An Exploration Into Forms of Cultural Expression, Practices, Analysis, and Context

Cultural Studies at MSVU

Who, What, Why, When, Where and How?

Cultural Studies at the Mount explores the analysis and theory surrounding many forms of culture, from practices and traditions to more material goods like dress and stories. The exploration of culture spans many contexts including factors of time, space and power, as well as various forms of media like Speculative fiction, Film and Music.
Courses in cultural studies take a more hands-on approach to such analysis and theory, so students are expected to bring their thinking caps to class and participate in the conversation. Participation in discussions is one of the main keys to success within Cultural Studies, as long as students are engaging in the conversation then they will know how to continue those discussions onto paper to complete assignments.

Why Cultural Studies?

Courses in Cultural Studies are exactly as they say on the tin, analyzing and discussing important topics that are relevant not only within the field itself, but truly support the work of many other areas within the Humanities and Sciences. Our courses contain robust content that truly add to a round academic experience, teaching many (transferable and employable skills.)

Program Requirements

With many options and opportunities to apply Cultural Studies to your academic career, students are encouraged to explore the Program Requirements page for more information. Any students looking for further advisory on the program should contact Randi Warne.


Our wonderful faculty within Cultural Studies work to facilitate an environment of collaborative discussion and analysis within the classroom supported by rich cultural materials with a more hands-on approach to an understanding of theory and practice. For more information on our cohort check out our Faculty Profiles.

Contact Us

For any questions or inquiries, please contact us, and we will get back to as soon as possible. For student advising on Cultural Studies, please contact Randi Warne.