Sharing the stories of our community

We have wonderful stories to tell at the Mount and we are dedicated to sharing them with the world.
A wide range of experts are available to speak on topics such as parenting, aging, social policy, politics,
and small business. Contact us to learn more.

10 enhancements to your student experience for fall 2018

Posted: 10 September 2018


Welcome back Mount students! A message from Paula Barry, AVP, Student Experience:I always look forward to this time of year. The campus comes alive as students, faculty and staff begin a new academic year. We…

Welcoming new faculty

Posted: 10 September 2018


A message to the campus community: Welcome to fall term 2018. We have six faculty members joining the Mount community this fall as Assistant Professors. We are very excited to have these colleagues with us.…

Welcome message from Mount President Dr. Mary Bluechardt

Posted: 5 September 2018


A message from Dr. Mary Bluechardt, President and Vice-Chancellor, Mount Saint Vincent University: It’s hard to believe another September is upon us already! I hope each of you found some time to enjoy your favourite…

Leading change: Meet Dr. Heidi Weigand

Posted: 23 August 2018


Though she’s taught at the Mount part-time since 2012, Dr. Heidi Weigand officially joined the University’s Business and Tourism Department full-time this summer as the coordinator for the new Nonprofit Leadership program. The program –…

Cultural Studies course to explore the role of drugs in society

Posted: 17 August 2018


For Mount Saint Vincent University Cultural Studies program coordinator and professor Dr. Randi Warne, the Mount’s small size means big space to do interesting things. Dr. Warne points out that the Mount was one of…

Recommended reads

Posted: 2 August 2018


Summer’s not over just yet! In fact, there are still several warm, sunny weekends ahead – which means time to fit in a few more beach reads. We turned to our wonderful English faculty for…