Sharing the stories of our community

We have wonderful stories to tell at the Mount and we are dedicated to sharing them with the world.
A wide range of experts are available to speak on topics such as parenting, aging, social policy, politics,
and small business. Contact us to learn more.

Learning the language

Posted: 18 July 2016


Examining assessment in teaching English as a second language Assistant Professor of Education at the Mount Dr. Christine Doe is studying what it means to teach, learn and assess English as a second language across…

Putting a gender spotlight on Canadian defence policy

Posted: 14 July 2016


Dr. Maya Eichler part of National Defence Policy Review Roundtable Dr. Maya Eichler is an assistant professor in the departments of political and Canadian studies as well as women’s studies at the Mount; she also…

Psychology faculty lighting up minds at the Mount

Posted: 7 July 2016


Did you know? Mount psychology faculty have a vast array of research interests and are some of the best in their fields.Dr. Angie Birt, for example, is exploring aspects of human memory, in particular the…

Not just another summer camp

Posted: 5 July 2016


Science summer camp for girls in its fifth year at the Mount Camp is to summer what peanut butter is to jelly. But one camp at Mount Saint Vincent University is all about breaking norms…

Critical connections

Posted: 22 June 2016


Mount international student graduate helping others build careers through connection Christine Qin Yang, originally from Fuzhou, China, understands the importance of networking and putting yourself out there in order to build a life in a…

Mother and daughters graduate together

Posted: 17 June 2016


Story Update On May 19, 2016, Mary Lou Bouchard and daughters Jenny and Liana Clifford crossed the stage at spring convocation, graduating with their bachelor degrees in Child & Youth Study. Several media featured their…