Co-op Grad Survey Results

Since 2010, the Co-op & WIL Centre has conducted a co-op grad survey to learn about grad success in the workplace and how co-op contributed to their current level of success. Business administration, public relations, and tourism & hospitality management co-op students are surveyed one year following graduation.

Here’s what our May and November 2023 co-op grads had to say:

  • 100% of recent co-op grad respondents were employed in their field of study
  • 100% of recent co-op grads who are employed secured employment in their field of study within three months of graduation
  • Co-op grads are employed in all employment sectors – government, private, and not-for-profit
  • 100% of co-op grads said that co-op was effective in helping secure full-time employment after graduation
  • 100% of co-op grads felt prepared for the workforce after completing co-op
  • 100% of co-op grads said that they were satisfied with the MSVU’s co-op program.

Grad Testimonials

Blue Line

“The co-op program truly set me up for success heading into the professional world post-graduation. This hands-on experience has allowed me to feel confident in my abilities to construct a cover letter, resume, and prepare for a job interview successfully.” Paighton Arseneault, BPR, 2020

“I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities I got because of the co-op program at the Mount. It allowed me to work in my field for the entirety of the second half of my degree (due to being hired on part-time following each of my three placements) and I credit it with being able to secure not one but two job offers before even graduating.” Morgan Myshrall, BPR, 2019

Blue Line

“I learned more on the job in my first co-op than I did my entire degree. Overall it was amazing, practical and life changing. The staff are amazing, they knew me and knew what I was looking for. I would have been petrified to jump into the workforce without the priceless experience I gained from the program.” Della d’Entremont, BBA Class of 2017