The French Club presents: Just Dance Night

All students are warmly invited to join the French Club for an unforgettable night of music, dancing and good time. The event will take place on Thursday, March 6th, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the MODL Language Lab (SAC 333). Everyone is welcome and don’t forget to bring your dancing shoes! For any questions, please contact Kevin Hudon via or visit Erin Moulton at the Language Lab.

Just Dance Night

MODL students and faculty singing in 8 different languages

The Karaoke Night organized by the French Club proved to be a great success among students, faculty and staff. The event was well attended and students from other programs joined in the fun as well. Everyone had a great time singing and dancing to favorite songs in eight different languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Punjabi, and Icelandic. We are looking forward to the next Karaoke event and hope to see many more of you there!

Karaoke French club    Karaoke French Club


Karaoke Night at The Rook

The French Club is happy to invite all students to a multi-lingual Karaoke Night: the event will take place on Thursday, February 6th, from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the campus pub The Rook. Light snacks and refreshments will be offered for free and everyone is welcome to submit their favorite songs.

Karaoke Poster


The French Club goes skating

Despite the freezing temperatures and strong winds, the French Club members and Dr. Larry Steele went ice skating at the Oval last Friday. A very fun time has had by all and everyone is looking forward to the next time!

Larry Steele and French Club    French Club Ice Skating


Francophone Tutoring at the MSVU Writing Centre to start in January

Bonjour! Studying French at the Mount this term?

Francophone tutor Kevin Hudon is in the Mount Writing Centre EMF 203 Monday mornings and Thursday noon: make an appointment to have a private, free, hour of French writing support for any stage of your course assignments and essays. Jan 20 – March 31. By advance appointment.

To self-book an appointment: click here and choose the “Francophone” portal, then click on a day to see available times, choose a time, fill in your name and email, click “Book”  – done!

Or email us and we’ll do it for you!

À bientôt!


Welcome the new MODL Language Lab Supervisor

MODL Language Lab SupervisorNew Year, new Language Lab Supervisor for the MODL Department! Let’s give a warm welcome to Erin Moulton! Erin will be taking over from Enzo Le Doze, who will be greatly missed, and we are sure she will do an excellent job.

Here is what Erin says about herself: “I am from Halifax and went through the French Immersion program from grade primary to grade 12 before beginning my undergrad at MSVU, with a major in French, minor in Sociology & Anthropology. As a student, even very young, I always had a huge appreciation for the French language, and always enjoyed learning. During my time at MSVU, I was a Language Lab Monitor for two years, helping students with their French language acquisition through individual practice and conversation. I am looking forward to take on this new role and continue to encourage students in their learning of the French language. When I was a student, the Language Lab was a space that was very open and accepting that undoubtably helped with my French, and I look forward to passing that along to more students, as the supervisor.”

If you would like to meet Erin in person, you can find her in SAC 333 (MODL Language Lab), Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.


2024 President’s Award for Service to the Extended Community – Dr Larry Steele

President's Award for External ServiceCongratulations to Dr. Larry Steele, who received the 2024 President’s Award for Service to the Extended Community. The award was given during the President’s Holiday Luncheon on December 20th, 2024.

The President’s Award for Service to the Extended Community recognizes an individual whose contributions provide value to the larger community, beyond the university, requiring a substantial volunteer commitment. Such contributions often influence positive change in the extended community. This year’s recipient of the President’s Award for External Service has had a transformational impact on the lives of many.

Larry Steele has been working for MSVU for 32 years. During this time, he taught an incredible number of courses to an even greater number of students.

Since 1995, Larry has hosted the radio show Trois Beaux Canards on CKDU, every Thursday without fail, from 7 to 8 pm. His show promotes a diversity of French music across every musical style, which allows his audience to constantly discover new tunes. He also regularly shares his platform with musicians, singers and song writers through interviews. All those elements contribute to making Trois Beaux Canards a weekly treat for many. And he brings his expertise back to the classroom, since he teaches FREN 3318 Francophone Songs, which is always a popular course.

Read more about Dr. Steele’s achievements in the official notice about the award.


Phoebe Smith’s 50th work anniversary at MSVU

Phoebe Smith's 50 years work anniversaryIn October our beloved Administrative Assistant, Phoebe Smith, celebrated 50 years of working at Mount Saint Vincent University. The MODL faculty members organized a surprise party for Phoebe, who really enjoyed celebrating this milestone with colleagues and students.

In November the university held its annual Service Recognition event with Phoebe’s work anniversary being the highlight since she is the person to work for the university for the longest time in history. Unfortunately, Phoebe wasn’t able to attend the event in person, but the MODL Department Chair, Alexandra Tsedryk, presented her work achievements for the audience. The MODL Department is thankful to Phoebe Smith for her dedicated work in the past 50 years! Congratulations!


2024 Dia de los Muertos Celebration

Celebrating the Mexican holiday, Dia de los Muertos has become a yearly tradition for the MODL Department and 2024 made no exception. Students, staff, and faculty members gathered in the Language Lab for a presentation by Wenceslao Amezcua on the traditions of this holiday and enjoyed some hot chocolate and Pan de muerto afterwards. Thank you to all who attended, and we are looking forward to next year’s celebration of Dia de los Muertos!

Die de los muertos   Altar Language Lab Dia De Los Muertos


P’tit Belliveau live show in Dartmouth

The French Club and Dr. Larry Steele went to hear Acadian indie artist P’tit Belliveau on October 11th at Alderney Landing Theatre. Everyone really enjoyed the concert and is looking forward to the next francophone cultural event in Halifax!

French Club at concert


Fenêtre sur la Francophonie Award 2024 Winner: Kevin Hudon

The Fenêtre sur la Francophonie Award provides funding towards a two-week trip to France or French territory to participate in a language and cultural program recommended and approved by the MODL Department. This award is presented annually to a student, specializing in French, who achieves outstanding results in French courses and who has demonstrated great interest towards French language and culture. The winner in 2024 was Kevin Hudon, who spent two weeks in Angers, Western France. The town of Angers is only a short train journey from Paris and is located in the historic region of the Loire Valley, a UNESCO world heritage site. Kevin stayed with a French host family while taking advanced language classes at Université Catholique de l’Ouest and immersing himself in the local culture.

This trip was possible thanks to the generous financial support provided by the International Education Centre, faculty members of the Modern Languages Department, the Dean’s office, and the Embassy of France in Canada.

You can read Kevin’s testimonial about his trip to Angers here: Voyage en France-Kevin

Kevin in Angers      Angers

Story about Kevin in Mount Media


Olivia Bazot reports from Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon

In March, our student Olivia Bazot won the award Prix du Consulat général de France dans les Provinces Atlantiques 2024. The prize consisted of a one-week all-expenses-paid language and cultural stay at the Francoforum in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon and it was presented during the Journée internationale de la Francophonie ceremony, organized by Saint Mary’s University, Alliance Française de Halifax and Alliance Française de Moncton. Located just off the coast of Newfoundland, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon is an archipelago consisting of eight islands and its nearly 6000 residents are French citizens. Olivia travelled to the islands in July 2024 and after returning to Halifax, she wrote a text describing her wonderful experience. Click here to read it: 2024_Olivia Bazot_testimonials

Olivia Bazot      Saint Pierre and Miquelon


2023-2024 MODL Department Student Awards

On Thursday April 4, the MODL department held a very beautiful ceremony at the “Meadows” to present the recipients of the 2023-2024 student awards. Parents, friends, staff, students and their professors gathered to celebrate student success in a relaxed atmosphere. Congratulations to all!!


La gagnante du Prix du Consulat de France 2024 : Olivia Bazot!

En tant que récipiendaire du Prix de l’alliance française 2024 pour l’Université Mount Saint Vincent, Olivia s’est qualifiée, avec une dizaines d’autres étudiant.e.s des universités de la région atlantique, comme finaliste pour le Prix du Consulat de France dans les provinces atlantiques. Les finalistes ont soumis des textes ou des vidéos expliquant leur vision des valeurs défendues par les Jeux olympiques et deux d’entre eux se sont mérité le Prix du Consulat de France, qui consiste dans un séjour de deux semaines au Francoforum de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon. Olivia a soumis une vidéo qui a conquis le jury et elle s’envolera ainsi pour Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon cet été. Bravo, Olivia, nous sommes très fiers de toi!!!


Major in French with a year in France: an amazing opportunity offered by MSVU and MODL

MSVU students majoring in French have the opportunity to study in France for a semester or a full academic year while paying the MSVU tuition fees and transfer their credits back to their MSVU program. Our partner universities in France are Université Catholique de Lille (Catholic University of Lille) and Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès (University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès), both reputable institutions with longstanding history and traditions in the arts and humanities. Konner Russell , who studied in Lille for a year, described the exchange program as an “amazing experience”. She also took the opportunity to visit other European countries (she is here pictured in Bruges, Belgium). If you are interested in applying to the exchange program, don’t hesitate to contact the chair of the MODL Department, Dr. Alexandra Tsedryk ( for more information.


New! FSL Bursaries!

We are proud to announce that we have awarded seven FSL bursaries for the 2023-24 academic year! Congratulations to the recipients! Take a look at their testimonials!

We have seven $3000 bursaries to give out for the 2025-26 academic year!

Eligible students must take 5 courses in French at MSVU. French must not be your first language. For more information, click here.


Expand Your World Program

The “Expand your world program” is a MODL program meant to encourage students to extend learning outside their courses and classrooms by participating in activities and events related to the language they study. Any student enrolled in a course at the MODL Department can earn up to 2 bonus points per semester if he/she participates in such activities, upon approval of the professor.

For more details, see: Expand Your World Program

Les 120 ans de l’Alliance française

Professeurs, étudiants et amis du département ont fêté les 120 ans de l’Alliance française lors d’une soirée remplie de musique, de discours et de bonnes bouchées!

Congratulations to 2019-2020 MODL Prize Winners!

Although we could not have an in-person event this year, due to Covid 12 restrictions, you are all most deserving! Click here to see all the winners.

MODL Awards 2022 – 2023 Congratulations to all!

Sister Rose Celestine Prize: Chloë MacAulay

Prix de l’Alliance française : Natalie Freeman

Prix de l’Ambassadeur de Suisse : Nya Urciuoli

Danny Weston Memorial Prize: Martine Spearns

Language Lab Prize: Jonique Higgs

MODL French Prize: Cassidy Norse, Olivia Bazot, Erin Moulton

Practical French Prize: Manuel Aguilar Cetina, Evangéline Francis Dahms, Kristyn Pollard, Daniil Zhelezniak, Gideon de Groodt

Prix Fenêtre sur la francophonie : Alyssa Evans

MODL Spanish Prize: Alison Umlah, Kevin Hudon

Spanish Embassy Prize: Corinne Gilroy


  • Dr. Juliette Valcke describes tackling the question of medieval influences on francophone Canadian literature through our Modern Language department. You can read the full story here.
  • Dr. François-Xavier Eygun, along with Arnaud Decroix, reviewed the nineteenth century gold rush as a inspiration for adventure novels on CBC. You can listen to the entire segment here.
  • Dr. Larry Steele hosts a radio show called “Trois Beaux Canards”, featuring Francophone music, on CKDU 88.1 FM, every Thursday from 7 to 8 pm. Listen online live or in archives at: Facebook site: Trois Beaux Canards
  • Prof. Olivia Montalvo March talks about Distance Courses in Spanish.


El Dìa De Los Muertos – A beautiful celebration!

The celebration of Mexican origin the Day of the Dead was hosted by Ada Elvi and Wenceslao Amezcua. Explanations, costumes, altar, bread for the dead and dance : it was a colorful event! Muchas Gracias, Ada y Wenceslao!


François-Xavier Eygun: Retirement

Dr. François-Xavier Eygun has retired in July 2023 after over 35 years in the Modern Languages Department at Mount Saint Vincent University. He is a full professor and has served as department chair on many occasions and of course on many university committees. He comes from France but has lived in Montreal, Calgary, and Winnipeg.

François-Xavier has always been popular with students for his soft-spoken manner, his sense of humour and his intimate knowledge of French literature and culture.  As for the soft-spoken manner, his lecturing voice is quiet, and the result is that students tune in and give him their full attention!

As a colleague he is good company as well, quick on the repartee, jovial, and funny. He especially pays attention to the history of the department, keeping up with other colleagues who have moved on from the Mount.

François-Xavier is a poet and an intense reader of all sorts of books. He himself has published one scholarly book on the nineteenth century French novelist and poet Barbey d’Aurevilly, along with many scholarly articles. He has published two books of poetry which largely emerge from his years in Manitoba as a PhD student and teacher, and he made his mark upon the Franco-Manitoban literary scene.

Although his principal residence has been for many years in English-speaking places, his home and family life remain thoroughly French and Francois-Xavier keeps huge ties with his country of origin. Indeed, he is fixing up a residence in Touraine[1] near the home where he grew up and he will be surely spending lots of time there in the years to come.

We will miss François-Xavier’s presence in the department, but we hope to carry on the friendship in the years to come.

[1] Birthplace of another scholarly epicurean, François Rabelais!

Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival 2021

On September 21, we celebrated the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival. A beautiful event! Dr. Janet Fu (MODL Department) and Mahx Mason (International Office) welcomed everyone and Dr. Fu explained the origins of the celebration. Students, Faculty and Staff enjoyed activities and mooncakes together. A colourful celebration!



MODL Awards night 2017 – Congrats to our students!

2017 Modern Languages Awards Night Collage

Félicitations à Morrigan MacLean,
Récipiendaire du Prix de l’Alliance française d’Halifax 2017 !

2017 Modern Languages Awards Night Winners


Congratulations to our graduates – Majors of French, Spring Convocation 2016:

Amy M. Chisholm, Kristen Renée D’Entremont, Brittany Kendell, Amanda C. Lajo, Lydia D. Lawless, Vanessa M. MacDonald, Peter Nicks, Alex W. Sweeney

Modern Languages 2016 Convocation graduates

Congratulations to all students of French, Spanish and Mandarin of 2015-2016 Award Ceremony!

Congratulaitons to our best students of French, Spanish and Mandarin of 2014-2015 academic year!