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A different point of view

Posted: 17 January 2017


New psychology professor teaches students to challenge the status quo New psychology professor, Chrissy Lackner believes the study of psychology is one of the most applicable disciplines to real-life. “Life is messy and different people…

Living for life-long learning

Posted: 11 January 2017


Master’s student Justin Creamer finds a learning community at the Mount Justin Creamer can easily be considered a student-expert on the university journey. At just 23, he is currently working on his second Master’s degree…

Learning through experience

Posted: 22 December 2016


“I felt at home the second I stepped foot on this campus.” These are the words of Mount Public Relations student Elizabeth (Liz) Duff. Although she’s only halfway through her undergraduate degree, Liz has packed…

Holiday Message from Dr. Ramona Lumpkin

Posted: 21 December 2016


“There’s been no time at which our commitment to social justice has been more important.” At the Mount, we are privileged to be members of a supportive and creative community, one open to innovation and…

Mount professor recognized for her leadership in public relations

Posted: 15 December 2016


On December 8, 2016, the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) announced the addition of 12 new Fellows to its College of Fellows, among them Associate Professor in the Communications Studies at the Mount Dr. Amy…

Mount students translating nutrition knowledge for university community

Posted: 13 December 2016


Student Yuka Yamazaki wins popular vote at infographics fair The World Wide Web is replete with nutrition myths and misinformation. Fortunately, translation of nutritional science to evidence-based practice is a skill that Applied Human Nutrition…

Alexa McDonough Institute receives Human Rights Award

Posted: 12 December 2016


Award recognizes work in human rights, social justice and advocacy This past Saturday, December 10th – International Human Rights Day – the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission presented its annual Human Rights Awards at an…

A key support for students on their academic journey

Posted: 8 December 2016


“Students are the reason why I do what I do.” It took 12 years and a new role to lead the Mount’s new Registrar back to campus. A 2015 graduate of the Mount’s Master of…