Dr. Graham Fraser

Associate Professor

BA (Hons) Dalhousie University
MA McGill University
PhD University Of Reading




Teaching and Research Interests

Twentieth century literature, especially Modernism in literature and visual art; Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, Jean Rhys, and Virginia Woolf; Renaissance and modern drama; spectrality and metaphor; failure, fragmentation, silence, and ruin in literature and aesthetic theory.

Selected Publications

“Solid Objects/Ghosts of Chairs: Virginia Woolf and the Afterlife of Things.” Journal of Modern Literature 43.2 (Winter 2020): 80-97.

“The Fall of the House of Ramsay: Virginia Woolf’s Ahuman Aesthetics of Ruin.” Criticism 62.1 (Winter 2020): 117-141.

“Viriconium Ghostwalk.” M. John Harrison: Critical Essays. Eds. Mark Bould and Rhys Williams. London: Gylphi, 2018. 61-85.

“The Ghost in the Mirror: Self-Haunting in Good Morning, Midnight.” Modern Language Review 113.2 (April 2018): 481-505.

“’Haze Sole Certitude’: Beckett’s Late Vaguenings.” Journal of Modern Literature 38.2 (Winter 2015): 117-133.

“The Calligraphy of Desire: Sade, Barthes, and Beckett’s How It Is.” Twentieth Century Literature 55.1 (Spring 2009). 58-79.

“Loving the Loss of the World: Tesknota and the Metaphors of the Heart.” Parietal Games: Critical Writings By and On M. John Harrrison. Eds. Mark Bould and Andrew Butler. London: Foundation Press, 2005. 299-318.

“’No More Than Ghosts Make’: The Hauntology and Gothic Minimalism of Beckett’s Late Work.” Modern Fiction Studies 46.3 (Fall 2000): 772-85. Rpt. in Gothic and Modernism. Ed. John Paul Riquelme. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2008. 168-179.

“The Pornographic Imagination in All Strange Away.” Modern Fiction Studies 41.3-4 (Fall-Winter 1995): 515-530. Rpt. in Twentieth Century Literary Criticism, 145. The Gale Group. 2005.

“Metcalf’s Criticism and the Canadian Canon.” American Review of Canadian Studies 19.4 (Winter 1989): 381-395.

Recent and Selected Conference Presentations

“‘A Shape to Fill a Lack’: Phantomogenic Speech in As I Lay Dying.” ACCUTE. Vancouver, BC, 2 June 2019.

“Woolf’s Ruins.” Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Woolf conference. Saskatoon, SK. June 6-10, 2012.

“Apparent Failure: The Case of Paul Auster.” ACCUTE conference. Halifax, May 2003.

“The Further Shelter of the Hand: Gestures of Need in Beckett’s Late Work.” Presented to The Hand: An Interdisciplinary Bilingual Conference, University of Western Ontario, March 1999.

“’This Debauch of Fiction’: J.G. Ballard’s The Index and Answers to a Questionnaire.” Presented to Re-reading the Fantastic, University College London, UK. December 20, 1993.


