2025-2026 Academic Year
Graduate Academic Calendar Header



GCYS 6010
Foundations in Child and Youth Study
0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission into the MA CYS program or permission of the instructor
An examination of the theoretical and ideological foundations related to child and youth study. Theoretical concepts and research processes are explored to develop analytical and critical thinking abilities.

GCYS 6012
Social Contexts and Policy in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission into the graduate child and youth study program or permission of the instructor
An examination of critical social issues and contemporary resources/supports for children, youth and their families. The role of theory, policy and professional practice in the health and welfare of children, youth, and their families, in a social context, will be highlighted.

GCYS 6013
Child and Youth: Planning and Evaluation 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission into the graduate child and youth study program or permission of the instructor
An examination of historical and current perspectives, practices, issues and trends in planning, assessing and evaluating environments for children, youth, and families. Emphasis will be placed on theory, ethical issues, accountability, and approaches to planning and evaluation. Note: Students who have received credit for GCYS 6030 may not take this course for credit.

GCYS 6014
Administrative Leadership in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission into the graduate child and youth study program or permission of the instructor
Explores leadership in the field of child and youth study. Topic areas may include responsive human resources management; communications; delivery/auspice; advocacy; local and global communities’ policies and services; government agencies; critiques of the culture of leadership (e.g. power inequities, gender); and initiatives of change such as decolonisation. Note: Students who have received credit for GCYS 6070 may not take this course for credit.

GCYS 6016
Children & Youth in International Contexts 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission into the graduate child and youth study program or permission of the instructor
A critical examination of diverse understandings of childhood and youth across a range of social and cultural perspectives and international contexts.  Attention is focused on children’s and youth’s experiences, emerging rights and protection mechanisms, and recognizing agency. Emphasis will be placed on the humanitarian, development, and peace nexus.

GCYS 6017
Indigenous Perspectives in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission into the graduate child and youth study program or permission of the instructor
An interdisciplinary introduction to historical and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples. Students will explore these features and relationship with European settler societies. This approach will also provide opportunities for students to engage in critical explorations as it relates to CYC and ECE practice and issues and realities of Indigenous peoples.

GCYS 6019
Pedagogical Leadership in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission into the graduate child and youth study program or permission of the instructor
Examines the meaning of pedagogical leadership within diverse contexts of early childhood education and youth care. Students will learn about the characteristics of pedagogical leadership as they relate to intentional program planning which lies in opposition to traditional approaches, which are often adult-directed. Students will understand how pedagogical leadership, reflective practice, and intentional teaching effectively support learning and relational environments.

GCYS 6021/GFDD 6519
Sociology of Childhood and Adolescence 0.5 unit
This course offers an introduction to sociology of childhood and adolescence by examining the historical, contemporary or discursive premises of the field. It will introduce the students to the paradigm of children’s agency, investigate childhood and adolescence as a structural form, and explore different areas of research, and their implications for education, schooling, and socialization. Note: Students who have received credit for GFDD 6021 may not take this course for credit.

GCYS 6025
Equity, Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission into the graduate child and youth study program or permission of the instructor
An exploration of contemporary issues related to child and youth disability experience in multiple settings. Topics include marginalization (e.g. disabled incarcerated youth; disabled children in foster care, residential institutions), ableism in youth care and early childhood contexts, systematic discrimination, dominant media tropes on disability identity, and problematizing developmental approaches.

GCYS 6035
Critical Perspectives in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission into the graduate child and youth study program or permission of the instructor
A critical exploration of contemporary issues that inform child and youth experience. Topics such as digital childhoods, structural inequalities (e.g. child poverty, youth incarceration, colonialism), the dichotomization of adult/child, binary constructs and disparaging discourses (e.g., “the incompetent child”, “lazy adolescent”) are explored to generate new understandings and unsettle the familiar.

GCYS 6029
Special Topics in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
GCYS 6039
Special Topics in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission into the graduate child and youth study program or permission of the instructor
An opportunity for students to examine in-depth selected topics in child and youth study. Topics will vary from year to year. The course will allow students to focus on a specialized area of the field that may be treated more briefly in other courses.

GCYS 6120
Applied Research Seminar in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to the Master of Child and Youth Study program or permission of the instructor
Advanced exploration of applied research and theory in child and youth study. Note: Master of Arts in Child and Youth Study students cannot take this course for credit.

GCYS 6121
Graduate Project in Child and Youth Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): GCYS 6120 and admission into the Master of Child and Youth Study program or permission of the instructor
An exploration of applied theory, research, and practice to develop a graduate project.Students are expected to reflect upon their learning to link theoretical and research ideas to existing practical contexts in Child and Youth Study. Each project will be designed by the individual student in consultation with the instructor. Note: Master of Arts in Child and Youth Study students cannot take this course for credit.

GCYS 6130
Thesis 1.0 unit
Required for completion of MA(CYS) degree. Registration involves working with individual faculty members on the conceptualization, production, and defence of the thesis. Graded Pass/Fail/NCR

GCYS 6190
Directed Study 0.5 unit
Prerequisite: admission to the graduate program in child and youth study and permission from the instructor
Independent examination of the research literature designed to meet the needs of individual graduate students. This course provides students with an opportunity to pursue independent work in a specific area relating to their research interests and career intentions.Students are responsible for identifying a topic and initiating discussions with a faculty member in order to arrange for course supervision and registration.

GCYS 6740/GAHN 6740
Food and Nutrition for Children and Youth 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to a master’s program or permission of the instructor
A critical examination of the issues, policies and practices affecting the food and nutrition status of children and youth, including child care, school and community settings. Attention will be given to determinants of health, cultural diversity, and responsive feeding.


Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 01, 2025 to August 31, 2026.

For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.

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