2025-2026 Academic Year

Undergraduate Academic Calendar information header

Note: All courses listed below have a professional studies classification only, unless cross-listed with an arts and science discipline.

THMT 1101
Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality 0.5 unit
The elements of tourism and hospitality; facility and accommodation, food and beverage, transportation, and the economic, political, environmental and social/cultural impact of tourism are introduced. Travel motivations and the history of travel will be explored as well as the future trends. The course stresses critical thinking techniques and career research.

THMT 1116
Introduction to Food Service Management 0.5 unit
An introduction to the importance of food and food preparation to the management of tourism operations. Concepts of culinary practice and service are demonstrated in class and practiced in labs. Topics include management of food safety and security, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), global food issues, food preparation, and current standards and food industry trends. Laboratory required

THMT 1188
Co-op Term I 1.0 unit
Prerequisite(s): admission to the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management Co-op route is required. Completion of professional development program delivered by the Co-op & WIL Centre. Completion of THMT 1101 and completion of course units prescribed by the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management course sequence.
A 13-24 week term of full-time paid career related experience in an organizational setting: corporate, non-profit or government. Students will work with industry professionals who provide feedback to the university on the student’s performance and development. The student will be required to set learning objectives, submit a work term project/report and participate in a return-to-campus/debriefing session. Evaluation for the successful completion of the co-op term is based on learning objectives, a work site visit, an employer evaluation and a satisfactory work term project/report. Note: This course may only be counted for credit toward the 23.0 unit Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management Co-op degree.

THMT 1201
Health and Safety Regulations in Tourism Management 0.5 unit
An introduction to regulations for health and safety in tourism environments. Emphasis is on food safety, handling hazardous products, and providing emergency care before medical assistance arrives. Upon successful completion of this course, students will obtain certifications in management level food safety, Workplace Hazardous Management Information Systems (WHMIS), and First Aid.

THMT 2201
Alternate Forms of Tourism 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): THMT 1101 or equivalent or permission of the instructor
An examination of various forms of tourism which are growing in importance and popularity including adventure tourism, ecotourism, nature-based, aboriginal, cultural, historical, marine, gambling, spiritual and seasonal tourism.

THMT 2202/BUSI 2202
Communication & Self-Management Skills 0.5 unit
A study of communications management in organizations, including effective use of written, oral and electronic communications, and the principles of self-management: self-awareness, emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence, time and stress management, personal effectiveness, and resilience. Skills will be developed through individual and group in-class activities and online assignments.

THMT 2205
Human Geography for Tourism and Business 0.5 unit
An introduction to human geography with emphasis on destinations and issues of globalization, cultural diversity, poverty, racism, religious differences, environmental degradation, overpopulation and urban development. Provides critical interpretation of human inhabitation and “people” and “place”, allows students to inspect their own place in the world.

THMT 2216
Planning and Management of Food Service Operations 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): THMT 1201, and either THMT 1116 or NUTR 1103
A focus on operational skills necessary in the food service industry, including production, inventory control and sanitation. Marketing techniques, facility design, and cost control skills will be utilized both in classroom and restaurant lab applications. Management skills, including service quality, managing people and making operational decisions, will be developed. Laboratory required

THMT 2221
Hotel Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): THMT 1101
An introduction to the complexities of hotel management. The history of hotel management will be explored as a context for modern management trends. The hotel system, including lodging operations, marketing, food service, and financial operations, will be studied to understand the scope of responsibility held by general managers.

THMT 2225/BUSI 2225
Design Management in Business and Tourism 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): THMT 1101, BUSI 1112 or permission of the instructor
An examination of the role design can play as a key component of management strategy in business enterprises generally and the sectors of the tourism industry. Students will apply the design process and have opportunities to develop creative problem-solving skills through projects in communications, the built environment, and the design of products and services.

THMT 2244
Sustainable Tourism Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): THMT 1101
An introduction to various ways that tourism impacts ecologies and communities throughout the world. The primary focus is on policies, designs, and strategies to mitigate the negative impacts and help tourism to become a sustainable and positive aspect of community development. Environmental, economic, cultural and social aspects of tourism will be considered.

THMT 2288
Co-op Term II 1.0 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of THMT 1188 and 2202 and courses prescribed by the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management course sequence
A 13-24 week term of full-time paid career related experience in an organizational setting: corporate, non-profit or government. Students will work with industry professionals who provide feedback to the university on the student’s performance and development. The student will be required to set learning objectives, submit a work term report and participate in a return-to-campus/debriefing session. Evaluation for the successful completion of the co-op term is based on learning objectives, a work site visit, an employer evaluation and a satisfactory work term report. Note: This course may only be counted for credit toward the 23.0 unit Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management Co-op degree.

THMT 2299
Work Experience Term I 455 hours
Prerequisite(s): admission to the Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management Program or admission to the Work Experience Route in the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Completion of 455 hours of work experience (paid or unpaid) in the industry. Under the direction of a faculty supervisor students develop, undertake and complete a project in the context of the work experience and submit a final written report.

THMT 2301
Tour Operations and Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): THMT 1101
Focuses on the industry of tour operators, domestic and international, including the organization and the roles of tour charters, receptive operators, and wholesaler and retail distributors. The tour industry will be examined including transportation, marketing, pricing, regulations and current issues and trends impacting the industry.

THMT 2307/BUSI 2307
Introduction to Mi’kmaw/Indigenous Tourism 0.5 unit
Emphasis on Mi’kmaw culture and history. Students apply a Two-Eyed Seeing (Etuaptmumk) approach to support growth and awareness of Indigenous Tourism products, services and experiences. Students engage with Mi’kmaw Elders, Indigenous tourism operators, community leaders and/or knowledge holders to discuss issues in the Indigenous Tourism Sector.

THMT 2430/BUSI 2430
Social Media for Business and Tourism 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2230
Understanding the importance of social media in business and tourism and exploring key concepts used to help grow business and brands through online social media presence. Exploring popular social media platforms, content planning, creation and management and understanding search engine optimization and placement.

THMT 3221
Hospitality Management Accounting 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2321 and THMT 1101
An application of the concepts and principles learned in BUSI 2321 with special emphasis on providing managers with information for effective decision making. Planning and control of hospitality operations through an analysis of cost behaviour is also examined. Note: Students who have received credit for BUSI 3320 may not take this course for credit. Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration program, Certificate, Diploma or degree may not take this course for credit.

THMT 3311/BUSI 3311
Small Business Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2321
An introduction to the start-up and management of small and medium business. Topics include planning, organizational structure, accessing capital, managing growth, building management teams, succession planning, bankruptcy and family business.

THMT 3316
Food Service Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): THMT 2216, BUSI 2321 and 2255 or CMPS/INTE 2245 or permission of the instructor
An in-depth study of restaurant and food service management techniques, institutional food service, operational control theory and methods, computerization, staffing, training and labour issues. Laboratory, field work, case analysis and computer simulation will extend the food production and controls covered in THMT 2216. Laboratory required

THMT 3317
Beverage Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): THMT 2216 or permission of the instructor
An intensive study of beverage selection and management. Focus is on current trends in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Topics covered include marketing of beverages, cost controls, legal aspects of responsible beverage service, inventory control, purchasing, analysis of best practices, menu development, as well as appreciation and comparison of beverages.

THMT 3323
Event and Meeting Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): THMT 1101 or permission of the instructor
An examination of the role and impact of events, festivals, conventions and meetings on the tourism and hospitality industry. The scope and processes of event and meeting management will be considered. Students will be required to participate in planning and managing an event, convention or meeting.

THMT 3362
Finance – Tourism Services 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2321
An introduction to the essential topics in finance relating to the tourism and hospitality industry. Financial forecasting, cash budgeting, financial and operating leverage, working capital management, capital budgeting, and leasing are among the topics covered. Lectures and problems, examples and cases from tourism and hospitality industry. Note: Students who have received credit for either BUSI 3360, 3361 or 3362 may not take this course for credit. Students in the Bachelor of Business Administration program, Certificate, Diploma or degree may not take this course for credit.

THMT 3380
Tourism and Hospitality Study Tour 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): permission of the department. Normally, completion of 2.0 units of university credit is required
Students will learn about the concept of voluntourism from a theoretical and practical standpoint. Students will volunteer locally and become voluntourists travelling to a tourist destination. Students will emerge from the course with significant volunteer experience. Students are normally responsible for the costs of the tour in addition to tuition.

THMT 3388
Co-op Term III 1.0 unit
Prerequisite(s): completion of THMT 2288 and courses prescribed by the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management course sequence.
A 13-24 week term of full-time paid career related experience in an organizational setting: corporate, non-profit or government. Students will work with industry professionals who provide feedback to the university on the student’s performance and development. The student will be required to set learning objectives, submit a work term project/report and participate in a return-to-campus/debriefing session. Evaluation for the successful completion of the co-op term is based on learning objectives, a work site visit, an employer evaluation and a satisfactory work term project/report. Note: This course may only be counted for credit toward the 23.0 unit Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management Co-op degree.

THMT 3399
Work Experience Term II 455 hours
Prerequisite(s): admission to the Work Experience Route in the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management and completion of THMT 2299.
Completion of 455 hours of work experience (paid or unpaid) in the industry. Under the direction of a faculty supervisor students develop, undertake and complete a project in the context of the work experience and submit a final written report.

THMT 3401
Managing in the Service Environment 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): THMT 1101 and BUSI 2230
A focus on the application of service concepts. Guest services, building service loyalty, service quality, managing supply and demand, and customer relations techniques will be covered. The impacts of the globalization of services, intense competition and technological innovation will also be discussed.

THMT 3402/BUSI 3402
Destination Marketing Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2230
Examines key principles and concepts of destination marketing and management, building attractiveness and sustainability. Building upon marketing concepts. approaches and issues associated with the management and marketing of destinations and tourism experiences. Topics include destination branding, strategies and segmentation, pricing, and distribution within regional, national, and international context.

THMT 3403
Hospitality and Tourism Facilities Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): THMT 1101 and BUSI 2321
Focuses on the role, cost, development and management of hospitality and tourism facilities, including design and development strategies, capital budgeting, asset management, facilities maintenance, and sustainable practices. Incorporates Canadian regulations, industry trends, and technologies.

THMT 4407
Destination Planning and Development 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2230 and THMT 1101
An analysis of the planning process involved in developing tourist destination regions and the adjustment process involved in integrating tourism into a developing economy. Emphasis is on policy and product development, regeneration, and enhancement of facilities and services to meet the needs of the tourists as well as the community. Note: Students who have received credit for THMT 4405 or THMT 4406 may not take this course for credit.

THMT 4410/BUSI 4410
Small Business Consultancy 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): 10.0 units of BUSI or THMT
An introduction to small business consulting through research, projects and presentations.

THMT 4411
Current Issues in Food, Beverage and Catering Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): THMT 2216
An advanced course that explores relationships between theory and practice in food, beverage and catering operations. Topics may include: management issues in ethnic and cultural food practice, environmental considerations for sustainability of food, human resource administration, trends in technology and service management, management of food in institutions, and ethical issues.

THMT 4421
Accommodation and Leisure Operations 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): restricted to students who have completed 15.0 units in the tourism and hospitality management or the business administration degree programs or permission of the instructor
An integration and application of knowledge from earlier years into the planning, implementation, operation and maintenance of accommodation and leisure facilities, including hotels, motels, resorts, conference centres, theme parks and other attractions. Case studies and speakers from the tourism industry will be included.

THMT 4430/BUSI 4430
Research for Business and Tourism 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 2230 and MATH 2208 or MATH 2500 or permission of the instructor
An introduction to the basic principles of the marketing research process with emphasis on methods used to gather, analyze, and evaluate qualitative and quantitative data to reduce risks involved in business decision-making. Note: Students who have received credit for THMT 3312 or PBRL 3016 may not take this course for credit.

THMT 4442
Special Topics in Tourism and Hospitality Management 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): restricted to students who have completed 15.0 units in the tourism and hospitality management or the business administration degree programs or permission of the instructor
An in-depth study of management and operational issues that are of specific importance to the student’s chosen field, largely through independent research. Topics could include research methods, current literature review, computer applications, technological advances, etc. The specific topics will vary from year to year, depending on current developments within the industry. Seminar/workshop hours, plus independent research.

THMT 4444
Sustainable Tourism: A Global Perspective 0.5 unit
Prerequisite: Restricted to students who have completed 15.0 units in the tourism and hospitality management or the business administration degree programs or permission of the instructor.
An advanced study of the evolving field of sustainable tourism. Students will learn to recognize and understand how sustainable tourism issues unfold globally and geographically, including socioeconomic conditions in lesser developed countries and other international settings. Students will learn to identify and recommend potential sustainable solutions.

THMT 4446/BUSI 4446
New Venture Creation for Business and Tourism 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): BUSI 1112 or THMT 1101 and BUSI/THMT 3311 or permission of the instructor
A focus on the practical application of a business plan. Students will write a condensed business plan in the first two weeks of class then spend the remainder of the term operating the business.

THMT 4490
Directed Study or Research 0.5 unit
THMT 4491
Directed Study or Research 0.5 unit
Prerequisite(s): permission of the department. Normally, completion of 15.0 units of university credit and enrolment in the Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management degree program is required
An alternative to traditional coursework in which students plan their own syllabus, in consultation with the supervising professor. Students should choose their topic and apply for departmental permission before the term in which they want to take this course.

THMT 4499
Honours Thesis 1.0 unit
Prerequisite(s): open to students who have completed 15.0 units of the Honours Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management degree program
Honours students in tourism and hospitality management are required, in their final year, to undertake a research project in consultation with the department and to present a research paper at the conclusion of this project.


Academic Note: This web-based calendar information is applicable for the 2025-2026 academic year which runs from September 1, 2025 to August 31, 2026.

For information on previous years, please consult the University Academic Calendars web page.

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