Dr. Mohammad Siddiquee
Associate Professor
Office: McCain Centre 406E
Phone: 902 457 6391
Fax: 902 445 2582
Email: Mohammad.Siddiquee@msvu.ca
Office Hours:
BUSI 3360 01: Monday, 9:00-10:00 AM (e-mail to confirm)
BUSI 3360 16/18: Tuesday, 9:00-10:00 AM Virtual office hour via Collaborate (e-mail to schedule)
BUSI 3361 16/18: Thursday, 9:00-10:00 AM Virtual office hour via Collaborate (e-mail to schedule)
Academic: PhD (UNB), MBA (UNB)
Joined the Mount: September 1, 2017
Relevant Prior Work Experience:
Assistant Professor of Finance (2017-2023), Department of Business Administration and Tourism and Hospitality Management, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS B3M 2J6
Assistant Professor of Finance (2017-2017), Faculty of Business, University of New Brunswick, Saint John
Lecturer in Finance (2012-2017), Faculty of Business, University of New Brunswick, Saint John
Sessional Instructor (2011-2014), Faculty of Business Administration, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton
Assistant Professor of Finance (2010-2011), Institute of Business Administration Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Lecturer (2007-2010), Institute of Business Administration Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
Lecturer (2005-2007), Faculty of Business and Economics, Daffodil International University, Bangladesh
Courses Taught:
BUSI 2060: Personal Finance
BUSI 3360: Finance I
BUSI 3361: Finance II
BUSI 4465: Financial Statement Analysis
BUSI 4466: Financial Markets Investments
Research Interests:
Psychology of decision-making, Behavioural Finance, Value Investing, Risk Management
Research Grants:
SSHRC Explore Grant: 2022-2023 (with Arron Fraser, PhD)
Project title: Readability of ESG Reports and Firm Performance: A Canadian Perspective
Status: Ongoing
SSHRC Explore Grant: 2020-2021
Project title: Underperformance of College Endowment Funds: Some Behavioral Insights
Status: Completed
New Scholars’ Grant: 2017-2018
Project title: The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville
Status: Completed
Academic Activities and Publications:
Refereed articles in scholarly and/or professional journals
- Fraser, A., & Siddiquee, M. (2024). Readability of ESG Reports and Firm Performance: A Canadian Perspective. Empirical Economics Letters, 23(10), 9-19 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14164958 (ABDC: C)
- Siddiquee, M. (2022). Benjamin Graham and the Evolution of Value Investing. History of Economic Ideas, 2022(3), 81-103. DOI: 10.19272/202206103004 (ABDC ranking: B)
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2020). Underperformance of Actively Managed Portfolios: Some Behavioral Insights. Journal of Behavioral Finance, 21(3), 284-300 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15427560.2019.1692210 (ABDC: A)
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2019). Buffett’s Alpha: Further Explanations from a Behavioral Value Investing Perspectives. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 33, 471-490 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11408-019-00339-y (ABDC: B)
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2015). Overcoming Cognitive Biases: A Heuristic for Making Value Investing Decisions. Journal of Behavioral Finance, 16(2), 140-149 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15427560.2015.1034859 (ABDC: A)
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2015). Avoiding Financially Distressed Companies Using a Value Investing Heuristic. Journal of Investing, 24(3), 73-99 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3905/joi.2015.24.3.073 (ABDC: B)
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2015). Redefining Risk and Return in Common Stock from a Value Investing Perspective: Some Tenable Propositions. Brandes Institute Paper
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2013). Examining The Performance of a Value Investing Heuristic: Evidence From The S&P/TSX 60 From 2001-2011. Journal of Business Economics & Finance, 2(4), 67-81
- Mitra, D., & Siddiquee, M. (2013). Measuring Efficiency of the Banking Industry Before and After the Recent Financial Crisis: Some International Evidence. International Journal of Accounting and Finance, 4(2), 143-167 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1504/IJAF.2013.057532 (ABDC: C)
Papers in conference proceedings (peer-reviewed)
- Siddiquee, M. (2022). Walter J. Schloss: The Superinvestor of Graham-and-Doddsville. Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 8th Indonesian Finance Association (IFA) International Conference, 2022
- Siddiquee, M. (2019). Why Value Investing Works: A Theoretical Perspective. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2019), 368-379
Papers presented at conferences and meetings (peer-reviewed)
- Siddiquee, M. (2022, October 12 – October 13). Walter J. Schloss: The Superinvestor of Graham-and-Doddsville [Presentation]. The 8th Indonesian Finance Association International Conference (Online)
- Siddiquee, M. (2021, October 6 – October 7). Why Value Investing Works: A Theoretical Perspective [Presentation]. The 7th Indonesian Finance Association Conference (Online)
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2020, September 17 – September 18). Benjamin Graham and the Evolution of Value Investing. Paper presented at the meeting of the 6th Indonesian Finance Association Conference (Online)
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2019, September 18 – September 20). Why Value Investing Works: A Theoretical Framework. Paper presented at the Academy of Behavioral Finance and Economics Conference, The New School, New York, NY
- Siddiquee, M. (2019, April 25 – April 27). Why Value Investing Works: A Theoretical Framework [Presentation]. The Second International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM 2019), BRAC University, Dhaka
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2018, October 17 – October 20). Underperformance of Actively Managed Portfolios: Some Behavioral Insights [Presentation]. The Academy of Behavioral Finance and Economics, Chicago, IL
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2018, October 12 – October 14). Examining the Fairness of Fees and Compensation of Pension and Mutual Fund Managers Relative to Returns to the Investor [Presentation]. The Atlantic Canada Economic Association 2018 Annual Conference, Fredericton, NB
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2017, October 18 – October 20). Buffett’s Alpha: Further Explanations from Behavioral Value Investing Perspective [Presentation]. The Academy of Behavioral Finance and Economics, Los Angeles, CA
- Otuteye, E., & (2017, September 29 – October 1). Interpreting the Fama-French Five-Factor Model from Benjamin Graham’s Value Investing Perspective [Presentation]. The Atlantic Schools of Business Conference, Wolfville, NS
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2017, May 29 – June 1). Re-Evaluating the Value of Modern Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing Models Based on Behavioral Insights from Benjamin Graham’s Value Investing Paradigm [Presentation]. The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Montreal, QC
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2016, November 18 – November 21). Failure of Asset Pricing Models: Confusion Between Objective Risk and Risk Perception [Poster presentation]. The Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Boston, MA
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2016, October 21 – October 23). A Critical Assessment of the Contribution of Modern Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing Models to the Theory and Practice of Investment Decision Making [Presentation]. The Atlantic Schools of Business Conference, Halifax, NS
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2016, September 21 – September 23). A Critique of Modern Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing Models from a Value Investing Perspective [Presentation] The Academy of Behavioral Finance and Economics, Las Vegas, NV
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2015, December 26 – December 27). A Heuristic for Making Value Investing Decisions [Presentation]. Asian Business Research Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2015, November 20 – November 23). Understanding the Persistent Apparent Irrationality in Choosing Between Common Stock Market Index and Professionally Managed Mutual Funds [Poster presentation]. The Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Chicago, IL
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2015, September 25 – September 27). Bounded Rationality in Active vs. Passive Money Management: Evidence, Behavioural Explanation, and Possible Solutions [Presentation]. The Atlantic Schools of Business Conference, Fredericton, NB
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2015, September 25 – September 27). Questioning Some Widely Accepted Views of Modern Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing Models: A Value Investing Perspective [Presentation]. The Atlantic Schools of Business Conference, Fredericton, NB
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2015, August 12 – August 13). Investigating Higher Moments of Probability Distribution of Common Stock Returns as Potential Behavioral Indicators [Presentation]. Knowledge Globalization Conference, Sonipat, Haryana, India
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2014, September 26 – September 28). Incorporating Psychology in Financial Decision Making: An Overview [Presentation]. The Atlantic Schools of Business Conference, Halifax, NS
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2014, September 16 – September 19). Heterogeneity in Risk Preferences: Skewness of Portfolio Returns as a Distinguishing Feature Between Value Investors and Others [Presentation]. The Academy of Behavioral Finance and Economics, Los Angeles, CA
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2013, September 27 – September 29). R.I.P. Risk-Free Assets [Presentation]. Atlantic Schools of Business Conference, Antigonish, NS
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2013, September 17 – September 20). Redefining Risk: Propositions to Motivate a Re-Examination of the Standard Risk vs. Return Relationship in Common Stock and Bond Portfolio Management [Presentation]. The Academy of Behavioral Finance and Economics, Chicago, IL
- Otuteye, E., Abekah, J., Bramble, B., & Siddiquee, M. (2013, June 9). Learning Styles and Learning Objects: Web-Based Tools to Enhance Teaching and Learning in Finance and Accounting [Presentation]. The Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, Calgary, AB
Non-refereed publications
- Siddiquee, M. (2022). Mungerisms: Transcripts of the Daily Journal Corp. (DJCO) Annual Shareholders Meetings, 2015-2022. Kindle Direct Publishing
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (Eds.). (2020). Readings in Value Investing, Volume 1: Foundations of Value Investing. XanEdu
- Siddiquee, M. (2021). A Master Class with Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger 2021. Kindle Direct Publishing
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2020). A Master Class with Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger 2020. Kindle Direct Publishing
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M. (2019). A Master Class with Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger 2019. Kindle Direct Publishing
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M.(2018). A Master Class with Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger 2018. Kindle Direct Publishing
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M.(2018). A Master Class with Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger 2017. South Carolina: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M.(2017). A Master Class with Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger 2016. South Carolina: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M.(2015). A Master Class with Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger 2015. South Carolina: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
- Otuteye, E., & Siddiquee, M.(2015). A Master Class with Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger 2014. South Carolina: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Committee Services:
Internal Collegial Service – University Level
- Committee on Research and Publication (2021-2023)
- Faculty union representative on Pension Governance Board (PGB):
- Main committee (2020-2022)
- Investment committee (2020-2022)
External Collegial Service
- Editorial board member, International Journal of Management and Data Analytics (2022 – )
- Reviewer, International Journal of Accounting and Finance (2013 – )
- Reviewer, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (2020 – )
- Reviewer, SSHRC Insight Grant (2018 – )
- Member, Academy of Behavioral Finance and Economics (2013 – )
- Member, Indonesian Finance Association (2020 – )
Past committee service:
- The Student Works Committee (2018 – 2019)
- Investment Committee, MSVU Faculty Association (2018 – 2019)
- Committee on Academic Policy and Planning (2019 – 2021)
- Equity Committee, MSVU Faculty Association (2019 – 2020)
Academic Memberships:
European Financial Management Association, Academy of Behavioral Finance and Economics, Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM), Indonesian Finance Association.