GAHN 6190
Directed Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): permission of the department Chair and the faculty member involved
Independent examination of the research literature designed to meet the special needs of individual graduate students. The graduate student will make arrangements with the faculty member in advance of registration. Note: No more than 0.5 unit towards a graduate degree may be acquired through directed study.
GAHN 6609
Nutrition and Population Health Assessment 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
An examination of the principles underlying derivations and application of nutrient requirements, and the theoretical basis of nutritional assessment. An evidence-based approach will be used to explore the relationship between population level surveillance and nutrition policy.
GAHN 6620
Clinical Trials in Food and Nutrition 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to the master’s program or permission of the instructor
A study of the design and conduct of clinical trials on foods and nutraceuticals. Topics include regulation of health claims for foods and natural health products, methodological aspects of clinical trials in free-living and controlled environments, laboratory facilities for food trials, data management, biomarkers, research ethics and clinical trial registries.
GAHN 6650
Special Topics 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to the master’s program or permission of the instructor
These courses offer a detailed study of particular issues relevant to professionals in nutrition and dietetics and related disciplines. Course titles and descriptions will be announced as courses are offered. Note: Students may take a maximum of 1.0 unit as Special Topics.
GAHN 6670
Quantitative Methods of Nutrition Research 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
An examination of the quantitative methodologies, designs and methods that may be used for research in food, nutrition and dietetics. Attention will be given to application of descriptive and inferential statistics, knowledge translation and ethical considerations.
GAHN 6675
Qualitative Methods of Nutrition Research 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
An examination of various qualitative methods and underlying methodological approaches in food, nutrition, and dietetics. Attention will be given to study design, sampling, recruitment, data collection and analysis, knowledge translation and ethical considerations.
GAHN 6691
Thesis 1.5 units
Required for completion of the MScAHN degree. Registration involves working with individual faculty members on the conceptualization, production, and defence of a thesis. Graded Pass/Fail/NCR
GAHN 6715
Food and Nutrition Security: Issues and Approaches 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s):admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
A critical analysis of the complex and transdisciplinary nature of the determinants of individual/household, community, national, and global food and nutrition security and approaches to address it. Global and local issues, debates, and initiatives will be explored through the lens of social justice and ecological sustainability.
GAHN 6720
Public Health Nutrition 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s):admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
Critical application of a public health lens to current issues, context, discourse, policies, and practices affecting health in Canada and globally. Students will learn about systems thinking tools and planning processes for upstream approaches to addressing health equity and public health issues related to food and nutrition.
GAHN 6725
Applied Human Nutrition and Metabolism for Nutrition Professionals 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s):admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
An integration, synthesis and application of evidence from the fields of nutritional science, biochemistry, molecular biology and physiology and research methods within the context of applied human nutrition (e.g., public health, community, clinical, foods). Emphasis will be on interpretation of research and translation of contemporary knowledge from laboratory to community.
GAHN 6730
Advances in Food Design and Evaluation 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s):admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
A theoretical perspective of food design and consumer research covering topics on functional and value-added foods, novel and repurposed food ingredients, food labelling, food safety and quality assurance, and Canadian and international food legislation. Physiological, behavioural and sociocultural dimensions of consumer perception, food sensory acceptance and evaluation methods will be reviewed.
GAHN 6735/GFSG 6735
Food and Nutrition for Older Adults 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s):admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
A critical examination of the issues, policies and practices affecting the food and nutrition status of older people living in the community and in continuing care settings. Attention will be given to determinants of health, cultural diversity, isolation, compassion and client centred care.
GAHN 6740/GCYS 6740
Food and Nutrition for Children and Youth 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s):admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
A critical examination of the issues, policies and practices affecting the food and nutrition status of children and youth, including child care, school and community settings. Attention will be given to determinants of health, cultural diversity, and responsive feeding.
GAHN 6745
Advanced Food and Nutrition Counselling 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s):admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
An examination of behavioural theories relevant to eating and food choices for effective nutrition and food counselling. Students will focus on developing communication and interpersonal skills and practices for client-focused, traumainformed and compassionate care.
GAHN 6750
Food and Nutrition Interventions for Communities 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s):admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
An examination of emerging issues and intervention approaches for community food and nutrition. Attention will be given to roles of social and structural determinants of health on food and nutrition-related issues and the identification of systems level interventions for groups and communities.
GAHN 6755
Leadership in Food and Nutrition 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s):admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
An examination and case study analysis of effective leadership approaches in a variety of food and nutrition career settings. Attention will be given to leadership strategies and best practices to facilitate change, manage conflict, and inspire innovation and effectiveness in teams, organizations, and communities.
GAHN 6760
Food and Nutrition Enterprises 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s):admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
An examination and case study analysis of effective social and business enterprises in food and nutrition related practice. Students will be supported in developing a detailed plan for a new or revised product, service or venture including seeking funding.