Chemistry News & Events

Dr. Katherine Darvesh retirement celebration

On June 12, 2024 the Department of Chemistry & Physics held a retirement celebration for our beloved colleague, Dr. Katherine Darvesh. Kathy retired from the Mount on June 30, 2024 after 35 years of outstanding service. Congratulations Kathy! You will be missed.

Dr. Kathy Darvesh at her retirement celebration on June 12, 2024


2024 Science Atlantic-CIC Chemistry Conference (ChemCon)

ChemCon 2024 was held on May 23 – 25 at Cape Breton University. The department would like to congratulate the following students on receiving prestigious national awards from the Canadian Society for Chemistry:

  • Chemistry Honours student Erin Wiggins, working with Dr. Ian Pottie, won the Chemical Education Award for her presentation titled: “Adapting Titration Experiments for Students with Colour-Vision Deficiencies.”
  • Chemistry Honours student Ailish Sullivan, working with Dr. Chérif Matta and Dr. Tina Harriott, won the Science Atlantic Science Communication Award for her presentation: “Exploring Chemical Sources of Diffuse Interstellar Bands Through Quantum Mechanics.”

Ailish Sullivan and Erin Wiggins receiving their ChemCon 2024 awards


Convocation Awards

Several of our students and faculty were honoured at the 2024 Convocation ceremonies held May 16 and 17.

  • Jillian Mozvik, Bachelor of Science (Chemistry minor), was awarded the President’s Prize.
  • Ailish Sullivan, Bachelor of Science (Chemistry major), was awarded the President’s Prize.
  • Nicole Cox, Bachelor of Science (Chemistry major), was presented membership to Kappa Gamma Pi.
  • Dr. Kathy Darvesh was awarded Professor Emeritus status.
  • Dr. Reem Abuzaytoun, a long standing and valued Part-Time Faculty member in our department, was awarded the Alumni Part-Time Teaching Award.

Dr. Reem Abuzaytoun receiving her Alumni Part-Time Teaching Award