powers and duties conferred on it or assigned to it by the Board.
Senate Secretary
The Secretary of Senate is a non-voting member elected by Senate for a three-year term. The Secretary of Senate is normally the first person to contact with questions or issues about Senate or its work. For additional information concerning The Senate of Mount Saint Vincent University, contact Senate Secretary Professor Paula Crouse (