Krista Collier-Jarvis wearing a medallian made by local artist Crystin Edwards and gifted to Krista by Dr. Margaret Robinson on the day of her PhD defense (Nick Pearce photos)

Assistant Professor

B.A. (Hons) Mount Saint Vincent University
M.A., Ph.D., Dalhousie University


The Logo for the Two-Eyed Seeing Camp

Two-Eyed Seeing Project

Funded by: NSERC PromoScience and Canadian Roots Exchange





Teaching and Research Interests

American literature; American Gothic; horror; zombies; contagion; Indigenous literature; Indigenous ways of knowing and being; intergenerational trauma; difficult histories; Indigenous representation in museums; climate fiction; multispecies approaches; popular culture

Selected Publications

“’Danger: Children at Play’”: Uncanny Play in Stephen King’s Pet Sematary.” Humanities: Gothic Adaptation: Intermedial and Intercultural Shape-Shifting, vol. 12, no. 5, 2023, p. 90,

Forthcoming – “’Okanada’: Repositing Selves and Others in Jeff Barnaby’s Blood Quantum.” Global Aboriginal/Indigenous Gothic, 2024, pp. 54-89.

Forthcoming – “Epilogue. Dis/insp/secting Global Indigenous Horror.” Global Aboriginal/Indigenous Gothic, Co-authored: June Scudeler, Krista Collier-Jarvis, Katrin Althans, and Naomi Simone Borwein, 2004.

“We Can Turn to Pop Culture for Lessons about How to Live with Covid-19 as Endemic.” The Conversation Canada,, 2002.

“The Importance of Indigenous Storytelling In Tales of Post-Apocalyptic Survival.” The Conversation Canada,, 2022.

“Like the Truck-Machines in ‘Mad Max,’ The ‘Freedom Convoy’ Relies on Access to Fuel.” The Conversation Canada,, 2022.

OpenThink Blog:, 2022.

Selected Presentations

“Too Ghoul for School: Colonial Gazing, Monstrosity, and Representing the Unrepresentable in Rhymes for Young Ghouls.” Black and Indigenous Speaker Series, MSVU, Halifax, 2024.

“The Rhizombie: Lichenthropy, Contagious Coexistence, and Monstrous Mycelium in American Zombie Videogames.” American Nightmares, Society for the Study of American Gothic, Salem, 2024.

“Ebbs and Floes: The Qallupilluk and Transfluidity in Indigenous Arctic Gothic.” Trans Iter/Ations, International Gothic Association (IGA), Halifax, 2024.

“Asignifying Ruptures and Taking Selfies at the Louvre.” Indigeneity in A (European) Museum Context; Leiden, NL, 2024.

“TransAtlantic Fluidities: Lochs and Bogs.” Global Connects; virtual, 2024.

“’We must have missed all the street signs in the enormous f***ing forest’: Indigenizing the Post-Apocalypse.” World Building; Hal-Con, 2023.

“Comparative Approaches in National Museums.” Thinking through the Museum; Halifax, N.S., 2023.

“Transgenerational Trauma.” Trauma, Memory, and Material Culture; Washington, D.C., 2023.

“Emlsigtmat: Ghostliness and Presencing in Betty.” Indigenous Literary Studies Association; Toronto, 2023.

“Too Ghoul for School: Monstrosity as Resistance in Rhymes for Young Ghouls.” Reckonings and Reimaginings, Association of Community College and University Teachers in English; Toronto, 2023.

“Using Indigenous Métissage to Decolonise Material Culture.” Thinking through the Museum; Virtual, 2023.

“Saving the Child within the Indian: Representing the Residential School Experience” (*adapted from Thinking through the Museum Workshop). Mass Violence and Its Lasting Impact on Indigenous Peoples: The Case of the Americas and Australia/Pacific Region; L.A., 2022.

“The ‘Freedom’ of the Open Road: Monstrous Machines and Petroculture in Mad Max: Fury Road.” Infinite Crises on the Single Earth: Science Fiction, Hope, and the End of the World; Hal-Con, 2022.

“Saving the Child within the Indian: Thinking through the Residential School Experience.” Thinking through the Museum; Warsaw, 2022.

“’Memory in Perpetuity’: Story, Animation, and Dreams in Indigenous-made Horror.” Gothic Interruptions, International Gothic Association; Dublin, 2022.

“’Danger: Children at Play’: Uncanny Play in Stephen King’s Pet Sematary.” Fear 2000; Online, 2022.

“The End(emic) is Nigh: Shifting Survival Discourse in the Zombie Narrative.” Association of Community College and University Teachers in English; Montreal, 2022.

“’…you will eat their sacrifices’: Indigenous Bodies, Netukulimk, and Consumption in Blood Quantum” [invited speaker]. Reckonings and Reimaginings, Association of Community College and University Teachers in English; Montreal, 2022.

“Are You Hungrier Than a Fifth Grader? Killing Little Girl Zombies in The Walking Dead.” Evil Children: Children and Evil: An Inclusive Interdisciplinary Conference (Progressive Connexions); Online, 2021.

“History as Contagion: Blood Quantum and the Use of Gothic Inversion.” Gothic in a Time of Contagion; Online, 2021.

“Lichenthropy: Resisting the Chthulucene in The Last of Us Remastered.” Gothic Terror, Gothic Horror (International Gothic Association); Chicago, 2019.

“Zombies Dine with a View: Utopic Spaces in Post-9/11 Zombie Films.” Association of Community College and University Teachers in English; Vancouver, 2019.

“I Don’t Want to Visit Grandma: Gerontophobia & Gothicism.” Frailty: The Joy of Geriatrics (Canadian Geriatrics Society); co-authored with Jasmine Mah, Halifax, 2019.

