A World of Possibilities

A degree in finance can lead you to many exciting careers in the world wide banking and investments industry. Be involved in international business and financial circles, or provide investment advice for people here at home. You can easily go on to complete credentials that allow you to become a professional financial planner. You can go on to complete professional credentials in areas such as the Institute of Canadian Bankers, or the Insurance Institute of Canada. With Baby Boomers inheriting trillions of investment dollars and preparing to retire, this is a rapidly growing field and an excellent career option. You can also work in government or the banking industry as economic advisers and analysts. The Mount offers a minor in finance in the BBA program.

BBA with a Minor in Finance

You have the option of completing a minor in finance which requires you to complete three full units of coursework (6 half-unit courses) in finance. The finance minor provides an ideal opportunity to learn more about the field of finance within a degree that specializes primarily in another area of business.

Undergraduate Academic Calendar Information