Dr. Suzanne Seager

Professor Emerita

Email: suzanne.seager@msvu.ca

Research Interests: Graph Theory and Mathematics Teaching

Some Recent Publications:

Seager, Suzanne

Analysis Boot Camp: An Alternative Path to Epsilon-Delta Proofs in Real Analysis

PRIMUS Published online: 16 Apr 2019

Seager, Suzanne

Locating a backtracking robber on a tree

Theoretical Computer Science Volume 539, 19 June 2014, Pages 28-37

Seager, Suzanne

A sequential locating game on graphs

Ars Combinatoria Volume CX, July, 2013 pp. 45-54

Seager, Suzanne M.

Locating a robber on a graph

Discrete Mathematics 312 (2012) 3265-3269