2025-2026 Academic Year

Undergraduate Academic Calendar information header

Peter Mombourquette, BA (CBU), BEd (St.FX), MBA (SMU), DBA (USQ), Professor

Coordinator – Tourism and Hospitality Management
Paulette Cormier-MacBurnie, BScHUE (MSVU), MAEd (MSVU), Assistant Professor

The objective of the diploma program in tourism and hospitality management is to increase and enrich the knowledge acquired during the certificate program.

Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for the Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management are the same as for the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Transfer or non-degree students must have a GPA of 2.0 over 3.0 units. Please refer to 2.1.4 Admission Requirements and 2.1.6 Additional Admission Requirements.

Normally, a student may repeat a course in the Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management program only once.

Students can enroll in the Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management as a separate program or concurrently with another MSVU program. Both the diploma and degree may be taken concurrently. If taken concurrently, the Principles Governing the Awarding of Multiple Credentials will be in effect. If not earned concurrently, the University regulations regarding a second credential will be in effect. Students are advised to review 2.1.5 Holders of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates and 2.1.14 Principles Governing the Awarding of Multiple Credentials during program planning and completion.

Students cannot transfer into this program without specific permission from the Registrar.

The diploma may be completed through distance learning on a full-time or part-time basis.

A Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management requires successful completion of the following 12.0 units:

❏ BUSI 1112 (0.5 unit)

❏ BUSI 2202/THMT 2202 (0.5 unit)

❏ BUSI 2214 (0.5 unit)

❏ BUSI 2215 (0.5 unit)

❏ BUSI 2230 (0.5 unit)

❏ BUSI 2259 (0.5 unit)

❏ BUSI 2321(0.5 unit)

❏ COMM 2211 (0.5 unit)

❏ ECON 1101 (0.5 unit)

❏ ECON 1102 (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT 1101 (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT 1116 (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT 1201 (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT 2205 (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT 2216 (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT 2221 (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT/BUSI 2307 (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT/BUSI 2430 (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT 3221* (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT 3401 (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT 2299 Work Experience Term I (455 hours)

❏ 1.0 unit of Arts and/or Science electives

❏ 1.0 unit of electives selected from the following:
BUSI 3313 (0.5 unit)
THMT 3305 (0.5 unit)
and those Tourism electives listed below:
(prerequisites must be met)

*If, in any year, this course is not available, Tourism and Hospitality Management students may substitute BUSI 3320 for THMT 3221 with permission from the department Chair.

Tourism Electives
BUSI 3314 0.5 unit
BUSI/WOMS 4406 0.5 unit
THMT 2201 0.5 unit
THMT/BUSI 2225 0.5 unit
THMT 2244 0.5 unit
THMT 2301 0.5 unit
THMT/BUSI 3311 0.5 unit
THMT 3316 0.5 unit
THMT 3317 0.5 unit
THMT 3323 0.5 unit
THMT 3380 0.5 unit
THMT 3402 0.5 unit
THMT 4407 0.5 unit
THMT/BUSI 4410 0.5 unit
THMT 4411 0.5 unit
THMT 4421 0.5 unit
THMT 4444 0.5 unit
THMT/BUSI 4446 0.5 unit
THMT 4490 0.5 unit
THMT 4491 0.5 unit

Students who wish to continue beyond the diploma may apply for admission to the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management degree program. The following 8.0 units would be required for completion of the degree:

❏ BUSI 3313 (0.5 unit)

❏ BUSI 4400 (0.5 unit)

❏ MATH 2208 (0.5 unit) or MATH 2500*

❏ THMT 3305 (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT 3362 (0.5 unit)

❏ BUSI/THMT 4430 (0.5 unit)

❏ THMT 4442 (0.5 unit)

❏ 0.5 unit of Humanities elective

❏ 1.5 units of Arts and/or Science electives

❏ 2.0 units of electives, 1.0 unit of which must be at the 4000 level selected from the following:
Tourism Electives
BUSI 3314 0.5 unit
BUSI/WOMS 4406 0.5 unit
THMT 2201 0.5 unit
THMT/BUSI 2225 0.5 unit
THMT 2244 0.5 unit
THMT 2301 0.5 unit
THMT/BUSI 3311 0.5 unit
THMT 3316 0.5 unit
THMT 3317 0.5 unit
THMT 3323 0.5 unit
THMT 3380 0.5 unit
THMT 3402 0.5 unit
THMT 4407 0.5 unit
THMT/BUSI 4410 0.5 unit
THMT 4411 0.5 unit
THMT 4421 0.5 unit
THMT 4444 0.5 unit
THMT/BUSI 4446 0.5 unit
THMT 4490 0.5 unit
THMT 4491 0.5 unit
(prerequisites must be met)

❏ 0.5 unit of electives

❏ THMT 3399 Work Experience Term II (455 hours)

*To register for MATH 2500, Students must successfully complete a mathematics placement test

Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.

For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.

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