Program Highlights

Mathematics is one of the most original products of the human mind. It has many important applications in science, engineering, and statistics, but mathematics is also an important field of study for its own sake. Throughout history, each culture has developed its own mathematics to solve its problems. Today there is an internationally accepted mathematics that is studied and used across the world. With our increasing need for information and technology, mathematics will play an even more important role in most occupations and fields of study. It will also continue to be a critical topic in the history of ideas, documenting fundamental modes of human thought.

Why Take Math and Statistics?

Some students may take math courses that apply only to their individual areas of study. Others may wish to minor or major in the subject and pursue careers in teaching, statistics, computer science, actuarial science, or many other areas. Whether studied for its many applications or for the beauty of its logical structure and expressive power, mathematics will reward the effort of students with a deeper understanding of the world and how it works.

Placement Tests

In order to register for Math 1102 (Precalculus I), Math 1113 (Introductory Calculus I) and/or MATH 2500 (Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis) you must take the math placement test first regardless of the math you took in high school. The only exceptions to this are:

  • If you have already completed MATH 0027 (Statistics and Mathematics Preparation) and passed in the last three years with a grade of C or higher if registering for MATH 1102 (Precalculus I)
  • If you have already completed Math 1103 (Precalculus II) if registering for MATH 1113 (Introductory Calculus)
  • If you have already completed MATH 1102 with a grade of C- or higher if registering in MATH 2500 (Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis)
  • If you have an equivalent Mathematics credit from another university to satisfy one of the exceptions above

Online Test Dates for Summer Session 1 2025:
Thursday, February 20 from 7:00-9:00pm
Saturday, March 15 from 7:00-9:00pm
Saturday, April 5 from 7:00-9:00pm

In person Test Date – Early Advising & Registration 2025 (in Seton 329/331)
Friday, March 28 from 1:00-:300pm

To do the test at any of the scheduled times you must register at least 24 hours ahead of time with the Mathematics Department at:, stating which day you plan to write the test.

On the day of the test, we will send you an email that will contain the link and the password you need to access the test.

Note that you will need to use your MSVU mail and password to access the site so make sure you know these before this date.

Also please note that the test will be open and accessible only for the two hours for which it is scheduled.

Additional Information

  • The test is multiple choice
  • There is no penalty for wrong answers so be sure to answer all questions
  • There is a time limit of 2 hours
  • You may use a non-graphing calculator
  • You will be contacted within 24 hours of writing the placement test
  • Results will be used to recommend which course the student should be registered in
  • Scores are not part of a formal assessment and will not appear on the student’s transcript
  • University regulations against plagiarizing and cheating will be strictly enforced.

Placement Test Practice Questions & Answers

If you have any questions regarding the placement test, or if you are not available during the testing times, please contact the department at