Dr. Andy Manning
Office: Seton 463
Phone: (902) 457-6148
Fax: (902) 457-4911
E-mail: andrew.manning@msvu.ca
Research and Teaching Interests
- literacy and new technologies
- critical literacies
- the social construction of literacy and literacy instruction
- teacher research and research methodologies
Andrew R. Manning is a Professor and has served as Chair for the Department of Education at Mount Saint Vincent University. He received his PhD in 1977 from the University of Ottawa and has taught at Mount Saint Vincent University in the Literacy Education Program since then. Previous to that, he was a classroom teacher for the Peel Board of Education. He is an adjunct professor at the University of South Australia. He supervises numerous Canadian students completing doctoral studies through the University of South Australia and is attached to the Centre for Studies in Literacy, Policy and Learning Cultures in Adelaide. Dr. Manning has been invited to present keynote addresses at numerous provincial, national and international conferences and has recently established a research centre to look at the interchange between literacy learning and new technologies.