If you would like to give back to the Chemistry and Physics Department, we have three funds that support the academic work of our students, faculty and staff; the Chemistry Enhancement Fund, the Chemistry Endowment Fund and the Chemistry and Physics Student Society fund.

Chemistry Enhancement Fund

This fund was established in 2002 by members of the Department of Chemistry. This fund is an expendable fund, which can be accessed at anytime, was established to enhance the scholarly activities of the Department of Chemistry. On an on-going basis, the faculty of the Department of Chemistry will make recommendations to the Dean of Arts and Science for the use of this fund.

Previous uses of the Enhancement Fund are:

2024: Supported the visit of Dr. Gerrard Marangoni as part of the 2024 Chemistry & Physics Research Day
2010: Support the travel of an undergraduate student to an international conference to report her departmental research
2009: Supported the development of the 1st year physics lab manual
2008: Supported the purchase of special computer monitors for a faculty member
2006: Supported the purchase of specialized software to search chemical literature

Chemistry Endowment Fund

This fund was established in 2007. The initial donation was given by the Canadian Society for Chemistry Board of Directors for the work performed by members of the department during the 2006 National Canadian Society Chemistry Conference and Exhibition held in Halifax. The purpose of the donation was to establish a legacy for the 2006 CSC conference and to enhance the scholarly activity of the Department of Chemistry at MSVU. Income produced from the endowment may be used to support such things as student conference travel, equipment and software purchases, and other activities in support of the scholarship of the Department. The faculty of the Department of Chemistry will meet to decide the intended disposition of the funds available in that year and will take their recommendations to the Dean of Arts and Science for approval.

2024: Donation to the Chemistry & Physics Student Society to host the 2024 IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast.
2014: Travel awards to Alyssa Doue, David Garrison, and Matt Timm to attend the chemistry Science Atlantic Conference.
2015: Donation to the College Chemistry Canada Conference (C3) being held at MSVU from June 4-6. Travel award given to David Garrison to attend the chemistry Science Atlantic Conference.

Chemistry and Physics Student Society

This fund was established in 2023 by the Chemistry and Physics Student Society executive. Funds from the account will support student conference travel and other student lead initiatives. For more information about the Society follow them on Instagram @msvuchemphys or reach out to them at chemphyssociety@msvu.ca.

How to Donate Funds

To donate a one-time gift or ongoing pledge to any fund that supports the Department of Chemistry and Physics and our students, you can:

  1. call University Advancement by telephone (local: 457-6470 or toll free 1-888-678-2586) and make your donation to either the “Chemistry Enhancement Fund”, “Chemistry Endowment Fund” or the “Chemistry and Physics Student Society”.
  2. To make your donation online, you can click “Donate Now” and you will arrive at the MSVU Donate Now webpage.
    • For the enhancement fund: Place a value with 2 decimal places in the amount box. Select your donation to be either a one-time gift or an ongoing pledge. If it is an ongoing pledge, you must select the date of your first donation. Select “Choose Other Funds” from the Designation section. Then select “Chemistry Department Enhancement Fund” from the Departmental Funds section. Finally, tell the university what group best describes you as a donor.
    • For the endowment fund: Place a value with 2 decimal places in the amount box. Select your donation to be either a one-time gift or an ongoing pledge. If it is an ongoing pledge, you must select the date of your first donation. Select “Choose Other Funds” from the Designation section. Then select “Chemistry Department Endowment Fund” from the Other section.  Finally, tell the university what group best describes you as a donor.
    • For the Chemistry and Physics Student Society fund: Place a value with 2 decimal places in the amount box. Select your donation to be either a one-time gift or an ongoing pledge. If it is an ongoing pledge, you must select the date of your first donation. Select “Choose Other Funds” from the Designation section. Then select “Chemistry and Physics Student Society” from the Other section.  Finally, tell the university what group best describes you as a donor.

The Department of Chemistry and Physics would like to thank you for considering to give back to our community.