Assistant Professor
Research Interests
My research focuses on children’s relationships with materials (e.g., emotional expression, social interactions) and the ways materials invite or constrain connectedness in playful experiences in early childhood education and care (ECEC) environments. I am also interested in working with ECEs, particularly in rural communities, to co-create communities of practice that offer authentic and sustainable collaboration. My other projects include how early learning and care curriculum frameworks are used in ECEC environments and co-creating democratic and immersive theatrical experiences with young children from an ECEC perspective.
PhD (2019) Concordia University – Education (Child Studies)
MA (2012) Concordia University – Child Study
B.Ed. (2010) Trent University – Teacher Education
B.A. (2008) Trent University – Psychology
Teaching Interests
My teaching interests are in the areas of children’s play, early childhood curriculum and pedagogy, family relationships, observation and documentation, and research methods.
Selected Publications
Fitzsimmons Frey, H. & Leach, J. (forthcoming). Co-imagining early years’ theatrical experiences through abundance, respectful relationships, and making magic.
Leach, J., Howe, N., & Dehart G. (under review). Impact of play materials on young children’s communication and connectedness.
Cankaya, O., Leach, J., & Akdemir, K. (2024). The journey of loose parts across educational landscapes and history: The role of materials, relationships, space, and time in children’s loose-parts play. American Journal of Play.
Cankaya, O., Leach, J., Mukhi, N., & Taylor, K. (2023). Cultural wealth: Creating an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere for culturally diverse early learning, Exchange, 272, 88-92.
Ayles, R., Fitzsimmons Frey, H., & Leach, J. (2023). Creative process and co-research with the early years through Flight. Performance Matters, 9, 278 – 315.
Cankaya, O., Rohatyn-Martin, N., Leach, J., Taylor, K., & Bulut, O. (2023). Preschool children’s loose parts play and the relationship to cognitive development, Journal of Intelligence, 11, 1-19.
Leach, J., Howe, N., & DeHart, G. (2022). Children’s communication strategies used to initiate, sustain, and end connectedness during play with siblings and friends. Infant and Child Development (online version of record before inclusion in an issue).
Howe, N., Leach, J., & DeHart, G. (2022). “This is a mailbox, right?”: Associations of play materials with siblings’ and friends’ shared meanings during pretend play. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 20, 80-92.
Leach, J., Howe, N. & DeHart, G. (2021). Children’s connectedness with siblings and friends from early to middle childhood during play, Early Education and Development.
Howe, N., Leach, J., Tavassoli, N., Farhat, F., & DeHart, G. (2020). “This is a pit of fire”: Associations of play materials with children’s creativity during play and internal state language. Journal of Research in Childhood Education.
Leach, J., Howe, N., & DeHart, G. (2019). A longitudinal investigation of siblings’ and friends’ features of connectedness and interaction quality in early and middle childhood. Early Education and Development, 30, 709-723.
Leach, J., Howe, N. & DeHart, G. (2019). “Let’s make a place where giants live!”: Children’s communication during play with siblings and friend early to middle childhood. Infant and Child Development, 28, 1-17.
Handbook Chapters
Leach, J. & Howe, N. (forthcoming). Children’s play as a context for learning and development, In L. Kramer, N. Howe, & Volling, B. (Eds). Handbook on the Psychology of Sibling Relationships. Springer Nature.
Howe, N., Paine, A. L., & Leach, J. (2022). “Broccoli makes my feelings feel good”: Communication and emotions in conversations within children’s close relationships, In G. L. Schiewer, J. Altarriba, & B. Chin Ng (Eds). Handbook of Linguistics and Communication Science.
Howe, N. & Leach, J. (2018). Peers and Play. In W. M. Bukowski, B. Laursen, & K. Rubin (Eds). Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relationships, and Groups (2nd ed.). New York: NY: Guilford, Press.