Who Studies Lifelong Learning?
The Mount’s Graduate Studies in Lifelong Learning Programs attract students interested in learning more about supporting lifelong learning in a wide variety of life contexts including:
- Teachers in formal higher or adult education institutions like universities and colleges;
- Workplace educators and HRD (Human Resource Development) staff or administrators;
- Executive Directors or administrators in not-for-profit organizations;
- Educators in the K-12 school system, particularly those working in leadership roles with other teachers (ie. administrators, curriculum experts, literacy coaches;
- People who provide student support services in higher or adult education contexts;
- Trainers, coaches, mentors, facilitators from a variety of workplaces (government, health, industry, education);
- Community developers, social activists;
- Education program planners and developers (government, military, correctional services, law enforcement, community services, social services);
- Public educators (dietitians, family educators, environmental educators, health service educators);
- People involved in immigrant settlement, diversity training, second language education;
- Distance educators, education technology specialists;
- Researcher/scholars in education, philosophy, and the social sciences interested in human learning and society.
How are courses offered?
Students can take our program either full-time or part-time. Full-time students typically take three to four courses per term and often can complete the MEd program in one year. Part time students typically take one or two courses per term (including spring and summer) and often complete the MEd program in two years. Students completing an MAEd requiring a thesis sometimes take an additional term to meet program requirements. Students have a total of five years to complete their program of studies.
Most of the courses in our on-campus program are offered in weekly classes and most are offered after 4:30 pm weekdays. Occasionally, courses are offered using a weekend workshop format (typically three weekends). As well, we sometimes offer Summer Institutes, intensive summer classes conducted over two to three weeks in July.
Students taking our courses are challenged to work hard and learn deeply. Students engage in a rich range of activities to facilitate their learning. By the end of the degree, students can expect to have much improved proficiency in writing and research as well as a significantly expanded understanding of the theories and practices of lifelong learning.
How might the programs enhance your life?
The growing centrality of lifelong learning in today’s rapidly changing society makes graduates of Studies in Lifelong Learning particularly valuable contributors to organizations. GSLL graduates are prepared to play leadership roles in enhancing learning in business, government, and community organizations. The hands-on experiences students have in the practicum and other components of their degree prepare them with practical skills and know-how that enable them to plan and evaluate educational of training programs.
Graduates of the GSLL programs often speak of the transformation in perspective that they experiences as part of their studies. Students leave the program with a far deeper sense of the role that lifelong learning plays in our society and with renewed commitments to supporting the development of ethical and life-enhancing social and cultural forms.
Who is eligible to apply?
Applicants to the program must possess an undergraduate degree from an accredited university with a grade point average of B or higher. Applicants with a demonstrated interest, experience, or expertise in supporting the learning of adults are especially encouraged to apply to our graduate programs.
When can I submit my application?
The Masters level programs in Studies in Lifelong Learning can be applied for at any time during the year. Once admitted, students can commence their programs in the next school term. To get a taste of program offerings, many students take introductory GSLL courses as special students prior to being formally admitted to the program. Students interested in pursuing doctoral studies typically will apply for admission in the fall. Deadlines for admission are early!