Sharing the stories of our community

We have wonderful stories to tell at the Mount and we are dedicated to sharing them with the world.
A wide range of experts are available to speak on topics such as parenting, aging, social policy, politics,
and small business. Contact us to learn more.

TEDxMSVU Aging Well to be held October 4, 2018

Posted: 1 October 2018


Changing the aging story to one of “Aging Well” On Thursday, October, 4, 2018 Mount Saint Vincent University’s Nova Scotia Centre on Aging will be hosting the fourth annual TEDxMSVU event, focusing on the theme…

Treaty Day and start of Mi’kmaq History Month

Posted: 1 October 2018


October 1 is Treaty Day and the start of Mi’kmaq History Month. Proclaimed in our province in 1993, Mi’kmaq History Month promotes awareness of Mi’kmaq culture and heritage for all citizens of Nova Scotia. “As…

New Board of Governors members — 2018/2019

Posted: 27 September 2018


2018-2019 Board of Governors September is a time of new beginnings not just for students, faculty and staff at Mount Saint Vincent University, but also for the University’s Board of Governors. The Mount’s Board of…

Meet new Mount Education professor Amélie Lemieux

Posted: 19 September 2018


Mount Professor takes a multimodal approach to teaching and learning For as long as she can remember, Dr. Amélie Lemieux has always had a passion for learning and literacy in all forms. As a young…

Dr. Antony Card appointed new Dean of Education

Posted: 13 September 2018


Dr. Antony Card joined the Mount Saint Vincent University community as the new Dean of Education in September 2018. Dr. Card came to the Mount from Memorial University of Newfoundland where he served as Associate…