Selected Topics in Biology (Fall 2024-Winter 2029)

Below you will find a tentative schedule for Selected Topics in Biology. Note: Faculty sabbatical may change this order.

2024 – 2025

Fall 2024
Lori Borgal BIOL 4450 – Advanced Topics in Cell and Molecular Medicine

Winter 2025
Mirwais Qaderi BIOL 4444 – Climate Change and Plants (cancelled and bumped to Winter 2026)

2025 – 2026

Fall 2025
Tamara Franz-Odendaal BIOL 4450- Human embryology and birth defects

Winter 2026
Mirwais Qaderi BIOL 4444 – Climate Change and Plants

2026 – 2027

Fall 2026
Gavin Kernaghan BIOL 4451 – The Fungi

Winter 2027
Davide Awde BIOL 4450 – Insects in extreme environments

2027 – 2028

Fall 2027
Lori Borgal BIOL 4450 – Advanced Topics in Cell and Molecular Medicine

Winter 2028
Mirwais Qaderi BIOL 4444 – Climate Change and Plants

2028 – 2029

Fall 2028
Tamara Franz-Odendaal BIOL 4451- Human embryology and birth defects

Winter 2029
Gavin Kernaghan BIOL 4451 – The Fungi