BUSI*1112-JA Introduction to Business Admininistration
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Asynchronous Online
A self-guided and self-paced course without scheduled meetings. You can work on tasks whenever suits your situation in order to meet set deadlines. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course Description: An overview of the fundamental activities performed in businesses in the Canadian environment. Methodology includes lectures, class discussions, written assignments, tests and a term paper. (Also listed under Canadian Studies)
BUSI*2011-19 Intro to Entrepreneurship
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course Description: An examination of multi-disciplinary entrepreneurship geared to business, social and innovative venture creation. Students will explore the relevance of entrepreneurship to business and non-business ventures. Topics will include creativity, idea generation, social entrepreneurs, and basic business planning culminating in the creation of a venture.
BUSI*2060-18 Personal Finance
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course Description: An examination of strategies relating to managing and maximizing personal finances. Topics include consumer credit alternatives, financial instruments and institutions, family budgeting, pension strategies and strategic use of investment options, and traditional versus e-banking and e-investing.
BUSI*2202-19 Communications & Self-Management Skills
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course Description: A study of communications functions in organizations, including effective use of written, oral and electronic communications, and the principles of self-management: self-awareness, emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence, time and stress management, personal effectiveness, and resilience. Skills will be developed through individual and group in-class activities and online assignments.
BUSI*2214-19 – Organizational Behavior: Individuals in Organizations
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A study of individual-level principles of organizational behaviour. Topics such as organizational effectiveness, management theory, personality, perception, values, attitudes, and decision making will be examined to help individuals understand themselves and improve their effectiveness in modern organizations. Note: Students who have received credit for BUSI 2212 may not take this course for credit.
BUSI*2214-28 – Organizational Behavior: Individuals in Organizations
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A study of individual-level principles of organizational behaviour. Topics such as organizational effectiveness, management theory, personality, perception, values, attitudes, and decision making will be examined to help individuals understand themselves and improve their effectiveness in modern organizations. Note: Students who have received credit for BUSI 2212 may not take this course for credit.
BUSI*2215-19 – Organizational Behavior: Groups, Structure & Culture
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A study of group-level and system-level principles of organizational behaviour. Topics such as teams, power, leadership and organizational structure and culture will be examined to help individuals improve their effectiveness in modern organizations. Note: Students who have received credit for BUSI 2213 may not take this course for credit.
BUSI*2230-19 – Principles of Marketing
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An introductory course in marketing which uses lectures, discussions, and/or cases, and projects. Key topics include market segmentation, marketing mix, consumer behavior, marketing research, an introduction to marketing math, and forces impacting marketing planning in the modern world.
BUSI*2231-19 Applied Marketing
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Selected topics in marketing are discussed including marketing strategy, case analysis, marketing planning, marketing math, digital marketing, and marketing analytics. Lectures and case studies. BUSI 2230 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*2250-18 Business Ethics
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A course in applied ethics that explores the bearing of ethical theory on business-related issues, including advertising, consumer rights, managerial structures, discrimination in the workplace, and corporate responsibility. Casework helps the student to develop skills in decision- making.
BUSI*2259-19 Legal Aspects of Business
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A survey of the effect of law on commercial and industrial activities. Topics include: contracts, including sale, insurance, bailment, agency and employment; negotiable instruments, real property; forms of business organization; and credit transactions. (Also listed under Canadian Studies)
BUSI*2259-28 Legal Aspects of Business
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A survey of the effect of law on commercial and industrial activities. Topics include: contracts, including sale, insurance, bailment, agency and employment; negotiable instruments, real property; forms of business organization; and credit transactions. (Also listed under Canadian Studies)
BUSI*2307-18 Mi’kmaw/Indigenous Tourism
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Emphasis on Mi’kmaw culture and history. Students apply a Two-Eyed Seeing (Etuaptmumk) approach to support growth and awareness of Indigenous Tourism products, services and experiences. Students engage with Mi’kmaw Elders, Indigenous tourism operators, community leaders and/or knowledge holders to discuss issues in the Indigenous Tourism Sector.
BUSI*2321-19 Introduction to Accounting I
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A study of accounting with an emphasis on understanding financial statements and their use. The course will give students a working knowledge of the application of accounting while including details on the effect of transactions on accounts, accrual accounting, recording entries, and time value of money. Note: Students who have received credit for BUSI 2221 may not take this course for credit.
BUSI*2322-19 Introduction to Accounting II
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An expansion of concepts in BUSI 2321. Topics include financial statements, accounting for cash, accounts receivable, inventory, property, plant and equipment, liabilities, equity, revenue recognition principles and others. The course will prepare students for Intermediate accounting. Note: Students who have received credit for BUSI 2221/2222 may not take this course for credit. BUSI 2321 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*2601-19 Intro to the Nonprofit Sector
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An overview of the nonprofit sector in Canada along with the fundamental activities performed in all organizations such as marketing, accounting, human resource management, and strategic planning. It emphasizes the unique characteristics of nonprofit organizations and their administration, which separates them from for-profit organizations.
BUSI*3308-19 – Operations Management
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Operations management as an integral part of many functional areas of business. Topics include productivity improvement, forecasting, designing goods and services, allocating resources, project management, inventory management, quality assurance and capacity planning and where applicable, mathematical methods for evaluating alternatives. Note: BUSI 2214, 2215 and MATH 2208, 2209 or MATH 2500 or permission of the instructor – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3311-21 – Small Business Management
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Asynchronous Online
A self-guided and self-paced course without scheduled meetings. You can work on tasks whenever suits your situation in order to meet set deadlines. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An introduction to the start-up and management of small and medium business. Topics include planning, organizational structure, accessing capital, managing growth, building management teams, succession planning, bankruptcy and family business. BUSI 2321 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3313-19 – Human Resource Management
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of the growing importance of the human resource function in the modern organization with a focus on the key functions including recruitment, selection, training and development, performance management, compensation, occupational health and safety and new and emerging workplace issues. Note: BUSI 2215 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3314-19 Labor Relations
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A study of the employment relationship in the unionized workplace with a focus on unions and their role in modern organizations. Topics include: the new workplace and changing work patterns, union membership, structure and history, the future of unions, collective bargaining, the grievance procedure and strikes. Students normally will participate in a mock collective barganing exercise aimed at developing negotiation skills. (Also listed under Canadian Studies). BUSI 2215 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3316-19 – Organizational Topics
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of various structural and human elements of organizations. Major topics will include personal skills development (e.g. self- awareness, stress management) and interpersonal skills development (e.g. communication, power and influence, motivation and conflict management). Lectures, cases, exercises, group discussions and films will be used to highlight management skills and help course participants to develop and practice these skills. Note: BUSI 2215 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3320-19 – Managerial Accounting
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An application of the techniques learned in BUSI 2321 with special emphasis on the preparation of reports which provide information for decision-making by management. Different costing systems are examined through an analysis of cost behaviour and budgeting procedures are also examined. Note: Students who have received credit for THMT 3221 may not take this course for credit. BUSI 2321 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3320-28 – Managerial Accounting
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An application of the techniques learned in BUSI 2321 with special emphasis on the preparation of reports which provide information for decision-making by management. Different costing systems are examined through an analysis of cost behaviour and budgeting procedures are also examined. Note: Students who have received credit for THMT 3221 may not take this course for credit. BUSI 2321 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3324-18 Taxation
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A study of Canadian taxation emphasizing the calculation of income for tax purposes, income tax payable for individuals, and income tax administration, enabling students to recognize tax implications of decisions they will face in their future careers and situations where external expert advice is needed. (Also listed under Canadian Studies). Note: BUSI 2322 or permission of the instructor – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3326-18 Intermediate Accounting: Equities
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of accounting/reporting of liabilities, contingent losses, bonds, equity transactions, earnings per share, future income taxes, pensions, leases, changes in accounting methods, errors and the cash flow statement in accordance with IFRS and ASPE requirements. Note: BUSI 3325 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3330-18 Digital Marketing Analytics
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Evaluating digital marketing strategies using Google analytics and other metrics to create data-driven and effective social media strategies for business and tourism. Lectures, case studies. Project work may be required. Note: BUSI 2230 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3331-01 Consumer Behavior
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Multi-Access On-Campus
Instruction is a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Scheduled courses have a single group of students that meet in real time using virtual meeting software at a reduced number of assigned days/times. The course instructor will communicate expectations for synchronous and asynchronous engagement. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Consumer decision models will be used to explain the processes involved in consumer behaviour. The consumer will be studied from the perspectives of sociology, psychology and economics. Case studies and/or projects will be used to analyze practical implications of consumer behaviour. Note: BUSI 2230 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3331-19 Consumer Behavior
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Consumer decision models will be used to explain the processes involved in consumer behaviour. The consumer will be studied from the perspectives of sociology, psychology and economics. Case studies and/or projects will be used to analyze practical implications of consumer behaviour. Note: BUSI 2230 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3332-01 Retailing Management
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Multi-Access On-Campus
Instruction is a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Scheduled courses have a single group of students that meet in real time using virtual meeting software at a reduced number of assigned days/times. The course instructor will communicate expectations for synchronous and asynchronous engagement. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Fundamental principles and policy considerations for the successful management of modern-day retailing organizations. Emphasis is placed on aspects of retailing geography, merchandising and pricing. Lectures and case studies. Note: BUSI 2230 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3332-18 Retailing Management
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Fundamental principles and policy considerations for the successful management of modern-day retailing organizations. Emphasis is placed on aspects of retailing geography, merchandising and pricing. Lectures and case studies. Note: BUSI 2230 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3334-18 Personal Selling & Sales Management
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of the process involved in personal selling, personally selling techniques and sales management with analysis of the importance of this area to the overall success of a business organization. Lectures, role-playing, case studies and/or a major project. Note: BUSI 2230 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3338-01 Not-for-Profit Marketing
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Multi-Access On-Campus
Instruction is a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Scheduled courses have a single group of students that meet in real time using virtual meeting software at a reduced number of assigned days/times. The course instructor will communicate expectations for synchronous and asynchronous engagement. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An introduction to the issues and problems facing marketers in the not-for-profit and public sectors. The focus will be on understanding and appreciating the special problems facing firms in these sectors and on learning to adapt fundamental marketing principles to suit the special needs of these organizations. Case studies and project work may be required. Note: BUSI 2230 or permission of instructor – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3338-18 Not-for-Profit Marketing
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An introduction to the issues and problems facing marketers in the not-for-profit and public sectors. The focus will be on understanding and appreciating the special problems facing firms in these sectors and on learning to adapt fundamental marketing principles to suit the special needs of these organizations. Case studies and project work may be required. Note: BUSI 2230 or permission of instructor – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3339-01 Integrated Marketing Communications
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Multi-Access On-Campus
Instruction is a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Scheduled courses have a single group of students that meet in real time using virtual meeting software at a reduced number of assigned days/times. The course instructor will communicate expectations for synchronous and asynchronous engagement. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An analysis of marketing communications focusing on the planning and design of multi-media promotional campaigns, digital, traditional, and direct response media, public relations, and guerilla marketing. Lectures, case studies. Project work may be required. Note: Students who have received credit for BUSI 3336 may not take this course for credit. BUSI 2230 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3339-18 Integrated Marketing Communications
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An analysis of marketing communications focusing on the planning and design of multi-media promotional campaigns, digital, traditional, and direct response media, public relations, and guerilla marketing. Lectures, case studies. Project work may be required. Note: Students who have received credit for BUSI 3336 may not take this course for credit. BUSI 2230 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3360-19 – Finance I
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An introduction to the fundamentals of business finance. Topics include an introduction to finance, and financial markets, measuring corporate performance, time value of money, bond and stock valuation, capital budgeting techniques, financial planning and management of working capital as well as other appropriate topics. Note: BUSI 2321 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3360-28 – Finance I
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An introduction to the fundamentals of business finance. Topics include an introduction to finance, and financial markets, measuring corporate performance, time value of money, bond and stock valuation, capital budgeting techniques, financial planning and management of working capital as well as other appropriate topics. Note: BUSI 2321 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3361-19 Finance II
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Fundamentals of business finance. Topics include risk and return, cost of capital, corporate financing, financial leverage and capital structures, dividend policy, leasing, mergers and acquisitions and the basics of financial risk management as well as other appropriate topics. BUSI 2321 and MATH 2209 (MATH 2209 may be taken concurrently) or MATH 2500 – Must be completed prior to taking this course. Take MATH*2209; – Must be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course.
BUSI*3361-28 Finance II
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Fundamentals of business finance. Topics include risk and return, cost of capital, corporate financing, financial leverage and capital structures, dividend policy, leasing, mergers and acquisitions and the basics of financial risk management as well as other appropriate topics. BUSI 2321 and MATH 2209 (MATH 2209 may be taken concurrently) or MATH 2500 – Must be completed prior to taking this course. Take MATH*2209; – Must be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course.
BUSI*3402-18 Destination Marketing
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Examines key principles and concepts of destination marketing and management, building attractiveness and sustainability. Building upon marketing concepts, approaches and issues associated with the management and marketing of destinations and tourism experiences. Topics include destination branding, strategies and segmentation, pricing, and distribution within regional, national, and international context. Note: BUSI 2230 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3501-18 Data Analytics for Business
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Data analytics for decision making. In this course students will learn how to analyze and interpret data. Emphasis will be placed on preparing the data for analysis and using tools such as Excel, Power BI, and Tableau. The course satisfies CPA data analytics competency requirements for entry into CPA program. Note: BUSI 2321 and BUSI 2322 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3604-01 Nonprofit Financial Management
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Multi-Access On-Campus
Instruction is a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Scheduled courses have a single group of students that meet in real time using virtual meeting software at a reduced number of assigned days/times. The course instructor will communicate expectations for synchronous and asynchronous engagement.
Course description: An examination of financial management in a nonprofit environment focusing on management rather than technical aspects. Topics include understanding and analyzing financial reports, budgeting, performance management, risk management, liquidity and cash management, the role of the audit and finance committees, social accounting and accountability, and regulatory requirements for nonprofit organizations. Note: BUSI 2601 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*3604-18 Nonprofit Financial Management
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of financial management in a nonprofit environment focusing on management rather than technical aspects. Topics include understanding and analyzing financial reports, budgeting, performance management, risk management, liquidity and cash management, the role of the audit and finance committees, social accounting and accountability, and regulatory requirements for nonprofit organizations. Note: BUSI 2601 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4400-19 – Business Policy
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Asynchronous Online
A self-guided and self-paced course without scheduled meetings. You can work on tasks whenever suits your situation in order to meet set deadlines. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Case studies designed to reinforce knowledge of the management process and the development of business policies through the study and resolution of actual management situations. Note: Restricted to senior Bachelor of Business Administration students who have completed BUSI 2231, 2259, 3308, 3320, 3360, 3361 or permission of the instructor or restricted to senior Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management students who have completed 15.0 units in the Tourism and Hospitality Management program including BUSI 2230, BUSI 2259, BUSI 3320 or THMT 3221 and BUSI 3361 or THMT 3362 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4406-21 Managing Diversity: Gender & Issues
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A seminar course that examines issues faced by women and minority groups in the work place. Topics include discrimination based on gender and other factors, a comparison of men and women in organizations, legal implications of discrimination and managing diversity. Note: Students who have received credit for BUSI 4407 may not take this course for credit. At least 10.0 units of university-level courses – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4410-01 Small Business Consultancy
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Multi-Access On-Campus
Instruction is a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Scheduled courses have a single group of students that meet in real time using virtual meeting software at a reduced number of assigned days/times. The course instructor will communicate expectations for synchronous and asynchronous engagement. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An introduction to small business consulting through research, projects and presentations. Note: 10.0 units of BUSI or THMT – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4410-18 Small Business Consultancy
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An introduction to small business consulting through research, projects and presentations. Note: 10.0 units of BUSI or THMT – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4412-01 Values in a Business Society
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Multi-Access On-Campus
Instruction is a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Scheduled courses have a single group of students that meet in real time using virtual meeting software at a reduced number of assigned days/times. The course instructor will communicate expectations for synchronous and asynchronous engagement. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An investigation of the role of business in society. Various contemporary problems will be discussed in light of the concept of social responsibility and the response of the business sector to that responsibility. Note: Restricted to students who have completed at least 10.0 units of study. (BUSI 2250 recommended) – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4412-19 Values in a Business Society
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An investigation of the role of business in society. Various contemporary problems will be discussed in light of the concept of social responsibility and the response of the business sector to that responsibility. Note: Restricted to students who have completed at least 10.0 units of study. (BUSI 2250 recommended) – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4418-18 Strategic Human Resource Development
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of strategic human resource development. Topics such as performance management, instructional systems design, methods of developing people, methods of evaluation of developmental activities and management development will be considered in order to help managers develop compensation strategies that fit with and promote the organization’s broader goals and strategies. Note: BUSI 3313 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4424-18 Advanced Accounting II
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Advanced theory and problems in accounting. Topics include interim reporting, accounting for foreign currency transactions and hedging, translation of financial statements of foreign operations, government and not-for-profit organizations and accounting for financial instruments. The course will also focus on case methodology used to assess accounting issues. Note: BUSI 3325 and 3326 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4425-18 Cost Accounting
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A further study of cost concepts introduced in BUSI 3320, examining the cost accountant’s role on the management team and the use of cost information in planning and controlling of the organization. Topics include process costing, standards, budgeting, inventory management, differential costs and costing and pricing of products. Note: BUSI 3320 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4426-18 Advanced Cost Accounting
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A further student of managerial and cost accounting and auditing. This course develops an understanding of the interactions between planning and control systems and their relationship with the three basic themes of management accounting. Topics include internal control, management control systems, performance management, the balanced scorecard, and ethics/operations management and management accounting. Note: BUSI 4425 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4430-18 – Research for BUSI and THMT
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An introduction to the basic principles of the marketing research process with emphasis on methods used to gather, analyze, and evaluate qualitative and quantitative data to reduce risks involved in business decision-making. Note: Students who have received credit for THMT 3312 or PBRL 3016 may not take this course for credit. BUSI 2230 and MATH 2208 or MATH 2500 or permission of the instructor – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4432-18 International Marketing
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of the marketing problems associated with overseas trading, an appraisal of some psychological constraints to successful international marketing, and a discussion of the economic and financial incentives and constraints to international trading. Note: BUSI 2231 or permission of the instructor – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4434-02 Marketing Strategy & Management
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Multi-Access On-Campus
Instruction is a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Scheduled courses have a single group of students that meet in real time using virtual meeting software at a reduced number of assigned days/times. The course instructor will communicate expectations for synchronous and asynchronous engagement. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An advanced seminar based on simulations and case analyses that focuses on building the skills required for developing and executing marketing strategies in real-world situations. The course will build upon the tools and concepts learned in earlier marketing courses. Note: BUSI 2231, BUSI 3331, and at least 0.5 unit of marketing electives at the 3000 level, or permission of instructor. – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4434-19 Marketing Strategy & Management
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An advanced seminar based on simulations and case analyses that focuses on building the skills required for developing and executing marketing strategies in real-world situations. The course will build upon the tools and concepts learned in earlier marketing courses. Note: BUSI 2231, BUSI 3331, and at least 0.5 unit of marketing electives at the 3000 level, or permission of instructor. – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4446-18 New Venture Creation for BUSI/THMT
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A focus on the practical application of a business plan. Students will write a condensed business plan in the first two weeks of class then spend the remainder of the term operating the business. Note: BUSI 1112 or THMT 1101 and BUSI/THMT 3311 or permission of the instructor – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4464-01 International Finance
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Multi-Access On-Campus
Instruction is a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Scheduled courses have a single group of students that meet in real time using virtual meeting software at a reduced number of assigned days/times. The course instructor will communicate expectations for synchronous and asynchronous engagement.
Course description: This course takes a global perspective of the finance function; the reasons and the effects of exchange rate fluctuation with possible defensive and offensive postures, the international investment decision, risk management, international banking and import/export financing, international working capital management, international tax planning. Computer simulation and cases will be used. Note: BUSI 3360 and 3361 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4464-18 International Finance
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: This course takes a global perspective of the finance function; the reasons and the effects of exchange rate fluctuation with possible defensive and offensive postures, the international investment decision, risk management, international banking and import/export financing, international working capital management, international tax planning. Computer simulation and cases will be used. Note: BUSI 3360 and 3361 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4465-01 Financial Statement Analysis
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Multi-Access On-Campus
Instruction is a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Scheduled courses have a single group of students that meet in real time using virtual meeting software at a reduced number of assigned days/times. The course instructor will communicate expectations for synchronous and asynchronous engagement.
Course description: This course looks at the demand and supply forces underlying the provision of financial statement data, the properties of numbers derived from financial statements, the key aspects of decisions that use financial statement information, and the features of the environment in which these decisions are made. Note: BUSI 3360 and 3361 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BUSI*4465-18 Financial Statement Analysis
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: This course looks at the demand and supply forces underlying the provision of financial statement data, the properties of numbers derived from financial statements, the key aspects of decisions that use financial statement information, and the features of the environment in which these decisions are made. Note: BUSI 3360 and 3361 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*1110-19 Intro to Child and Youth Study
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An introduction to child and youth study. Students will be introduced to the academic study of children and youth, including issues and approaches related to childhood education, child and youth care, and it’s associated occupations. Emphasis will be on understanding the scope and nature of this discipline.
CHYS*1130-19 Theoretical Framework in CHYS
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An introduction to the theoretical and curriculum frameworks and approaches that influence philosophy and practice in child and youth study. Topics include the origins, issues, and underpinnings of theoretical and curriculum frameworks, current debates, and individual, cultural and family influences that guide philosophy and curriculum perspectives.
CHYS*2201-19 Diverse Capacities
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A critical exploration of current social, educational, ethical, and political issues including disability models (medical, social, cultural and critical). It also provides an overview of disabilities. Students will consider their future roles, and the roles of others, in the provision of services, advocacy and support that promote a capacity approach. Note: Students who have received credit for CHYS 3301 may not take this course for credit. Completion of 5.0 units of university credit including CHYS 1110 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*2204-18 Observation & Documentation in CHYS
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of the philosophy, purpose, methods, techniques and issues of observation and documentation in child and youth study. Topics include ethical practices of observation and documentation; selecting and utilizing appropriate observation and documentation methods; interpreting, applying and communicating information from observations. Note: CHYS 1120, PSYC 1120, and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study) – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*2204-19 Observation & Documentation in CHYS
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Asynchronous Online
A self-guided and self-paced course without scheduled meetings. You can work on tasks whenever suits your situation in order to meet set deadlines. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of the philosophy, purpose, methods, techniques and issues of observation and documentation in child and youth study. Topics include ethical practices of observation and documentation; selecting and utilizing appropriate observation and documentation methods; interpreting, applying and communicating information from observations. Note: CHYS 1120, PSYC 1120, and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study) – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*2208-18 ECE: Principles & Practices
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A focus on understanding and enhancing young children’s learning experiences in the early years. In this course students will learn principles, practices, and strategies applicable to the development and implementation of early learning and child care programs including reflective practice, responsive planning, and intentional teaching. Note: CHYS 1110, 1130, PSYC 1120 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study) – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*2209-18 Issues of Childhood
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of contemporary lived experiences of children with an emphasis on strategies for modifying problematic effects of those experiences in order to enhance the provision of their care, learning and development. Note: Students who have received credit for CHYS 2207 may not take this course for credit. Note: CHYS 1110, CHYS 1130, and PSYC 1120 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*3311-19 – Research Methods in CHYS
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An introduction to research literacy and diverse methods of research inquiry. Emphasis is placed on understanding research terminology and the fundamentals of research design for the purpose of interpreting research findings and considering their applications to fields of child and youth study. Note: Students who have received credit for CHYS 2211 may not take this course for credit. CHYS 1120, 2204, MATH 2209 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study) – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*3315-19 Play & Development: Middle Childhood
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of the social, health, and developmental issues of play and recreation over middle childhood (eight years) through adolescence. Students examine theoretical understandings, major socio-cultural influences, methods of observation and research, approaches for supporting and facilitating play and recreation for this age range. Note: Students who have received credit for CHYS 3312 may not take this course for credit. Note: CHYS 3314 and all specific prerequisites as noted for CHYS 3314 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study) – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*3327-18 Interpersonal Communication
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: The study and practice of basic interpersonal communication skills for the professional. Note: Completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 2251 or 3351 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*3339-18 Issues of Env Justice for C&Y
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of selected topics pertaining to children and youth. Topics will vary from year to year. This course does not require specialized knowledge of child and youth study. Note: Completion of 10.0 units of university credit – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*3601-18 ECE: Curriculum Approaches
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Blended
Instruction is a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Scheduled courses have a single group of students that meet in real time using virtual meeting software at a reduced number of assigned days/times. The course instructor will communicate expectations for synchronous and asynchronous engagement. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: A critical exploration of contemporary early childhood education curriculum approaches used in early learning and child care settings. Note: CHYS 2208 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*4407-18 Program Development & Leadership
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Students are involved in examining the theoretical knowledge, leadership roles and management strategies that have to be considered in the initial planning, policy making, organization and evaluation stages of programs for children and youth. A major emphasis is on the translation of theory into practice in order to attain program goals. Note: Completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 1110, two of CHYS 2251, CHYS 3351, CHYS 3352, CHYS 4451 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study) – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*4407-19 Program Development & Leadership
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Students are involved in examining the theoretical knowledge, leadership roles and management strategies that have to be considered in the initial planning, policy making, organization and evaluation stages of programs for children and youth. A major emphasis is on the translation of theory into practice in order to attain program goals. Note: Completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 1110, two of CHYS 2251, CHYS 3351, CHYS 3352, CHYS 4451 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study) – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*4420-01 Professional Knowledge & Skills for Youth
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Multi-Access On-Campus
Instruction is a blend of synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Scheduled courses have a single group of students that meet in real time using virtual meeting software at a reduced number of assigned days/times. The course instructor will communicate expectations for synchronous and asynchronous engagement. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of the essential components in care and treatment environments for youth and adolescents. Students will examine treatment interventions and programming for troubled adolescents and the professional role of the child and youth care workers in a variety of contexts. Note: CHYS 3320 – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*4421-19 Emerging Research Topics
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: Provides students with the skills and opportunities to engages in critical evaluation and application of research in the child and youth care field. Completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 3311 or equivalent, MATH 2209 and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study) – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*4422-19 EI: Theory and Practice
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An examination of current research, trends and issues in the field of early intervention i.e., services for children with diagnosed delay aged 0-6 years. The major emphasis will be on the integration of theory and practice, program delivery and professional developmental interventionist competencies. Note: Completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 2201 (or CHYS 3301), PSYC 2222, and two of CHYS 2251/3351/3352/4451, and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study) – Must be completed prior to taking this course.
CHYS*4423-18 Psychosocial Care of Children
Course credits: 0.5 credits
Delivery method: Synchronous Online
A scheduled course with weekly meetings. You’ll meet online with your instructor at assigned times using virtual meeting software. You can join your class from wherever you’re located. Find detailed information on the various course delivery modes.
Course description: An overview of theory, research and practice related to the care of children, youth and families in health care settings, with particular emphasis on child life professional practice. Content related to assessment, intervention and professional responsibility will be emphasized. Note: Completion of 10.0 units of university credit including CHYS 3314 and 3315, and admission to the Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Study)CHYS 3315 may be taken concurrently – Must be completed prior to taking this course. Take CHYS*3315; – Must be taken either prior to or at the same time as this course.