Program Highlights

Public Policy Studies at the Mount is an interdisciplinary program that concentrates on Canadian public policy and global issues. Students enrolled in the program take a range of courses in both political science and economics and choose from a large pool of courses from a number of disciplines. Students complete the academic requirements with a senior seminar designed to integrate their new-found knowledge and provide them with broadened perspectives on important dimensions of public affairs.

The goals of the Public Policy Studies program are to provide students with sufficient coursework to ensure they develop capacities in such skill areas as critical thinking, policy analysis and communication. Through this, the program aims to prepare students for potential careers in public service and to be effective participants in democratic society.



Faculty of PECS – Dr. Maya Eichler, Dr. Tammy Findlay, Dr. El Jones, Dr. Jeff MacLeod, Dr. Meredith Ralston, Dr. James Sawler, Dr. John Schellenberg (missing from photo – Dr. Nargess Kayhani)


Students in Action

From left to right: Suwela Paim Vassoa, Magnus Gillis, Eli LeDrew, Vanessa Sarkis, Morgan Hussey, Joseph Saoud, and Daniil Zhelezniak. Missing from photo: Samia Amadou and Morgan Hobin

On February 5th the 2025 MSVU Model United Nations Delegation held a bake sale fundraiser. All proceeds from the fundraiser will help fund the delegation’s attendance at North American Model United Nations (NAMUN) 2025 which is being held at the University of Toronto later this winter.



MSVU North American Model United Nations Delegation 2024







Kenya Thompson (MSVU BA 2020, Public Policy Studies, minor in Canadian Studies and English) meeting with former professors.  Kenya is currently completing her Doctorate in Political Science and Graduate Diploma in Justice System Administration at York University.






Career Options

Potential careers include:

  • Policy Analysis
  • Politics
  • Civil Service
  • Journalism
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Government Relations
  • Community Planning
  • Public Relations
  • Public Affairs Specialist in Corporations
  • Law
  • Business

Public Policy students are encouraged to apply for an Arts and Science Internship.  Please refer to the academic calendar for details.  Public Policy Studies is available as a Minor or Major option.

Though not required, Public Policy Studies majors may wish to organize their courses to focus on one of three specializations:  Global Issues, Public Policy and Political Processes and Social Justice and Policy.

Public Policy Specializations


Global Issues: Students interested in focusing on Global Issues should consider selecting the majority of their program courses from the following:

CANA 1001/POLS 1001, CANA 1002/POLS 1002, CANA 4007/POLS 4007, ECON 2311, ECON 2312,

ECON 3308, ECON 3330, ECON 4408, ECON 4444/POLS 4444, PHIL 3312/POLS 3312,

POLS 2219/HIST 2219, PHIL 3312/POLS 3312, POLS 2224, POLS 2244, POLS/CULS 2246

POLS 3308, POLS 3312/PHIL 3312, POLS 3322/WOMS 3322, POLS 3324, POLS 3334

POLS 3344, POLS 3361/WOMS 3361, POLS 3391/WOMS 3391, POLS 4006, POLS 4007/CANA 4007

POLS 4401/CANA 4401, POLS 4444/ECON 4444, SOAN 3533.


Public Policy and Political Processes: Students interested in focusing on Public Policy and Political Processes should consider selecting the majority of their program courses from the following:

BUSI 3306/POLS 3306, CANA 2201/POLS 2201, CANA 2202/POLS 2202, CANA 3301/POLS 3301

CANA 4007/POLS 4007, ECON 2204, ECON 2206, ECON 2207, ECON 2208, ECON 3308, ECON 3325

ECON 3335, ECON 3550, ECON 4408, FSGN 3450, HIST 3330, POLS 2205, POLS 2216/HIST 2216

POLS 2223/WOMS 2223, POLS 2227, POLS 3301/CANA 3301, POLS 3306/BUSI 3306, POLS 3309

POLS 3361/WOMS 3361, POLS 3531/SOAN 3531, POLS 4006, POLS 4007/CANA 4007,

POLS 4401/CANA 4401, POLS 2530/SOAN 2530


Social Justice and Policy: Students interested in focusing on Social Justice and Policy should consider selecting the majority of their program courses from the following:

CANA/POLS 3301, CANA/POLS 4401, ECON 2204, ECON 2208, ECON 3308, ECON 3330, ECON 3335

ECON 3550, ECON 4408, PHIL 2209, PHIL 2229/RELS 2229, POLS 2214/PHIL 2214

POLS 2223/WOMS 2223, POLS 2530/SOAN 2530, POLS 3312/PHIL 3312, POLS 3322/WOMS 3322

POLS 3361/WOMS 3361, POLS 3400/PHIL 3400/WOMS 3400, POLS 3531/SOAN 3531,

POLS 3543/SOAN 3543, POLS 4007/CANA 4007, POLS 4401/CANA 4401