Gray, L. and Kernaghan, G. 2019. Fungal succession during the decomposition of ectomycorrhizal fine roots.
Microbial ecology. DOI:
LeFait, A., Gailey, J. and Kernaghan, G. Fungal species selection during ectomycorrhizal grazing by
Collembola. Accepted for publication in Symbioisis.
Kernaghan, G., Mayerhofer, M. and Griffin, A. 2017. Fungal endophytes of wild and hybrid Vitis leaves
and their potential for vineyard biocontrol. Canadian Journal of Microbiology.
doi: 10.1139/cjm-2016-0740.
John, J., Kernaghan, G. and Lundholm, J. 2017. The potential for mycorrhizae to improve green roof function.
Urban Ecosystems 20: 113-127.
Kernaghan, G. and Patriquin, G. 2015. Diversity and host preference of fungi co-inhabiting Cenococcum
mycorrhizae. Fungal Ecology 17: 84-95.
Mayerhofer, M., Fraser, E., and Kernaghan, G. 2015. Acid protease production by fungal root endophytes.
Mycologia 107: 1-11.
John, J., Lundholm, J, Kernaghan, G. 2014. Colonization of green roof plants by mycorrhizal and
root endophytic fungi. Ecological Engineering 71: 651-659.
Kelbi, H., Kernaghan, G., Drouin, P., Brais, S. 2014. Development and activity of early saproxylic
fungal communities in harvested and unmanaged boreal mixedwood stands.
European Journal of Forest Research.
Reithmeier, L., and Kernaghan, G. 2013. Availability of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi to Black Spruce
above the Present Treeline in Eastern Labrador. PloS one, 8, e77527.
Mayerhofer, M. S., Kernaghan, G., and Harper, K. A. 2013. The effects of fungal root endophytes
on plant growth: a meta-analysis. Mycorrhiza 23: 119-128.
Kernaghan, G. 2013. Functional diversity and resource partitioning in fungi associated with the
fine feeder roots of forest trees. Symbiosis 61: 113-123.
Kebli, H., Brais, S., Kernaghan, G. and Drouin, P. 2012 Impact of harvesting intensity on wood-inhabiting fungi in
boreal aspen forests of Eastern Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 279: 45-54.
Kernaghan, G. and Patriquin, G. 2011. Host associations between fungal root endophytes and boreal trees.
Microbial Ecology 62: 460-473.
Kebli, H., Drouin, P., Brais, S. and Kernaghan, G. 2011. Species composition of saproxylic
fungal communities on decaying logs in the boreal forest.
Microbial Ecology 61: 898-910
Quoreshi, A., Kernaghan, G. and Hunt, G. 2009. Mycorrhizas in Canadian forest nurseries. In: Advances in
Mycorrhizal Biotechnology: A Canadian Perspective. Edited by Piché, Y., Colgan, A. and Khasa, D. NRC
Research Press.
Berch, S.M., Monreal, M. and Kernaghan, G., 2009. Mycorrhiza in Canadian forest and
agricultural ecosystems. In: Advances in Mycorrhizal Biotechnology: A Canadian Perspective.
Edited by Piché, Y., Colgan, A. and Khasa, D. NRC Research Press.
Kernaghan, G., Hoke, S. M. and Reeleder, R. 2008. Quantification of Pythium populations in ginseng soils by
culture dependent and real-time PCR methods. Applied Soil Ecology 40: 447-455
Lazaruk, L., Macdonald, S.E. and Kernaghan, G. 2008. The effect of mechanical site preparation on
ectomycorrhizae of planted white spruce seedlings in a conifer-dominated boreal mixedwood forest.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 2072-2079
DeBellis, T., Kernaghan, G., and Widden, P. 2007. Plant community influences on soil microfungal
assemblages in boreal-mixed wood forests. Mycologia 99: 356-367.
Kernaghan, G., Hoke, S. M. and Reeleder, R. 2007. Quantification of Cylindrocarpon destructans in soils by
real-time PCR. Plant Pathology 56:508-516.
DeBellis, T., Kernaghan, G., Bradley, R. and Widden, P. 2006. Relationships between stand composition and
ectomycorrhizal community structure in boreal mixed-wood forests. Microbial Ecology 52: 114-126.
Kernaghan, G. 2005. Mycorrhizal diversity: cause and effect. Pedobiologia 49: 511-520.
Lazaruk, L.W., Kernaghan, G., Macdonald, S.E. and Khasa, D. 2005. The effects of partial cutting on the
ectomycorrhizae of Picea glauca forests in northwestern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35: 1-13.
Kernaghan, G., Widden, P., Bergeron, Y., Légaré, S., and Paré, D. 2003. Biotic and abiotic factors affecting
ectomycorrhizal diversity in boreal mixed-woods. Oikos 102: 497-505.
Kernaghan, G., Sigler, L., and Khasa, D. 2003. Mycorrhizal and root endophytic fungi of containerized Picea
glauca seedlings assessed by rDNA sequence analysis. Microbial Ecology 45: 128-136.
Khasa, P. D., Hambling, B, Kernaghan, G., Fung, M. and Ngimbi, E. 2002. Genetic variability in salt tolerance
of selected boreal woody seedlings. Forest Ecology and Management, 165: 257-269.
Kernaghan, G., Hambling, B., Fung, M. and Khasa, D. 2002. In vitro selection of ectomycorrhizal fungi for
reclamation of alkaline-saline habitats. Restoration Ecology 10: 43-51.
Kernaghan, G. 2001. Ectomycorrhizal fungi at tree line in the Canadian Rockies II: identification of
ectomycorrhizae by anatomy and PCR. Mycorrhiza 10: 217-229.