Making waves
There’s a reason we refer to the Arts as plural: it just makes sense when you’re studying humanity from different angles, asking different questions and employing different methods, while knowing that each approach can learn from the others.
Across more than 20 subject areas, Mount Arts faculty are engaged in teaching and research with great social impact. Each day, our faculty and students are exploring the principles and philosophies at the heart of practices, policies and issues that affect people at home and around the world. And our graduates are making waves around the globe too.
Dr. Diane Piccitto Teaching students to become informed citizens Dr. Piccitto helps her students engage with topics of global significance and demonstrates to them why an Arts degree holds great value for their future.
Dr. Janice Keefe Studying the quality of life in later years Dr. Keefe is directing a four-year research project to better understand how to add quality to years in the last phase of life for people in residential long-term care settings and their caregivers.
Dr. Maya Eichler Mount professor participates in the National Defence roundtable Dr. Eichler was one of 14 defence experts to participate in the National Defence Policy Review Roundtable held in Halifax, where she discussed feminist defence policy that would be reflective of Canadian values and interests, while supporting the health and well-being of military members and veterans.
Dr. Zachary Zimmer Accomplished researcher joins the Mount Dr. Zimmer joined the Mount as a new Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Global Aging and Community. An accomplished researcher and teacher, he is the Director of the Mount’s Global Aging Initiative, housed in the Rosemarie Sampson Centre on Aging.
Dr. Randi Warne Teaching the value of the unconventional Dr. Warne discusses her role at the Mount and the university’s distinctive Cultural Studies program, which teaches students about subjects that intersect with virtually all aspects of their lives and shows them the importance of stepping back from their assumptions to think critically.
Dr. Meredith Ralston Mount professor’s documentary debuts at film fest Dr. Ralston, in addition to her role as Professor and Departmental Chair of Women’s Studies at the Mount, is an accomplished documentary filmmaker whose latest film, Selling Sex, premiered at the Atlantic Film Festival.
Dr. KelleyAnne Malinen Mount professor examines woman-to-woman violence Dr. Malinen takes her passion for sociology and applies it as a professor to guide students in thinking about how to look at life in different ways, and as a researcher to focus on issues including sexual violence.
Dr. Verona Singer Mount alumna dedicates career to supporting victims of violence Dr. Singer works daily to support victims of crime with a focus on victims of domestic violence, sexualized violence and serious crimes. She has worked on issues of intimate partner violence, sexual violence and criminal justice for 30 years.
Stewart Zaun Mount alumnus advocates for youth in Nova Scotia A champion for youth in Nova Scotia since graduating from the Mount in 2011, Stewart now holds a role with the Centre for Entrepreneurship, Education and Development (CEED) as the Youth Employability Program Manager.
Janet Mills History student who “enriched lives” chosen as Mount valedictorian Janet Mills was selected as valedictorian of her graduating class after maintaining an impressive grade point average and receiving several scholarships during her time at the Mount, culminating with a Bachelor of Arts degree (with Honours) in History.
Nathan Horne Mount student awarded unforgettable Ottawa experience Nathan, the latest recipient of the Andrew and Charles R. Bronfman Award in Canadian Studies, shares his experiences after spending a week in Ottawa, which included a chance to shadow three Members of Parliament.
Rebecca Redden Mount student wins national research award Rebecca, a Mount History (Honours) student, was named one of four winners from across Canada of the Hannah Summer Studentship, which gives students doing research in the history of medicine an opportunity to learn techniques of historical research and encourages future study.