Head shot of Sheri Landry. Sheri is a white woman with long brown hair. She wearing a grey and white striped shirt and is smiling. Professor Sheri Landry
Assistant Professor

Sheri is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration and Tourism and Hospitality Management at Mount Saint Vincent University. She holds a Master of Business in Management (Athabasca), Master of Education in Lifelong Learning (MSVU), Bachelor in Business Administration (MSVU) and a Certificate in Adult Education (Dalhousie). Sheri has been teaching at the Mount as a part-time academic since 2015 and has 25+ years marketing industry experience.

Professor Sheri Landry
Assistant Professor

Office: McCain Centre 306E
Phone: 902 457 6260
Fax: 902 445 2582
Email: Sheri.Landry@msvu.ca
Office Hours: Available by appointment, online via collaborate.


MBA Athabasca University
MEd Mount Saint Vincent University
BBA Mount Saint Vincent University
CAEd Dalhousie University

Relevant Prior Work Experience:

Over 25+ years in the corporate industry at Rogers Communications Inc. including roles of Senior Manager Communications; Manager, Regional Brand and Retail; and Manager Regional Marketing.

Courses Taught:

BUSI 1112 (Introduction to Business Administration)
BUSI/THMT 2202 (Communication & Self-Management Skills)
BUSI 2214 (Organizational Behaviour: Individuals in Organizations)
BUSI 2215 (Organizational Behaviour: Groups, Structure and Culture)
BUSI 2230 (Principles of Marketing)
BUSI 2231 (Applied Marketing)
BUSI 3308 (Operations Management)
BUSI 3323 (Event & Meeting Management)
BUSI 3331 (Consumer Behaviour)
BUSI 3332 (Retailing Management)
BUSI 3334 (Personal Selling and Sales Management)
BUSI 3336 (Direct Marketing)
BUSI 3337 (Services Marketing)
BUSI 3338 (Not-for-Profit Marketing)
BUSI 4413 (Strategic Compensation)
BUSI 4432 (International Marketing)
BUSI 4415 (Management Information Systems)
BUSI 4419 (International Human Resource Management)
BUSI 4434 (Marketing  Strategy & Management)
THMT 3305 (International Travel & Tourism)
PBRL/COMM 2211 (Intro to Public Speaking)
PBRL 4015 (Media Relations)
COMM 2025 (Introduction to Social Media)

Research Interests:

Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Experiential Learning

Academic Activities and Publications:

Conference Presentations:

  • Blotnicky, K., Cormier-MacBurnie, P., Guy, J., Landry, S., & Wadden, D. (2025). An analysis of student learning from a business and tourism-based extracurricular program. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, March 15-16, Los Angeles, CA. (Best Paper in Track Award)