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New PhD in Educational Studies offered in Nova Scotia

Posted: 1 October 2010


Due to the collaboration and innovation of three Nova Scotian Universities, students are now able to study for their PhD in Educational Studies for the first time in Nova Scotia. The Inter-University Doctoral Program in…

Mount Saint Vincent University goes even greener

Posted: 28 September 2010


(l-r) Bruce MacNeil, the Mount’s Director of Facilities Management, Brian Jessop, the Mount’s VP Administration, Jim Bracken, President of Heritage Gas, Alexa McDonough, the Mount’s Interim President, and Bill Estabrooks, Energy Minister Mount Saint Vincent…

Mount celebrates International Day of Peace with Peaceful School designation

Posted: 22 September 2010


(l-r): Sherida Hassanali, the Mount’s Equity Officer, Alexa McDonough, the Mount’s Interim President and Clare Levin, Executive Director of Peaceful Schools International The chilly fall air didn’t stop members of the Mount and general community, including…

Mount student inspires with her commitment to volunteering

Posted: 21 September 2010


Involvement in the community can be an excellent way to enhance your university experience, as Amy Seeton would surely agree. With her involvement in a variety of volunteer and charitable endeavours, Amy is intent on…

Meaningful novelty: The first MA (PR) student defends his thesis

Posted: 3 September 2010


  Following his thesis defense, Gerald (third from left), thanks thesis committee member Tony Yue, his thesis advisor Dr. DeNel Rehberg Sedo, and thesis committee member Dr. Alla Kushniryk for their guidance through the process. It’s a…