Students wishing to do an honours degree must make written application through the department Chair. Applicants must have completed at least 12.5 units of university credit, including PSYC 3301, have a GPA of at least 3.0 in Psychology courses, and the agreement of a faculty member to supervise the thesis. Admission to honours, however, is subject to department approval. The department Chair will notify the applicant of the department’s decision. Applicants should review the requirements for PSYC 4499.
The Mount also offers a limited enrollment internship option.
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) – Psychology
Students must successfully complete 20.0 units with the following requirements:
❏ a minimum of 10.0 and a maximum of 12.0 units in the honours subject as follows;
- PSYC 1110 and 1120
- PSYC 2217, 2221, 2222, 3301, 3312, 3370, and 4499
- 0.5 unit selected from PSYC 2206, 2216, 3332, 4417, or 4432
- PSYC 3335
- 0.5 unit selected from PSYC 4405, 4406, 4407, 4417 or 4432
- 1.0 unit selected from PSYC 2205, 2208, 2213, 2220, 2225, 2265, 2267, 2270, 3302, 3305, 3309, 3313, 3315, 3317, 3333, 3334, 3365, 4407, 4410 (Applied/Social stream)
- 1.0 unit selected from PSYC 2206, 2214, 2215, 2216, 2250, 2260, 3310, 3311, 3319, 3332, 4417, 4432 (Biological/Cognitive stream)
- 1.5 additional units of PSYC
- a further 2.0 units of PSYC may be included
- overall, 3.5 units of PSYC must be at the 3000 level or above
❏ Note: Courses that are listed in more than one requirement or stream may only be used to fulfill a single requirement
❏ MATH 2208 and 2209
❏ 0.5 unit selected from COMM 1501, COMM/PBRL 2211, LIBR 2100, or WRIT 1120
❏ a minor consisting of 3.0 units in an Arts or Professional Studies discipline as specified by the department offering the minor. Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the required 3.0 units
❏ 1.0 unit from each core group A, B, and C listed under the Bachelor of Arts (General Studies) (exclusive of the honours subject):
- Core A – Sciences & Mathematics (1.0 unit)
(Note: Core A is fulfilled by MATH 2208 and 2209)
- Core B – Social Sciences (1.0 unit)
- Core C – Humanities (1.0 unit)
❏ obtain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a grade of at least C- in 10.0 units of the required PSYC honours courses
❏ achieve a minimum of B- in the honours thesis
❏ obtain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better in all courses counted for the degree beyond the first 5.0 units taken
❏ Note: No more than 4.0 units from professional areas may be counted toward the degree. Courses included in the Applied Human Nutrition science minor will not be counted as professional electives.
Note: First-class honours will be awarded to students who maintain a GPA of 3.5 or better in 10.0 units in the honours subject and no grade below B- in all courses counted for the degree beyond the first 5.0 units taken.
Bachelor of Science (Honours) – Psychology
Students must successfully complete 20.0 units with the following requirements:
❏ a minimum of 10.0 and a maximum of 12.0 units in the honours subject as follows;
- PSYC 1110 and 1120
- PSYC 2217, 2221, 2222, 3301, 3312, 3370, and 4499
- 0.5 unit selected from PSYC 2206, 2216, 3332, 4417, or 4432
- PSYC 3335
- 0.5 unit selected from PSYC 4405, 4406, 4407, 4417 or 4432
- 1.0 unit selected from PSYC 2205, 2208, 2213, 2220, 2225, 2265, 2267, 2270, 3302, 3305, 3309, 3313, 3315, 3317, 3333, 3334, 3365, 4407, 4410 (Applied/Social stream)
- 1.0 unit selected from PSYC 2206, 2214, 2215, 2216, 2250, 2260, 3310, 3311, 3319, 3332, 4417, 4432 (Biological/Cognitive stream)
- 1.5 additional units of PSYC
- a further 2.0 units of PSYC may be included
- overall, 3.5 units of PSYC must be at the 3000 level or above
❏ Note: Courses that are listed in more than one requirement or stream may only be used to fulfill a single requirement
❏ MATH 2208 and 2209
❏ 0.5 unit selected from COMM 1501, COMM/PBRL 2211, LIBR 2100, or WRIT 1120
❏ a minor consisting of 3.0 units in a science field (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Neuroscience, Physics, Science Communication, Statistics and Data Analytics or designated Applied Human Nutrition courses) as specified by the department. Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the required 3.0 units
❏ 1.0 unit from each core group A, B, and C listed under the Bachelor of Arts (General Studies) (exclusive of the honours subject):
- Core A – Sciences & Mathematics (1.0 unit)
(Note: Core A is fulfilled by MATH 2208 and 2209)
- Core B – Social Sciences (1.0 unit)
- Core C – Humanities (1.0 unit)
❏ obtain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a grade of at least C- in 10.0 units of the required PSYC honours courses
❏ achieve a minimum of B- in the honours thesis
❏ obtain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better in all courses counted for the degree beyond the first 5.0 units taken
❏ Note: No more than 4.0 units from professional areas may be counted toward the degree. Courses included in the Applied Human Nutrition science minor will not be counted as professional electives.
Note: First-class honours will be awarded to students who maintain a GPA of 3.5 or better in 10.0 units in the honours subject and no grade below B- in all courses counted for the degree beyond the first 5.0 units taken.