2025-2026 Academic Year

Undergraduate Academic Calendar information header

CANA 1001/POLS 1001
Introduction to Politics: The State and its Institutions 0.5 unit
An introduction to the central concepts and ideas which shape our political world. It explores the design of political systems and the roles of institutions (executive, legislative, and judicial) that organize political life and the powers of Presidents and Prime Ministers. Note: Students who have received credit for POLS 1100 may not take this course for credit. (Also listed under Public Policy Studies)

CANA 1002/POLS 1002
Introduction to Politics: Society and Culture 0.5 unit
An introduction to the state, democracy and change in a global era. The course explores the social and political influences on the governing process, including political parties, political culture and electoral systems. In addition, the phenomenon of globalization and its impact on the sovereignty of individual states are considered. Note: Students who have received credit for POLS 1100 may not take this course for credit. (Also listed under Public Policy Studies)

CANA 1102/POLS 1102
Citizenship, Identity and Diversity in Canada 0.5 unit
An introduction to the diverse communities of Canada. This interdisciplinary course explores the themes of equality, ethnicity, nationality, gender, class, region, religion, sexual orientation, and ability. Note: Students who have received credit for CANA 1100 may not take this course for credit.

CANA 1121/HIST 1121
Canoes and Colonialism: A History of Canada to Confederation 0.5 unit
An introduction to the history of Canada from the pre-contact period until Canadian Confederation in 1867. Special emphasis will be placed upon political, economic, and social factors which have contributed to the growth of the Canadian nation and a national identity. Note: Students who have received credit for HIST 1120 may not take this course for credit.

CANA 1122/HIST 1122
Consolidation and Conflict: A History of Canada from Confederation 0.5 unit
An introduction to the history of Canada from the Canadian Confederation in 1867 to the present day. Special emphasis will be placed upon political, economic, and social factors which have contributed to the growth of the Canadian nation and a national identity. Note: Students who have received credit for HIST 1120 may not take this course for credit

CANA 2201/POLS 2201
Government and Politics in Canada 0.5 unit
An introduction to the values, structures and processes which are the foundation of Canadian legal and governmental institutions. Topics may include the roles of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and individual MPs, the constitutional division of powers and Quebec’s demands for change, and the basic principles of our legal system. (Also listed under Public Policy Studies)

CANA 2202/POLS 2202
People, Power and Politics in Canada 0.5 unit
An introduction to core liberal democratic values at the heart of Canadian society and the chief links between citizens and their governments. Such topics as Canadian political culture, political participation, the role of the mass media, political parties and interest groups in shaping decision-making are addressed, and alternatives for change are assessed. (Also listed under Public Policy Studies)

CANA 2211/CULS 2211
Canadian Popular Culture 0.5 unit
An exploration of the social, cultural, economic, and political dimensions of popular culture in Canada. Topics such as music, film, television, comedy, literature, sports, and food will be considered as sites of Canadian identity and diversity, and American cultural influence.

CANA 2301/CULS 2301
Doing it For the Culture: The Politics of Black Culture in Canada 0.5 unit
An exploration of the intersections of Black politics and culture in Canada, with special focus on contemporary Black art, feminisms, and political movements, using foundational theorists and writers from Canada and from the wider diaspora.

Wealth and Power in Canada: An Introduction to Political Economy 0.5 unit
An introduction to political economy in Canada. This course examines the interconnection between politics and economics in Canadian society. Students will learn to critically access the dominant role of capitalism in Canadian economics and politics, as well as examine alternative paradigms of political and economic organization.

CANA 3301/POLS 3301
Discourse, Debate, and Dissent 0.5 unit
Prerequisites(s): CANA 1102/POLS 1102 and CANA 1121/HIST 1121 or CANA 1122/HIST 1122 or 1.0 unit of POLS or permission of the instructor
An examination of contemporary issues and debates in Canadian society. The course considers various cultural, social, economic and political factors and their significance for understanding current policy problems in Canada. Note: Students who have received credit for CANA 3305 may not take this course for credit. (Also listed under Public Policy Studies)

CANA 3306
Selected Topics in Canadian Studies 0.5 unit
Prerequisites(s): CANA 1102/POLS 1102 and CANA 1121/HIST 1121 or CANA 1122/HIST 1122 or CANA 3301/POLS 3301 or permission of the instructor
A seminar course, offered periodically, on a special topic in Canadian Studies not specifically covered by other programmes. Topics will vary.

CANA 3307
Selected Topics in Canadian Studies 0.5 unit
Prerequisites(s): CANA 1102/POLS 1102 and CANA 1121/HIST 1121 or CANA 1122/HIST 1122 or CANA 3301/POLS 3301 or permission of the instructor
A seminar course, offered periodically, on a special topic in Canadian Studies not specifically covered by other programmes. Topics will vary.

Military Cultures and Social Justice 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): 0.5 unit of POLS, CANA, or WOMS, or permission from the instructor
How social structures of inequality intersect with the organization state violence, with a focus on Canada. This course covers issues such as military service and citizenship, recruitment, the ‘poverty draft’, military sexual violence, the experiences of women, 2SLGBTQIA+, racialized, and Indigenous soldiers, and activism by veterans and military family members.

CANA 4002
Directed Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisites(s): CANA 3301 or written permission of the course supervisor
A directed study to permit the student to concentrate on a substantive area of Canadian studies, or as an additional course for students wishing to pursue a specific interest in depth.

CANA 4007/POLS 4007
Directed Study 0.5 unit
A course designed to encourage the student to do independent work in a particular area of political studies. The outline is developed by the student(s) and professor involved and should not include materials covered in other courses offered by the department. (Also listed under Public Policy Studies)

CANA 4401/POLS 4401
Canadian Issues Seminar 0.5 unit
Prerequisites(s): CANA 3301/POLS 3301 or 1.0 unit of POLS at the 2000 or 3000 level or permission of the instructor
An interdisciplinary senior seminar, in which students will explore in-depth selected topics in Canadian society, politics, and culture applying contemporary theoretical approaches in the field. Students will be expected to conduct independent research.


Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.

For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.

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