GFSG 6606
Research Methods 0.5 unit
An examination of the elements of the research process. Emphasis will be given to various methodologies that are used for research in family studies and gerontology, and attention will be given to the philosophies underlying quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.
GFSG 6609
Fundamentals of Social Gerontology 0.5 unit
An examination of theoretical perspectives affecting individual and societal aging and an overview of contemporary issues affecting older adults. Students will analyze scholarly literature on family relationships, economic security, retirement, health and other issues of specific interest to class registrants.
GFSG 6610
Family Life Education 0.5 unit
An examination of the theoretical principles and methodological approaches employed in planning and implementing family life education programs within the variety of disciplines focusing on families and individuals across the life course. Students will have the opportunity to reflect upon the philosophies underpinning their practice. A critical perspective will be employed.
GFSG 6611
Aging, Health and Community 0.5 unit
An examination of issues regarding individual, community and population health and aging. Health promotion, chronic disease management and social determinants affecting physical and mental health of older people are considered. Policies and practices to improve health outcomes of older populations are evaluated.
GFSG 6612
Family Relations Across the Life Course 0.5 unit
An examination of social and psychological factors affecting contemporary family life with particular emphasis on roles, dynamics, and pathways across the life course. Students will analyze scholarly literature as a foundation for critique of interactional and societal dynamics.
GFSG 6613
Critical Theories in Family Studies and Gerontology 0.5 unit
An advanced theory course designed to develop analytical skills and critical thinking. The focus is on current social scientific theories and their implications for family studies and gerontology.
GFSG 6614
Family Violence Across the Life Course 0.5 unit
An analysis of family violence across the life course, covering intimate partner violence, child abuse, sibling, parent, and adolescent violence, and the abuse of older adults. Theoretical and practical perspectives will be developed through the course. An understanding of family violence from a critical ecological perspective will serve as a recurring theme throughout all discussions and analysis. Note: Students who have received credit for FSGN 3314 may not take this course for credit.
GFSG 6616/FSGN 4416
Global Aging and Health 0.5 unit
Undergraduate prerequisite(s): Completion of 5.0 units of university credit including 1.0 unit of FSGN or permission of the instructor
The course examines the current state of global population aging and aspects that associate with well-being of older persons worldwide. Attention is paid to social life, social change, economic systems, health care demands, and family forms and functions. Focus is comparative across countries, regions and cultures. Note: Students who have received credit for FSGN 4416 may not take this course for credit.
GFSG 6633
Social Policies on Family and Aging 0.5 unit
This is an advanced course in the analysis and development of social policies relating to the family and the elderly. The focus is on how policy is developed, the relationship between research and policy, and how to critically analyze existing policies.
GFSG 6644/FSGN 3344
Military and Veteran Families 0.5 unit
Graduate prerequisite(s): enrolment in a graduate program
Undergraduate prerequisite(s): completion of 5.0 units of university credit including 1.0 unit of FSGN or permission of the instructor
An analysis of research, theory, and practice focusing on military and veteran families across the life course. Informed by critical-ecological theory, emphasis in the course will be on military and veteran family resiliency. Note: Students who have received credit for FSGN 3344 may not take this course for credit.
GFSG 6650
Special Topics 0.5 unit
These courses are designed to allow students to study in greater depth a topic in family studies and gerontology that is treated only briefly in another graduate course or not covered in another graduate course. Note: No more than 0.5 unit towards a graduate degree may be acquired through special topics.
GFSG 6658
Directed Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): permission of the department Chair and the faculty member involved
Independent examination of the research literature designed to meet the special needs of individual graduate students. The graduate student will make arrangements with the faculty member in advance of registration. Note: No more than 0.5 unit towards a graduate degree may be acquired through directed study.
GFSG 6680
Seminar in Family Studies and Gerontology 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): 3.0 units of credit in the Master of Family Studies and Gerontology program or permission of the instructor
A synthesis of research and practice in Family Studies and Gerontology. Students will reflect upon their learning throughout the degree and apply their research/theoretical ideas to practical contexts in Family Studies and Gerontology through the development of a project planned in consultation with a faculty member.
GFSG 6691
Thesis 1.5 units
Required for completion of the MA(FSG) degree. Registration involves working with individual faculty members on the conceptualization, production, and defence of the thesis.
GFSG 6735/GAHN 6735
Food and Nutrition for Older Adults 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
A critical examination of the issues, policies and practices affecting the food and nutrition status of older people living in the community and in continuing care settings. Attention will be given to determinants of health, cultural diversity, isolation, compassion and client centred care.
Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.
For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.
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