Sharing the stories of our community

We have wonderful stories to tell at the Mount and we are dedicated to sharing them with the world.
A wide range of experts are available to speak on topics such as parenting, aging, social policy, politics,
and small business. Contact us to learn more.

Marking National Indigenous Peoples Day

Posted: 21 June 2018


To the Mount community, I write to you today to mark an important day – Thursday, June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada. “This is a day for all Canadians to recognize and…

New Mi’kmaq language course available at the Mount

Posted: 20 June 2018


The course begins in September 2018 The Mount is pleased to share that, starting this fall, students can take a new course on campus introducing them to the Mi’kmaq language. The course, titled Conversational Mi’kmaq…

Mount student researcher building history of home economics studies

Posted: 13 June 2018


The Mount is home to some outstanding student researchers, chief among them History honours student Alishia Berthelet. With the support of assistant professor of Applied Human Nutrition Dr. Jennifer Brady and Librarian (Archives and Scholarly)…

Top 5 reasons to study abroad: A student perspective

Posted: 29 May 2018


We hope you’ve been following Bachelor of Public Relations student Stephanie MacIntosh on her adventures in Austria this year. In case you haven’t, you can read her previous posts here and here. In short –…

Second Annual Teaching Excellence Awards presented at 2018 spring convocation

Posted: 23 May 2018


Celebrating outstanding teaching At the Mount’s 2018 spring convocation, the Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning (SCOTL) announced the recipients of the 2018 Mount Saint Vincent University Teaching Excellence Awards. The President and Vice-Presidents’ Advanced…