Office: Evaristus 417
Phone: (902) 457-6535
B.Sc. (Memorial)
B.Ed. (Dalhousie)
Ph.D. (McMaster)
Research Interests
My doctoral training was in developmental psychology and, specifically, in understanding the effect of experience on visual development. Over time, my experiences as a faculty member have also led me to explore topics related to the education of students, including learning strategies and faculty training for teaching. My teaching interests include developmental psychology, sensation and perception, and introductory psychology. In 2001, I was the recipient of the MSVU Instructional Leadership Award.
Current projects
Recently, I have been implementing service learning within my course curricula. Here, students work on real world problems with a community partner (the service component) and then reflect on that experience (the learning component). For example, students in PSYC 3319: Adolescent Development have carried out academic tutoring and mentoring with adolescents in Spryfield. I now am examining whether service learning promotes academic learning and personal development in university students.
Selected Publications and Conference Presentations
Bowering, E.R., Maurer, D., Lewis, T.L., & Brent, H.P. (1997). Constriction of the visual field of children after
early visual deprivation. Journal of Pediatric Strabismus & Ophthalmology, 34(6), 347-356.
Bowering, E., Maurer, D., Lewis, T.L., Brent, H.P., & Riedel, P. (1996). The visual field in childhood: Normal
development and the influence of deprivation. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Technical Report
No. 96.1.
Bowering, E.R., Mills, J., & Merritt, A. (in press). An evaluation of a Student Success Course for students on
academic probation. Canadian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Bowering, E. & Reed, M. (October 2017). The importance of teaching and researching teaching for career
success for female and male academics at Canadian universities. Poster accepted for presentation at
the annual meeting of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, Calgary, AB.
Bowering, E.R., & Wetmore, A.A. (1997). Success on multiple choice examinations: A model and workshop
intervention. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 31(4), 294-304.
Skinner, N.F. & Bowering, M. E. (2009). Teaching psychology and teaching academic psychologists: A
Canadian perspective. In S. McCarthy, V. Karandashev, M. Stevens, A. Thatcher, J. Jaafar, K. Moore, A.
Trapp, A., & C. Brewer (Eds.), Teaching psychology around the world: Vol. 2. (pp. 412-423). Newcastle
on Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.