Dr. Eddia Solas
Director of Teacher Education
Associate Professor

Office: Seton 445;
Tel: (902) 457-6687
Fax: (902) 457-4911
Email: eddia.solas@msvu.ca


Ph.D. (Chemistry), M.Ed. (Science Education) – University of the West Indies, Jamaica
MT – University of Toronto.



Research and teaching interests

Science Education, specifically unveiling the challenges students face in learning science, methodologies that facilitate learning, and the identification and dismantling of student misconceptions.

Select Publications

Solas, E., & Sutton, F. (2018). Incorporating Digital Technology in the General Education Classroom. Research in Social Sciences and Technology, 3(1), 1-15.

Solas, E. C., & Wilson, K. (2017). Instructor’s use of student-generated annotated concept sketches in formative assessment in general science. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 14(4), 144-161.

Solas, E. (2016). Strategic Utilization of Student-Selected Media to Encourage Reflection in General Education Science Classes. In 21st Century Academic Forum ICEWD 2017 Conference Proceedings (p. 37).

Wilson, K., Copeland-Solas, E., & Guthrie-Dixon, N. (2016). A preliminary study on the use of mind mapping as a visual-learning strategy in general education science classes for Arabic speakers in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 16(1), 31-52.

Solas, E., & Wilson, K. (2015). Lessons learned and strategies used while teaching core-curriculum science courses to English language learners at a middle eastern university. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 12(2), 81-94.

Solas, E. (2015). Book review: BITE: Recipes for remarkable research (Williams, A., Jones, D. & Robertson, J. (eds., 2014). Sense Publishers, Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 95-97.