Department of Family Studies & Gerontology
Please click on a faculty person’s name to find out more about their research.
Janice Keefe, Ph.D. (Guelph)
Department Chair
(902) 457-6466
Research Interest(s):
- Family/friend caregiving
- Alzheimer disease & related dementia
- Seniors housing
- Continuing care policy
Áine Humble, Ph.D. (Oregon State)
(902) 457-6109
Research Interest(s):
- Division of unpaid family work
- Family rituals
- Healthy aging
- Intimate relationships
- Qualitative methodology
- Qualitative data analysis software
- Same-sex families
- Social construction of gender
- Women and retirement
Deborah Norris, Ph.D. (Dalhousie)
(902) 457-6376
Research Interest(s):
- Military and Veteran families
- Critical theories
- Family relations and social support
- Qualitative research
- Family violence
Zachary Zimmer, Ph.D. (Michigan)
Graduate Program Coordinator
(902) 457-5541
Research Interest(s):
- Intergenerational relations
- Disablement
- Global population aging
- Migration
- Demographic change
- Health disparities
Catherine White, Ph.D.(Queens University)
Evaristus 308
Research interest(s):
- Mental health promotion
- Family Science
- Role of recreation/leisure in mental health
- Suicide and seniors
- Innovative teaching and learning strategies
Adjunct Faculty
Susan Stevens, BSW, MEd, RSW, CHE, EXTRA Fellow
Adjunct Professor
(902) 579-7796
Research Interest(s):
- Home care and long term care policy
- Family/friend care giving
- Person centred care
- First Nations continuing care
- Leadership
- Quality of work life
John Whelan, Ph.D. (New Brunswick)
Adjunct Professor
Research Interest(s):
- Social determinants of mental health
- Military cultural identity and traumatic stress reactions
- Masculine values in first response organizations
- Psychological sense of community and mental health
- Group therapy applications