2024 Conference, Toronto

Dr. Ben Brinkmann

Dr. Brinkmann’s unique role as an engineer embedded in a clinical practice area allows him to help patients and informs the focus of his research. His research efforts are directed toward developing seizure detection and prediction capabilities using noninvasive and minimally invasive biosensors, and improving the accuracy of pre-surgical seizure evaluation using novel methods for image and neurophysiology analysis.

Dr. Jeff Daskalakis, University of California San Diego

Dr. Daskalakis’ research has focused on better understanding the neurophysiology of severe psychiatric disorders, with an emphasis on the role of inhibition, excitation and plasticity in the pathophysiology and treatment mechanisms in schizophrenia, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. He has also led numerous treatment studies using transcranial direct current stimulation, repetitive transcranial magnetic brain stimulation and magnetic seizure therapy for refractory symptoms in these disorders.

Dr. Margaret Niznikiewicz, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Niznikiewicz’s research has been in the nature of communication using tools of cognitive neuroscience to address the fundamental questions about how communication is supported by the brain. Specifically, she has been interested in which brain processes mediate communication and how its impairments manifest in disease states.