Program Requirements

2025-2026 Academic Year

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Christine McLean, BCS (Mount Saint Vincent University), B Ed (Acadia), M Ed (University of Cincinnati), PhD (University of Toronto, OISE), Associate Professor

The Child and Youth Study program prepares students for careers in a wide variety of programs and services for children, youth and families. Students will normally focus on early childhood/child care administration or inclusion needs or youth care, but may take courses related to more than one area.

Students interested in teaching can apply for admission to Bachelor of Education (Elementary) programs upon completion of the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study).

All students must seek academic advising once admitted to the program. Students planning on applying to Education should seek advice on choice of electives.

Admission Requirements
Please refer to 2.1.4 Admission Requirements and 2.1.6 Additional Admission Requirements.

Transfer Requirements
In order to transfer into the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study) program from another university program, students must have maintained a GPA of 2.0 in their previous 5.0 units at university. Please review Requirements for Transfer Students.

Students must successfully complete 22.0 units with the following requirements:

❏ successful completion of 2.0 units of supervised practicum, at least 0.5 unit of which must be completed under CHYS Department supervision
❏ obtain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in 9.0 units of required coursework including the 8.5 units of required professional coursework (excluding NUTR 2240 and PSYC 2222)
Note: Practicum courses (CHYS 2251, 3351, 3352 and 4451) cannot be counted in the calculation of the GPA
❏ students may complete a minor by fulfilling the requirements for the minor as specified by the department offering the minor. Students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the required 3.0 units

Required Child and Youth Study Courses (9.0 units)
❏ CHYS 1110 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 1120 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 1130 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 1140 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 2201 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 2208 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 2209 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 3311 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 3320 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 3336 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 4407 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 4416 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 4417 0.5 unit
❏ NUTR 2240 0.5 unit
❏ 2.0 units of CHYS electives

Required Practicum (2.0 units)
❏ CHYS 2251 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 3351 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 3352 0.5 unit
❏ CHYS 4451 0.5 unit

Required Arts and Science Courses (6.5 units)
❏ BIOL 1114 0.5 unit
❏ ENGL and/or WRIT 1.0 unit
❏ HIST 1.0 unit
❏ LIBR 2100 0.5 unit
❏ MATH 2208 0.5 unit
❏ PSYC 1110 0.5 unit
❏ PSYC 1120 0.5 unit
❏ PSYC 2221 0.5 unit
❏ PSYC 2222 0.5 unit
❏ 0.5 unit selected from disciplines listed in Core B – Social Sciences and Core C – Humanities (exclusive of those required for the degree)
❏ 0.5 unit selected from FSGN 2212, FSGN 2312 and SOAN 2520

Elective Courses (4.5 units)
❏ 4.5 units of electives 4.0 units
Note: A minimum of 0.5 unit must be arts and/or science electives at the 2000 level or above.

Child and Youth Study Practicum
Practicum is restricted to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts (CYS) degree. Students complete supervised practicum placements in a variety of community-based programs and services for children, youth and families. These practica are completed on Tuesdays and Thursdays or Wednesday and Fridays during the fall and winter academic terms, or as four-week block placements (Monday to Friday) during Summer Sessions I & II. Students may not enrol in other daytime classes on practica days. Before any placement, students must meet the following prerequisites:

  1. a CGPA of 2.0 or higher at the end of the academic term prior to the practicum experience
  2. completion of all prerequisites for the practicum for which they intend to register.

Students who fail to complete any practicum successfully will not be permitted to continue in the program.

Child Abuse Register, Vulnerable Sector Check and First Aid Certification
Students are required to obtain the following documents in accordance with department regulations: Child Abuse Registry letter, Vulnerable Sector Check and Emergency First Aid & CPR “C”/AED certificate. Go to for information on obtaining the required documentation. In accordance with government of Nova Scotia requirements students who do not produce the required documentation will not be permitted to proceed with the practicum.

Note: Students are required to meet all department policies and deadlines regarding practica.

Students wishing to obtain an honours degree must make formal application through the department Chair by May 1 of the third year of the program or after the completion of 15.0 units.

Minimum requirements for acceptance into the honours degree are a GPA of 3.0 in 10.0 of the required academic units listed in the first three years of the program with a grade of at least C- in each of these units.

Students must fulfill the following requirements:
❏ fulfilment of all the requirements of the 22.0 unit degree including the completion of CHYS 4499
❏ 1.0 unit from each core group A, B, and C:

  • Core A – Sciences & Mathematics (1.0 unit)
  • Core B – Social Sciences (1.0 unit)
  • Core C – Humanities (1.0 unit)

❏ obtain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a grade of at least C- in 10.0 units of the required CHYS courses
❏ achieve a minimum of B- in CHYS 3311
❏ achieve a minimum of B- in CHYS 4499
❏ obtain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better in all courses counted for the degree beyond the first 5.0 units taken

Note: First-class honours will be awarded to students who maintain a GPA of 3.5 or better in 10.0 units in the honours subject and no grade below B- in all courses counted for the degree beyond the first 5.0 units taken.

Honours Certificate

Students who have graduated from the Mount with a Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study) may apply to do an honours certificate. Students must fulfill the requirements for the honours degree listed above and meet the University regulations regarding honours certificates.

Child and Youth Study students have the opportunity to pursue a 4.0 unit concentration in Early Childhood Education. Students must complete 8 of the following 0.5 unit courses to fulfill the requirements for this concentration:
❏ CHYS 1140, 2140, 2208, 2601, 3601, 3602, 3603, 4424
❏ NUTR 2240

Students must meet the prerequisites for all courses, achieve a GPA of 2.0 in the required 4.0 units of the concentration, and complete a minimum of 50 percent of the coursework required for the concentration through Mount courses

To obtain a minor in Child and Youth Study, students must fulfill the following requirements:
❏ CHYS 1110 and 1130
❏ 2.0 units selected from CHYS 2201, 2209, 3305, 3320, 3323, 3327, 3333, 3339, 4416, NUTR 2240, PSYC 2206

Students must meet the prerequisites for all courses, achieve a GPA of 2.0 in the required 3.0 units of the minor, and complete a minimum of 50 percent of the coursework required for the minor through Mount courses.

Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 1, 2025 to August 31, 2026.

For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.

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