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“On the edges and spaces in between”

Posted: 27 January 2017


New Geek Society uniting students across campus There’s a new society at the Mount that’s piquing the interest of students across programs. The Mount Saint Vincent University Geek Society started as an initiative to gather…

Let’s talk about mental health

Posted: 25 January 2017


At the Mount, we understand that the journey through university can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you’re having trouble managing time, dealing with relationship issues, stressed about exams or coping with depression and/or anxiety,…

How to spend your Caritas Day (January 25, 2017)

Posted: 24 January 2017


Six ways to spend #CaritasDay2017 Caritas Day is fast approaching! This day of community service was established by the Sisters of Charity to show their appreciation to the people of Halifax who helped out after…

The art of challenging convention

Posted: 23 January 2017


Mount professor teaches the value of the abnormal When professor Dr. Randi Warne describes the Mount’s Cultural Studies program, the passion in her voice is evident. She is a charismatic ambassador for this distinctive interdisciplinary…

A different point of view

Posted: 17 January 2017


New psychology professor teaches students to challenge the status quo New psychology professor, Chrissy Lackner believes the study of psychology is one of the most applicable disciplines to real-life. “Life is messy and different people…

Living for life-long learning

Posted: 11 January 2017


Master’s student Justin Creamer finds a learning community at the Mount Justin Creamer can easily be considered a student-expert on the university journey. At just 23, he is currently working on his second Master’s degree…