Program Highlights
The Mount is proud to offer the only university-level Child & Youth Study program in Atlantic Canada. Students in our program engage in practical training and theoretical explorations in child and youth work, early childhood education, as well as early intervention and inclusive development. As strong supporters of experiential learning we are pleased to offer our undergraduates four supervised practicum placements which enable our students to apply the knowledge that they have learned in the classroom to hands-on, real-world experience. We also offer a Master of Arts in Child and Youth Study.
The BA(CYS) degree is offered through a variety of delivery modes, with an emphasis on small class sizes, classroom engagement, and environments designed to support students’ learning and success. Courses are supported through Moodle/Collaborate. For more details on the program, contact the Department of Child and Youth Study via our Administrative Assistant, Sandra Schnare
Our Department is committed to laying the groundwork for future leaders in the ECE and Child and Youth care fields. Your BA(CYS) degree will also prepare your for further education and professional preparation in Child and Youth Study, Education, Speech Language Pathology, Child Life and Social Work.
Child and Youth Study Faculty Welcome
The Dept. of Child and Youth Study introduces its newest faculty member: Dr. Rebeca Heringer (Assistant Professor, tenure track).
Dr. Heringer holds a PhD and MEd in Education from the University of Manitoba, and a BA in Social Communications from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Born and raised in Brazil, Dr. Heringer has worked with children and youth in poverty, children and youth with disabilities, refugee and immigrants in Canada, Brazil, Hungary, and Kenya.
Some of her current teaching and research interests include: Culturally responsive teaching; (Forced) migrations and subsequent exclusions, oppressions, and inequities in education; Anti-racism and inclusive education; Children & youth well-being; Philosophical foundations of education; Research ethics & anti-oppressive research methodologies.
To learn more about Rebeca and her research please visit her faculty profile page.
Welcome Rebeca!
Statement by the MSVU Department of Child & Youth Study on the impact of the war in Gaza and the Middle East
We, the faculty and staff of the Department of Child and Youth Study at Mount Saint Vincent University, stand with children affected by the war in Gaza and the Middle East. We continue to be horrified by the egregious violence being perpetrated against children and the appalling impacts. We are also deeply troubled by the rise in Islamophobia and Antisemitism in our communities and particularly concerned about the impact of violence and hate in children’s lives. As professionals who work with children and youth, we are committed to protecting children from violence and creating safer spaces to help all children and youth thrive. To the Mount students who are affected by the violence in the Middle East and the alarming rise in hate, please know we care about you, we are committed to challenging violence in all its forms, and to championing peace for and with the children and youth we care so deeply about.