Graduate Academic Calendar Header

GLIT 6710/GCRD 6310
Indigenous Literatures for the Classroom
0.5 unit
A consideration of issues, practices, and theories related to the teaching of Indigenous literatures in P-12 classrooms. The course focuses on storytelling by Indigenous peoples in formats such as children’s literature, graphic novels, poetry, short stories, and novels. Particular emphasis is given to local authors.

GLIT 6724
Literature for Children and Young Adults I 0.5 unit
An examination of children’s literature and the teaching of literacy. Part I examines the variety of children’s literature, along with current issues in teaching and selection. Analysis, evaluation and selection of literary works meeting the diverse needs, interests and cultures of today’s classrooms will be highlighted. Note: Students who received credit for GLIT 6723 may not take this course for credit.

GLIT 6725
Literature for Children and Young Adults II 0.5 unit
A review of pedagogical strategies for teaching literacy through children’s literature. Part II examines the pedagogy of teaching reading, writing and content topics using children’s literature. Students will have the opportunity to explore the pedagogy of teaching special interest areas of children’s literature and will examine home-to-school-to-community connections. Note: Students who received credit for GLIT 6723 may not take this course for credit.

GLIT 6727
Literacy Learning I 0.5 unit
An entry-level graduate literacy course. This course examines the nature of language, learning and what it means to be literate.

GLIT 6728
Literacy Learning II 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GLIT 6727
A continuation of GLIT 6727. This course examines how teachers’ beliefs about language, learning, and what it means to be literate shape curricula and pedagogies for literacy learning.

GLIT 6729
Pedagogy of Literacy Learning 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GLIT 6728
This course examines the assumptions and practices entailed in promoting literacy learning in a wide variety of settings.

GLIT 6730
Reflection on Literacy Learning and Teaching 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GLIT 6729
This course will engage students in an examination of their assumptions/beliefs about learning and teaching. A continuation of GLIT 6729, this course will require students to compile a portfolio of work consisting of artifacts and reflections from their learning in the graduate education program as well as from their classrooms. This is normally the last course taken in the MEd in the Literacy Education program.

GLIT 6731/GCRD 6324
Cultural Politics and the Teaching of English 0.5 unit
This course traces the social, cultural and institutional functions of the subject English to provide an understanding of how it is a form of cultural politics. The course examines contemporary critical theories and the cultural politics of media (print, electronic, visual) as a means of expanding possibilities of teaching English as a socially progressive subject. Note: Students who have received credit for GCRD 6324 may not take this course for credit.

GLIT 6732/GCRD 6325
Reading and Teaching Popular Culture 0.5 unit
This course focuses on the educational and pedagogical dimensions of popular culture. It provides theoretical frameworks, namely, those of cultural studies and critical literacy, to explore the variety of literacies practised in contemporary multi-mediated cultures and the complex social processes brought to bear on the teaching and reading of popular culture. Note: Students who have received credit for GCRD 6325 may not take this course for credit.

GLIT 6753
Research Seminar in Literacy Education 0.5 unit
GLIT 6754
Research Seminar in Literacy Education 0.5 unit
A course designed for students in the Master of Arts Program in literacy education. Note: May be taken more than once for credential credit.

GLIT 6756
Special Topics in Literacy Education 0.5 unit
GLIT 6757
Special Topics in Literacy Education 0.5 unit
GLIT 6758
Special Topics in Literacy Education 1.0 unit
These courses are designed to allow students to study in greater depth a topic that is treated more briefly in another graduate course or a related topic that is not covered in another graduate course. Note: May be taken more than once for credential credit.

GLIT 6771
Issues in Language and Literacy Research and Practice 0.5 unit
A seminar course allowing for an examination of selected topics in language and literacy research and practice.

GLIT 6772
Issues in Language and Literacy Research 0.5 unit
A seminar course allowing for an examination of selected topics in language and literacy research.

GLIT 6792
Theory and Practice of Writing 1.0 unit
An examination of the role of writing as a literate activity. Students will develop their own writing in a number of genres, study the historical roots of writing instruction, and examine critically the philosophical and pedagogical implications of teaching and learning writing from several cultural and epistemological perspectives.


Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.

For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.

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