Sharing the stories of our community

We have wonderful stories to tell at the Mount and we are dedicated to sharing them with the world.
A wide range of experts are available to speak on topics such as parenting, aging, social policy, politics,
and small business. Contact us to learn more.

The Mount Celebrates African Heritage Month

Posted: 6 February 2014


Celebrate 30 years of African Heritage Month A number of events will be taking place at the Mount during the month of February in celebration of African Heritage Month. Organized by Mount students of African…

Caritas Day 2014: Highlights

Posted: 30 January 2014


Mount community dedicates a day to doing good deeds throughout Halifax. The spirit of caring was alive and well on Wednesday, January 29, as students, faculty and staff recognized Caritas Day, the Mount’s annual celebration…

Happy Holidays from the Mount

Posted: 23 December 2013


Check us out over the holiday break! Thinking that the Mount might be the right school for you? Whether you’d like to start classes this January or you’re gathering information to apply for September 2014,…

From one Mount grad to a movement: 100 Women Who Care

Posted: 16 December 2013


Colette Robicheau is creating a community of goodwill in support of local non-profit groups. Although chilly weather has set in for much of Nova Scotia, the warmth of the community remains strong throughout the holiday…

Pop-up gallery at the Mount sheds light on migrant experiences

Posted: 13 November 2013


Participatory photography project helps immigrants document, reflect upon, and share their experiences as newcomers to Nova Scotia. On Thursday, November 14, the Mount will showcase the lives of newcomers to Nova Scotia through a pop-up…