2025-2026 Academic Year
Note: The Bachelor of Public Relations program is designed as a full-time program of study. All courses listed below have a professional studies classification, unless cross-listed with an arts or science discipline.
PBRL courses are open only to students who have been formally admitted to the Bachelor of Public Relations program and, with limited restrictions, to students in the BSc (Science Communication) program. Students who have formally declared a Minor in Communication Technology with the Registrar’s Office may take approved courses within the minor.
PBRL 1010
Foundations of Public Relations 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to the BPR program or admission to the BBA program with 5.0 units completed
An introduction to public relations as a professional discipline. The course includes a survey of the historical evolution of the field, foundational theories, an exploration of publics, and an introduction to the process of strategic planning.
PBRL 1188
Co-op Term I 1.0 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of professional development program delivered by the Co-op & WIL Centre. Completion of courses prescribed by the Department of Communication Studies course sequence (PBRL 2013, 3012 and COMM 2016, 2025) or permission of the department.
A 14-16 week term of full-time paid career-related experience in an organizational setting: corporate, non-profit or government. Students will work with industry professionals who provide feedback to the University on the student’s performance and development. The student will be required to set learning objectives, submit a work term report and participate in a return-to-campus/debriefing session. Evaluation for the successful completion of the co-op term is based on learning objectives, a work site visit, an employer evaluation and a satisfactory work term report.
PBRL 1199
Work Experience 1 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 9.0-11.0 units of course work.
A 13-18 week term of full-time, paid, career-related experience in an organizational setting: corporate, nonprofit or government. Students will work with industry professionals who will provide feedback to the University on the student’s performance and development. The student will be required to set learning objectives and complete a work term project.
PBRL 2012
Public Relations Writing: Theory and Practice 0.5 unit
An examination of public relations writing and the applications. Audience analysis, messages and their effects, and the tools used to research and write are examined within a framework of setting objectives. Students will learn to write news releases, short features and profiles. This course includes a lab component.
PBRL 2013/COMM 2013
Communication: Theory and Practice 0.5 unit
An examination of communication theory and its application to practice. Areas of human communication will be studied, including interpersonal, small group, organizational and intercultural.
PBRL 2211/COMM 2211
Introduction to Public Speaking 0.5 unit
A course designed to increase self- confidence through practical experience in presenting speeches geared to business interests. Students are trained in the skills of analysis, organization, development, adaptation of ideas, and delivery. The course also includes small group speaking, conducting meetings, preparing speeches for others, and using visual aids. Note: Students who have received credit for SPDR 2205 or 2211 or COMM/PBRL 2205 may not take this course for credit. This course includes a lab component.
PBRL 2288
Co-op Term II 1.0 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of professional development program delivered by the Co-op & WIL Centre. Completion of courses prescribed by the Department of Communication Studies course sequence (PBRL 3012, 3013, 3014, COMM 2016, 3023) or permission of the department.
A 14-16 week term of full-time paid career-related experience in an organizational setting: corporate, non-profit or government. Students will work with industry professionals who provide feedback to the University on the student’s performance and development. The student will be required to set learning objectives, submit a portfolio of work and participate in a return-to-campus/debriefing session. Evaluation for the successful completion of the co-op term is based on learning objectives, a work site visit, an employer evaluation and a satisfactory work term report.
PBRL 2299
Work Experience 2 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of 14.0-16.0 units of course work.
A 13-18 week term of full-time paid career-related experience in an organizational setting: corporate, nonprofit or government. Students will work with industry professionals who will provide feedback to the University on the student’s performance and development. The student will be required to set learning objectives and complete a work term project.
PBRL 3012
Persuasive Public Relations Writing 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PBRL 1010 and 2012
An examination of elements of persuasion as they apply to public relations writing for both internal and external publics. Students will develop the skills required to articulate a position on an issue relevant to a particular organization and prepare print documents such as position papers, marketing features, opinion editorials, speeches and fundraising letters. This course includes a lab component.
PBRL 3013/COMM 3013
Mass Media and Public Opinion 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PBRL 2013 or permission of the department
A focus on the function of mass media in society and the role media play in shaping and influencing public opinion. Students examine the range of factors affecting media content and critically assess the implications of communication technologies.
PBRL 3014
Managing Organizational Public Relations 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PBRL 1010; or COMM 1501 and enrollment in the BSc (Science Communication)
An examination of management theories and principles and their application to organizational public relations programming with special emphasis on social responsibility of organizations. Corporate culture and managing public relations campaigns are explored, includes assessing an organization’s public relations needs, determining a strategic approach, deploying resources (budgets, time and people management), and evaluating results. Note: Students who have received credit for PBRL 4407 may not take this course for credit.
PBRL 3016
Research Methods in Public Relations 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): MATH 2208
An introduction to research methods as applied to both the professional practice of public relations and the academic approach to the discipline as a field of study. Topics include sampling and survey methods, focus group research and content analysis. Students analyse and evaluate practice-based and academic research studies and, under the direction of faculty, carry out a research project. Note: Students who have received credit for PBRL 4409 may not take this course for credit.
PBRL 3020
Strategic Writing for the PR Practitioner 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PBRL 2012 and PBRL 3012
A concentration on strategic thinking and writing. Students will identify clients’ PR priorities, frame messages and articulate intended outcomes. Students will write the advanced forms that practitioners strategically incorporate when designing their programs. An organizational focus will provide professional context and an opportunity for a synthesis of writing competencies.
PBRL 3388
Co-op Term III 1.0 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of professional development program delivered by the Co-op & WIL CEntre. Completion of courses prescribed by the Department of Communication Studies course sequence (PBRL 3012, 3013, 3014, COMM 2016, 3023) or permission of the department.
A 14-16 week term of full-time paid career-related experience in an organizational setting: corporate, non-profit or government. Students will work with industry professionals who provide feedback to the University on the student’s performance and development. The student will be required to set learning objectives, present a reflective seminar to new co-op students and participate in a return-to-campus/debriefing session. Evaluation for the successful completion of the co-op term is based on learning objectives, a work site visit, an employer evaluation and a satisfactory work term report.
PBRL 4014
Advanced Public Relations Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PBRL 3014
A continuation of the study of public relations as a management function using the two-way symmetrical communication model with a specific emphasis on leadership as distinct from management. Issues related to PR counselling, organizational issues management, crisis communication, the process of consulting, entrepreneurship and broader leadership issues within PR as a professional field are explored.
PBRL 4015
Media Relations 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PBRL 3014
An examination of the relationship between public relations practitioners and the media, including analysis of media practices, the organization of print and electronic news and current affairs programs. Particular emphasis is placed on relationship-building strategies, media training, media policies, proposing stories to the media, and researching and planning alternative media approaches. This course includes a lab component.
PBRL 4019
Crisis Communication Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PBRL 3014
An examination of the theoretical and practical dimensions of crisis management, with particular emphasis on a strategic framework that incorporates a communications component. The value of the crisis communications plan is assessed. Strategic and objective-driven models for critique and for simulated events are developed.
PBRL 4100
Special Topics in Public Relations 0.5 unit
Prerequisite: PBRL 3014
A study of specialized area of public relations practice. Courses will be offered from time to time.
PBRL 4101
Employee Relations 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PBRL 3014
An exploration of the role of public relations in developing and maintaining internal relationships in an organization. The practitioner’s functions as facilitator, advisor and mediator in developing and implementing internal communications which are effective and manageable, and which recognize external factors affecting the employer and employees will be examined.
PBRL 4105
Public Relations and Gender 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PBRL 3014 or permission of the instructor
An examination of the feminisation of public relations and its impact on the occupation and on the careers of public relations professionals. Topics include: issues around encroachment of the managerial function; status of women compared to women in other professions; history of women in the field; feminist analyses of public relations issues.
PBRL 4107
Advanced Public Relations Writing 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PBRL 3012
The application of advanced writing techniques and strategies, particularly those of creative non-fiction, to public relations writing. Emphasis will be placed on advanced research and editing skills. Students will produce magazine-style features and personal essays.
PBRL 4109
Strategic Communication in the Not-for-Profit Sector 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): PBRL 3014
An examination of theories and practices in strategic communication and fund development in the not-for profit sector. Building on students’ understanding of strategic approaches in public relations and communication, PBRL 4109 examines topics that will include organizational governance, theory and practice in strategic relationship-building and fund development. Ethical issues will also be considered. Note: Students who have received credit for PBRL 4102 or 4106 may not take this course for credit.
PBRL 4403
Directed Study 0.5 unit
PBRL 4404
Directed Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): advanced standing in public relations, PBRL 3014, and permission of faculty supervisor
A course permitting advanced students of public relations to study in a specified area of public relations practice. This study may take the form of an extensive examination of a specific public relations problem, or of field research under the direct supervision of a faculty member or of directed reading in a chosen area of public relations.
PBRL 4405
Senior Seminar 0.5 unit
PBRL 4406
Senior Seminar 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): open to advanced public relations students
A seminar devoted to current problems and issues in public relations, aimed at allowing senior students of public relations to integrate their knowledge of the field through presentations and discussion.
Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.
For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.
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