GCRD 6301
Curriculum Studies I 0.5 unit
An introduction to curriculum studies as a field for scholarly inquiry and professional practice. This course includes an examination of theories and philosophies of curriculum studies and models of curriculum development and evaluation. Emphasis is given to the founding of the field and its development through the late 20th century.
GCRD 6302
Curriculum Studies II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GCRD 6301 or permission of the instructor
A continued study of curriculum studies as a field for scholarly inquiry and professional practice. This course includes a focus on current issues and recent developments related to curriculum studies including decolonization, internationalization, critical theory, arts-based-research, holistic education, and post-structuralism.
GCRD 6305/GFDD 6513
Schooling and Social Justice 0.5 unit
An exploration of the connections between curriculum theorizing and practices, ways in which social issues are brought to bear upon curriculum, and how this is affected by the everyday lived experiences of students and teachers. This course also focuses on developing strategies for socially just classrooms. Note: Students who have received credit for GFDD 6513 may not take this course for credit.
GCRD 6310/GLIT 6710
Indigenous Literatures for the Classroom 0.5 unit
A consideration of issues, practices, and theories related to the teaching of Indigenous literatures in P-12 classrooms. The course focuses on storytelling by Indigenous peoples in formats such as children’s literature, graphic novels, poetry, short stories, and novels. Particular emphasis is given to local authors.
GCRD 6314
Geographic Thinking for Education 0.5 unit
An examination of how a careful consideration of place and context can contribute to an increased understanding of our world and its complexities. This course is designed to engage teachers in exploring how geographic thinking and inquiry can inform curriculum and teaching at different grade levels and in different disciplines.
GCRD 6315
Critical Pedagogy 0.5 unit
A survey of historical and present forms of critical pedagogy. This course examines theoretical frameworks for analyzing the intersections of knowledge, power, and identity in and through the everyday work of education. Counter-pedagogies, those which can name and challenge the social status quo, are the primary focus of the course.
GCRD 6317
Curriculum in Practice I 0.5 unit
An introduction to the process of action research in classrooms and schools with a focus on what teachers and students are actually doing in the learning environment. Emphasis is placed on basic teaching and learning interactions, and critical analysis of a series of cycles examining curriculum in practice.
GCRD 6318
Curriculum in Practice II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GCRD 6317 or permission of the instructor
A continuation of the process of action research in classrooms and schools; focus on what teachers and students are actually doing in the learning environment. Emphasis is placed on basic teaching and learning interactions, and critical analysis of a series of cycles examining curriculum in practice.
GCRD 6319/GFDD 6512
History of Educational Ideas 0.5 unit
An examination of the social, cultural, and ideological forces that have affected ideas about education and their relationship to contemporary educational practices. Various aspects of education such as curriculum design, evaluation, implementation, and research are explored. Note: Students who have received credit for GFDD 6512 may not take this course for credit.
GCRD 6320
Global Issues and Education I 0.5 unit
An examination and comparison of theoretical perspectives about global education. Relevant principles, themes, concepts and/or values inherent in a global perspective will be considered.
GCRD 6321
Global Issues and Education II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GCRD 6320 or permission of the instructor
An identification and critique of global education initiatives. Students will engage in an exploration of the underlying ideologies and paradigms that inform various global education theories/perspectives and will examine and apply global education pedagogy and practice.
GCRD 6324/GLIT 6731
Cultural Politics and the Teaching of English 0.5 unit
This course traces the social, cultural and institutional functions of the subject of English to provide an understanding of how it is a form of cultural politics. The course examines contemporary critical theories and the cultural politics of media (print, electronic, visual) as a means of expanding possibilities of teaching English as a socially progressive subject. Note: Students who have received credit for GLIT 6731 may not take this course for credit.
GCRD 6325/GLIT 6732
Reading and Teaching Popular Culture 0.5 unit
This course focuses on the educational and pedagogical dimensions of popular culture. It provides theoretical frameworks, namely, those of cultural studies and critical literacy, to explore the variety of literacies practised in contemporary multi-mediated cultures and the complex social processes brought to bear on the teaching and reading of popular culture. Note: Students who have received credit for GLIT 6732 may not take this course for credit.
GCRD 6326/GEMS 6426
Learning Difficulties in School Mathematics 0.5 unit
An examination of research on mathematics anxiety, mathematics disabilities, and other learning issues. The course provides an opportunity to use existing tools or to develop specific instruments for determining problematic areas and to plan appropriate teaching strategies. Note: Students who have received credit for GEMS 6426 may not take this course for credit.
GCRD 6327/GEMS 6427
Interdisciplinary Study of School Mathematics 0.5 unit
An examination of research on the learning of mathematics in the context of other subject areas, or other fields of applications. This course provides an opportunity to study mathematical experiences that offer meaningful and authentic connections to various topics of educational interest. Note: Students who have received credit for GEMS 6427 may not take this course for credit.
GCRD 6328/GEMS 6428
Pedagogical Approaches in School Mathematics 0.5 unit
An examination of pedagogical approaches in mathematics education. Research on techniques beyond direct instruction is investigated with the aim to develop an extensive pedagogical toolbox of strategies for teaching mathematics. While mathematical content is not the major emphasis of the course, it is often the vehicle for discussion of the pedagogical approaches. Note: Students who have received credit for GEMS 6462 or GEMS 6428 may not take this course for credit.
GCRD 6329
Curricular Topics in High School Mathematics 0.5 unit
An examination of current perspectives in mathematics education regarding content knowledge at the high school level. Areas to be reviewed include research on students’ development of quantitative, algebraic, spatial, and statistical reasoning.
GCRD 6330
Assessment for Learning I 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to concentration in Supporting Learners with Diverse Needs and Exceptionalities program
A review of educational assessment for learning focusing on the inclusive classroom. Topics include linkages between assessment and program planning, selected professional practice issues, measurement issues, and the role of the teacher and student in the assessment process for school age children and youth. Content also includes a critical analysis of selected tests, strategies and procedures used in the assessment process.
GCRD 6331
Assessment for Learning II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GCRD 6330 (may be taken concurrently)
A seminar and practicum course designed to extend knowledge and critical perspectives in integrating assessment information in developing accommodations, adaptations, and individualized program plans. Students critically review the design and development of informal techniques and strategies to enhance the teaching/learning process and practice the administration, scoring, and interpretation of selected instruments.
GCRD 6332
Programming for Students with Learning Differences I 0.5 unit
A critical examination of current practices, research, and educational policies as well as teachers’ personal and practical knowledge of student differences. The course will also involve the integration of effective strategies, techniques, and a spectrum of approaches in various discipline areas to support students in school-based learning settings.
GCRD 6333
Programming for Students with Learning Differences II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GCRD 6332 (may be taken concurrently)
A seminar and practicum course designed to provide for critical examination and practice in building inclusive learning environments. The course focuses on a critical analysis of the design and implementation of adaptations, accommodations, as well as the use of assistive technology to support learners with various interests, needs and abilities.
GCRD 6334
Classroom Organization and Programming for Learners with Behavioral Challenges 0.5 unit
A consideration of the needs of learners with behavioral challenges, and suggestions for a variety of practices to address those needs. Students have the opportunity to develop practices from both experiences and research and, in the process, become familiar with reviews, journal articles and books in the field. Collaborative approaches to addressing behavioral challenges in the classroom are examined.
GCRD 6335
School Culture and Inclusive Practices 0.5 unit
An exploration of school culture from various perspectives and an examination of how school culture forms and influences inclusionary practices in schools. The course facilitates an inquiry into the issues and challenges to inclusion and offers students opportunities to explore their personal beliefs on inclusion and teaching practices.
GCRD 6336/GEMS 6401
Numeracy in the Curriculum I 0.5 unit
An examination of the concepts of number and operations from grades primary to twelve. Research on number sense is investigated with the aim to develop classroom instruction strategies that foster students’ quantitative thinking. Note: Students who have received credit for GEMS 6401 may not take this course for credit.
GCRD 6337/GEMS 6402
Numeracy in the Curriculum II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GCRD 6336/GEMS 6401
An examination of number concepts as they apply in the areas of measurement, probability, and statistics from grades primary to twelve. Research on these areas of application of number sense is investigated with the aim to develop classroom instruction strategies that foster students’ quantitative thinking. Note: Students who have received credit for GEMS 6402 may not take this course for credit.
GCRD 6338/GEMS 6403
Problem Solving and Problem Posing in School Mathematics 0.5 unit
An investigation of the literature pertaining to problem solving and problem posing in the context of mathematics learning. Students will learn about divergent and convergent thinking processes in mathematics, the integration of creativity and problem solving strategies and their place in the mathematics classroom. Note: Students who have received credit for GEMS 6403 may not take this course for credit.
GCRD 6340
Holistic Education 0.5 unit
Explores the principles, perspectives, and practices of holistic education that emphasize physical, cognitive, emotional, and spiritual development of children. Through examining alternative educational approaches, models, and theories from Canada and abroad, students develop an understanding of how awareness, creativity, dialogue, freedom, and inquiry can be incorporated in the educational experience.
GCRD 6341
Education as Meditative Inquiry 0.5 unit
Involves holistic, investigative engagement, deepening our awareness of ourselves, our relationships, and the world. In this course, through a study of thought-provoking course materials and participation in dialogues, reflection, and relaxation activities, students will explore ways in which meditative inquiry can inform teaching, learning, and their lives.
GCRD 6342
Educational Technology: Curriculum Studies II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GCRD 6372
A continuation of educational technology curriculum studies. This course focuses on the applied practice and process of curriculum development and implementation through technology integration, including aims, design, and implementation. Students will evaluate and create curriculum that applies theories and models of curriculum studies in different contexts.
GCRD 6343
Educational Technology: Introduction to Research 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Educational Technology concentration
An exploration into educational technology scholarly research and literature. This course examines various methodologies, designs, techniques, and the underlying theoretical assumptions used in educational technology. Students will develop research skills through the appraisal of scholarly research, analysis of research methods, and critical evaluation of research findings.
GCRD 6344/GFDD 6544
Race, Culture, and Education 0.5 unit
An examination of critical theories of race and culture and the adverse effects of hegemonic concepts on societal and educational structures, policies, pedagogies, and power relations, using historical and contemporary case studies of majority-minority relations in Canada. Note: Students who have received credit for GFDD 6544 may not take this course for credit.
GCRD 6345/GFDD 6545
Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education 0.5 unit
A survey of contemporary scholarship on Indigenous and decolonizing studies in education. The course deals in the theoretical foundations of movements like decolonization, resurgence, and reconciliation. The course also addresses ways of approaching Indigenous topics in teaching, the “decolonization” and “indigenization” of post-secondary institutions, and conducting ethical Indigenous research.
GCRD 6346
Educational Technology: Teaching in the Connected Classroom II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GCRD 6377
A continuation of the exploration of educational technology available to teachers and students. This course offers the opportunity to evaluate educational technology use as it relates to student learning. Students will apply educational technology knowledge and strategies to address diverse teaching and learning goals and challenges.
GCRD 6347
Educational Technology: Transforming Pedagogy through Emerging Technologies I 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Educational Technology concentration
An examination of current educational issues and emerging technologies. This course investigates the relationship between pedagogy and educational technology and the impact of emerging technologies on student learning. Students will evaluate emergent technologies and pedagogies used in education.
GCRD 6348
Educational Technology: Transforming Pedagogy through Emerging Technologies II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GCRD 6347
An in-depth analysis and application of emerging technologies that addresses current educational issues and inform teaching practice. This course offers an opportunity to demonstrate transformative pedagogy. Students will create learning activities that utilize emerging technologies.
GCRD 6349
Educational Technology: Graduate Project 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Educational Technology concentration
An immersive exploration of educational technology theory and practice. This course provides an opportunity to bridge academic theories and classroom practices. Students engage in an inquiry-based research project that fosters their evidence-informed approach to teaching with technology.
GCRD 6353
Research Seminar in Curriculum Studies 0.5 unit
GCRD 6354
Research Seminar in Curriculum Studies 0.5 unit
GCRD 6355
Research Seminar in Curriculum Studies 1.0 unit
A seminar course for MEd or MA students in a topic related to curriculum studies. Topics will vary. Note: May be taken more than once for credential credit.
GCRD 6356
Special Topics in Curriculum Studies 0.5 unit
GCRD 6357
Special Topics in Curriculum Studies 0.5 unit
GCRD 6358
Special Topics in Curriculum Studies 1.0 unit
These courses are designed to allow students to study in greater depth a topic in curriculum studies that is treated more briefly in another graduate course or a related topic that is not covered in another graduate course. Note: May be taken more than once for credential credit.
GCRD 6372
Educational Technology: Curriculum Studies I 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Educational Technology concentration
An introduction of curriculum studies through the lens of educational technology as a field for scholarly inquiry and professional practice. This course examines learning theories, models of curriculum development, and evaluation. Students will explore and analyze theories and models to synthesize their own understanding of curriculum.
GCRD 6377
Educational Technology: Teaching in the Connected Classroom I 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Educational Technology concentration
An exploration of the characteristics of 21st century learners, classrooms, and educational technologies. This course examines the safe and ethical use of various educational technologies. Students will explore technology integration models to create transferable knowledge and strategies to inform educational technology use.
GCRD 6384
Educational Technology: Innovation and Design I 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Educational Technology concentration
A reflection of advanced knowledge of curriculum design and technology integration. This course provides an opportunity to leverage previous learning to create artifacts that demonstrate innovative pedagogy. Students will in participate structured activities that build their pedagogical efficacy.
GCRD 6385
Educational Technology: Innovation and Design II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GCRD 6384
An exploration of comprehensive and scaffolded instructional materials to enhance engagement and improve student achievement. This course provides an opportunity to demonstrate advanced understanding of educational technology integration. Students will design and create specific curriculum, material, and resources to advance their teaching practice.
Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.
For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.
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