Sharing the stories of our community

We have wonderful stories to tell at the Mount and we are dedicated to sharing them with the world.
A wide range of experts are available to speak on topics such as parenting, aging, social policy, politics,
and small business. Contact us to learn more.

Marriott Foundation grant to benefit MSVU tourism students

Posted: 21 February 2019


(Source: Marriott International Corporate Archives) Students in the Tourism & Hospitality Management program at Mount Saint Vincent University will soon be making connections across the country and beyond thanks to a $50,000 grant from The…

Meet new Mount librarian Sandra Sawchuk

Posted: 14 February 2019


On the importance of making research transparent and accessible From construction to repairing circuit boards to promoting a circus, new Mount librarian Sandra Sawchuk has always felt strongly about saying “yes” to new opportunities and…

CLARI creates powerful partnerships between universities and communities

Posted: 14 February 2019


To learn more about the partnerships and community-based projects (including several led by Mount researchers), read the CLARI progress report. Research for change On the surface, implicit bias training for police, tidal energy development and…

Meet DeRico Symonds: Black Student Support Coordinator at the Mount

Posted: 11 February 2019


DeRico Symonds is no stranger to the Mount. He’s a Bachelor of Child and Youth Study graduate, former varsity athlete, and past practicum student with Counselling Services. He’s also a recognized, award-winning community leader doing…

Connecting with the content

Posted: 8 February 2019


Mount professor’s focus on experiential learning in tourism Born and raised in Five Islands, Nova Scotia, Business & Tourism professor Paulette Cormier-MacBurnie has always enjoyed the close-knit community feel at the Mount. Paulette’s Mount story…

African Heritage Month: A message from the President

Posted: 1 February 2019


To the Mount community, February 1st marks the start of African Heritage Month – an important opportunity to celebrate the many contributions that people of African descent have made locally, nationally and at our own…

Caritas Day 2019: A tradition of giving

Posted: 29 January 2019


From the Mount’s beginning in 1873, the institution has always promoted the importance of community, social justice and volunteerism. On the last Wednesday in January each year, these commitments are front and centre as the…