The Chemistry Department offers the following Prizes and Awards:

Canadian Society for Chemistry
Awarded on departmental recommendation, a silver medal to the highest ranking chemistry major entering the senior or graduating year of study.

Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour Award
Established by the NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering Program – Atlantic Region, this award is in memory of Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour, CM. With enduring fondness for her Scottish homeland and the quality of Scotland’s academic programs, this Canadian chemist was an active advocate for women in science across Canada.

She is well-known for her research expertise in the handling, recycling and disposing of hazardous chemical waste, and for being an active and vocal advocate for women in science. Dr. Armour founded the Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science and Technology (WISEST) program, and served as the first Associate Dean of Science for Diversity at the University of Alberta. She was named a Canada 150 ambassador in 2017, a member of the Order of Canada in 2006, and a 3M Teaching Fellow in 1996, Canada’s premier award for undergraduate teaching.

This award will be presented annually on the recommendation of the Departments of Chemistry/Physics, Biology and Mathematics to undergraduate female students majoring in Chemistry, Physics, Biology or Mathematics with proven volunteer experience on the MSVU campus or larger community while studying at MSVU. Students must also have demonstrated growth in their understanding of their chosen scientific discipline. The award will be made annually to a female student who has completed a minimum of 5.0 units and maximum of 10.0 units in the Bachelor of Science program; who has achieved a minimum GPA of 2.0; and who has not yet received another scholarship or monetary award at MSVU within the same year.

Applicants must submit a resume and short cover letter to the head of their Department (via email – identifying their volunteer work either across the MSVU campus or in the community while studying at MSVU.

Sister Mary Evelyn Award:
Awarded by the Sisters of Charity, Halifax, to recognize Sister Mary Evelyn, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry. On the recommendation of the chemistry faculty, this award will be given to a chemistry major in her or his third year or who has completed at least 10 units of credit with a GPA of at least 3.5.

Sister Patricia Mullins Award in Chemistry:
Inaugurated by the chemistry department to recognize and to commemorate the years of distinguished service which Sister Mullins gave as a teacher, researcher and administrator at the Mount. This financial award and certificate is presented annually to a full-time returning student in the Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Applied Human Nutrition) program who has demonstrated outstanding performance in CHEM 1011 and 1012 and other entry-level courses.

Susan Boyd Endowed Prize for Excellence in Chemistry:
Established by Dr. Boyd’s family on the occasion of her retirement from Mount Saint Vincent University to recognize her distinguished record of achievement and her dedication to her students. This prize will be presented annually to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence, has completed a minimum of three units of coursework in chemistry, and who intends to pursue advanced study in chemistry or teach chemistry at the secondary level. Applicants must submit a letter detailing their future academic and career plans and submit to the Chair, Department of Chemistry (via email –

Ms. Alyssa Doue (right) presenting the Canadian Society for Chemistry Silver Medal to Sacha Clark (left) at the 2024 Science Awards Ceremony

CSC Silver Medal

2024: Sacha Clark
2023: Nicole Cox
2022: Bret Baxter
2021: Sarah Madore
2020: Donald Dewolfe
2019: Josh Lease
2018: Kosuke Kanayama
2017: Rachel Witt
2016: Leanne Ingram
2015: Not awarded
2014: Brittany Marsh
2013: Matthew Timm
2012: Alyssa Jaeschke
2011: Earl Cook
2010: Courtney Jollymore
2009: Jennifer Jackson
2008: Jake Yorke
2007: Frank MacDonald

Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour Award

2024: Not awarded for Chemistry
2023: Not awarded for Chemistry

L. McDonald Memorial Award

2023: Merged with Dr. Bob Scholarship
2022: Bret Baxter
2021: Sarah Madore
2020: Donald Dewolfe
2019: Erix Essertaize
2018: Darcy Burley
2017: Madeline Doig
2016: Rachel Witt
2015: Tiffany Richards
2014: Leanne Ingram
2013: Devon Mills
2012: Matthew Timm
2011: Alyssa Jaeshke
2010: Jessica Sanford
2009: Amanda Pilgrim
2008: Eric Joy and Amy Morris
2007: Heather Cosh
2006: Karina Carneiro
2005: Sarah Beaton
2004: Sharon Chandrasegaram
2003: Heather Smith
2002: Sarah Conrad
2001: Geraldine Gomez

Sister Mary Evelyn Award

2024: Sacha Clark
2023: Ailish Sullivan
2022: Chase Ripley
2021: Donald Dewolfe
2020: Sarah Madore
2019: Not awarded
2018: Josh Lease
2017: Taylor Wilson
2016: Kosuke Kanayama
2015: Leanne Ingram
2014: Matthew Timm
2013: Matthew Timm
2012: Sean Jay Kelly
2011: Jessica Sanford
2010: Earl Cook
2009: Emma Higgins
2008: Matt Loranger
2007: Jake Yorke
2006: Frank MacDonald
2005: Diane Mataija
2004: Lesek Webber
2003: Jennifer Lévesque
2002: Belquis Mothana
2001: Sarah Conrad

Sister Patricia Mullins Award in Chemistry

2024: Daniel Harding & Jinjin He
2023: Amélie Moulin & Gabrielle Fenwick
2022: Nicole Cox
2021: Cassidy Robicheau & Courtney Strugnell
2020: Jasmine Tang & Sarah Madore
2019: Donald Dewolfe & Fraser Smith
2018: James Gailey
2017: Yuka Yamazaki and Emily Wright
2016: Sage Dixon
2015: Rachel Witt
2014: Tatyana Danylyshyn
2013: Victoria Godin and Esther Adsett
2012: Devon Mills
2011: Melanie Riley
2010: Rebecca Romo
2009: A. Kathleen MacAuley
2008: Kim Stinson
2007: Glynn Myers
2006: Caroline Tucker
2005: Frank MacDonald
2004: Nicole Richard
2003: Faye Watson
2002: Jennifer Lévesque

Susan Boyd Endowed Prize for Excellence in Chemistry

2024: Not awarded
2023: Ailish Sullivan & Nicole Cox
2022: Erin Wiggins & Chase Ripley
2021: Sarah Madore
2020: Donald Dewolfe
2019: Josh Lease
2018: Taylor Wilson
2017: Kosuke Kanayama
2016: Chelsey Williams
2015: Brittany Marsh
2014: Matthew Timm
2013: Not awarded
2012: Alyssa Jaeshke
2011: Martin Sichinga
2010: Amanda Pilgrim
2009: Alicia DeBaie and Earl Cook
2008: Alya Arabi and Jake Yorke