Mary Rita HollandDr. Mary Rita Holland

PhD.  Kinesiology and Health Studies (Queen’s University)
M.P.A.  Policy Studies (Queen’s University)
M.A.  History (Queen’s University)
B.A.  Honours English & History (University of New Brunswick)

Research interests

Caregiving/long-term care policy
Health equity/social determinants of health
Food insecurity
Feminist research methods

Teaching experience

Health policy
Gender & public policy
Social movements in health
Qualitative research methods

As a teacher and researcher, Dr. Holland grounds her work in community-based methods, informed by her role as a municipal representative in Kingston, Ontario (2014-2022). Dr. Holland advocated for changes to address social determinants of health as Co-chair of the Mayor’s Task Force on Housing (2019-2020), as a member of the Housing and Homelessness Advisory Committee (2018-2020), and as a director on the board of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Public Health (2016-2022). Dr. Holland also led political organizing and social justice campaigns as President of the Ontario New Democratic Party (2014-2022).

Dr. Holland’s current research uses the example of family carers of rural older adults in Atlantic Canada to shed light on the invisible emotional labour required to maintain the home as a site of care and manage disrupted meanings of home space and family relationships. Her work has been published in the international journal Health & Place. She is also a Research Associate at the Trent Centre for Aging and Society.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

  1. Holland, M.R. (2023). Moving toward inclusion and health equity: free transit for social assistance recipients in Kingston, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Public Health. DOI: 10.17269/s41997-023-00816-y
  2. Holland, M.R. (2022). More than chores: the health work of family caregivers in rural New Brunswick, Canada. Health & Place.
  3. Carbone, S., Power, E. & Holland, M.R. (2018). Canada’s missed opportunity to implement publicly funded school meal programs in the 1940s. Critical Public Health, Sept. 2018.
  4. Holland, M.R. (2012). Funding and Framing Families An Analysis of the Discursive Foundations of Family Allowance and the Universal Child Care Benefit. Mothers and the Economy: The Economics of Mothering, Spring/Summer, Volume 3, Number 1.
  5. Holland, M. R. (2008). From Disabled to Dispossessed: CPP Disability Benefits and the Decline of Social Citizenship. Cultural Shifts.

Other Publications

  1. Holland, M.R. (2024). Older Adults Living in Poverty in Kingston, Ontario, Horizons. Department of Family Medicine, Global Health Program, Queen’s University.
  2. Hsu, T. & Holland, M.R. (2021) A Foundation for the Public Good: Recommendations to Increase Kingston’s Housing Supply for All, Mayor’s Task Force on Housing, City of Kingston.
  3. Holland, M.R. (2019). Tasked to find solutions: How the City is addressing multiple societal challenges,” Horizons, Issue 2. Department of Family Medicine, Global Health Program, Queen’s University.