Sharing the stories of our community

We have wonderful stories to tell at the Mount and we are dedicated to sharing them with the world.
A wide range of experts are available to speak on topics such as parenting, aging, social policy, politics,
and small business. Contact us to learn more.

Mount launches virtual Women’s Wall of Honour

Posted: 8 May 2012


Mother’s Day Marks Start of Unique Mount Project to Celebrate Women Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax has launched a virtual Wall of Honour to celebrate the lives of everyday women. Unique in Canada, the…

Noted journalist Sally Armstrong to speak at the Mount

Posted: 30 April 2012


Discussion to focus on the road ahead for girls and women in Afghanistan Well-known journalist, author and human rights activist Sally Armstrong will visit the Mount on Thursday, May 3 for a discussion on the…

Mount Food Competition Attracts Top Developers

Posted: 23 March 2012


Some of the region’s aspiring food product developers will descend on the Mount for an all-day competition on March 30. The Mission ImPULSEible event, organized in partnership with Pulse Canada, is designed to showcase the…

Mount ‘Human Library’ To Encourage Dialogue Around Diversity

Posted: 15 March 2012


Halifax, NS – Mount Saint Vincent University (the Mount) is hosting Halifax’s first official ‘Human Library Event’ to give first-year sociology students the chance to put key sociological concepts into action and to encourage dialogue…