Thesis Requirement
MA and MSc degrees require a thesis. The thesis should be a contribution to knowledge in the candidate’s specialized area and must show familiarity with methods of research and critical enquiry. The completed work must be approved by the thesis supervisory committee. Final approval is granted by the Dean of Graduate Studies, once the completed thesis approval forms are received. The thesis must be prepared according to the regulations required by the academic department. These are available from departments and on departmental websites.
Thesis Funding Assistance
Limited funding assistance is available for graduate students to supplement thesis research and for conference attendance.
University Research Ethics Board
Students should note that all graduate students at Mount Saint Vincent University who will be undertaking research with human participants must have their research proposal reviewed and approved by the University Research Ethics Board (UREB) prior to starting their research.
Electronic Thesis Deposit Program
Students must submit an electronic version of their thesis to the Library. Detailed instructions are available on the library website. Individual programs/departments will determine the number of copies (electronic, hard copy and/or bound) that the student must submit to the department and the date by which they must be submitted. Important Deadlines: Students intending to graduate at an upcoming convocation must successfully complete their thesis defence and have their grade submitted by the last day to register for a course in the Fall or Summer semesters. Students should refer to the Academic Course Add/Drop Dates published in the Graduate Calendar and available online for the current academic dates.
Thesis Forms and Policies
Policy on Personal Information Contained in Theses (pdf)
Appointment of Thesis Supervisor Form and Policy (pdf)
Appointment of External Thesis Supervisor Form and Policy (pdf)
Appointment of Thesis Co-Supervisor Form and Policy (pdf)
Notification of Thesis Proposal Presentation and Policy (pdf)
Thesis Proposal Presentation Report and Policy (pdf)
Notification of Thesis Defence and Policy (pdf)
Thesis Defence Report Form and Policy (pdf)
Thesis Release Form and Policy (pdf)